AVN Members write to the HCCC
Several of our members have been inspired to write to the HCCC regarding their warning about information provided by the AVN. I am putting their letters here so those of you who feel moved to write in support of the AVN's work can also write to express your feelings. Please send your letters to:
Kimber Swan - Executive Officer Health Care Complaints Commission kswan@hccc.nsw.gov.au
And please cc me at meryl@avn.org.au
Dear Mr Swan,
I am writing to express my disgust at yours and the HCCC's treatment of the AVN. Given that there is no information openly provided to the public by the Government (State or Federal) or Health Care providers about the ingredients used in vaccines & the possible risks of vaccination, the AVN is to be commended for being the only group who is open & honest enough to provide this information.
When I asked my doctor about the ingredients used in the Hepatitis B vaccine and the possible risks, it was quite evident that he had no clue about the ingredients & their safety and gave the standard "well we can never guarantee that a child won't have a reaction" response. End of conversation.
When I asked why it was now necessary to give newborn babies the Hepatitus vaccination at birth, rather than as a teenager, as was the practice when I was at school, I was also given a very uneducated, limp-wristed response that "he 'guessed' it was probably an administrative issue in that it was easier to administer the vaccine while the child was still young, rather than trying to follow them up as teenagers". Not sure about you, but when a doctor starts having to ''guess', I start to feel a little uneasy!
Needless to say, I was dumbfounded that the reason newborns, with fragile immune systems were being pumped with a vaccine so soon after birth was to make the process of vaccination easier for the government! One also wonders why it is necessary to put added stress on a baby's immune system in order to vaccinate them against a disease whose most common form of transmission is through sexual intercourse and use of intravenous drugs? Are our newborns really at such risk?
Given the extreme lack of information provided by government & healthcare providers about the risks, it is no wonder that so many people are turning to organisations like the AVN for information. Despite your claim, every time I have read an article posted by the AVN, I have located the original source (medical, science journal etc.) that was quoted to check the AVN's accuracy. EVERY time, I have found their reporting to be truthful and accurate.
Only when there is adequate & honest reporting & documentation of adverse reactions to vaccinations & their risks, and this information is made clear to the public, will there be any kind of balanced view offered on this very important topic. In the meantime, I will continue to read the AVN's information with great interest.
As for the HCCC's web site... I now have very little faith in it's accuracy and intention to care for the public's health, and a great suspicion of it's biased agenda. Perhaps the HCCC should include a statement in a prominent position on its website to the following effect:
The HCCC's purpose is to provide misleading information about the importance & efficacy of vaccination, in order to perpetuate the substantial amount of one-sided, pro-vaccination information available everywhere.
The information provided by the HCCC should not be read as medical advice, as we clearly have not taken the Hippocratic Oath in which we swear to practice medicine ethically and act in a manner that is for the good of the patient.
The decision about whether or not to vaccinate should not be made soley in consultation with a health care provider, as most are clueless about the efficacy of vaccines and their potential risks to your child. If you are remotely of an inquiring mind, we recommend you do some reading and educate yourself in your own time, as we certainly have no interest in your health and well being, or that of your child.
The Commission gives lip-service and says that it is important for there to be debate on the issue of vaccination. However, when it looks like an organisation is actually providing the public with hard facts that contradict what we think, we will make every attempt to discredit them and shut them down, even if it means resorting to unfair and illegal tactics!
I am off the cuddle my beautiful, healthy unvaccinated son.
Have a nice day,
Re: Public warning about the AVN I've come to realise that the government of this country certainly does not have my best health interests at the forefront of its agenda. Far from it. Perhaps if this government was not so financially pulled and swayed by the drug company's financial contributions, there would not be any need for the AVN and the likes. But unfortunately, it is.
Perhaps if adverse vaccine reactions were properly reported and conveyed to the media, there would not be a need for the AVN.
Perhaps if the doctors in this country were not financially rewarded by the drug manufacturers for administering vaccines, there would not be a need for the AVN.
Perhaps if children were not repeatedly harmed in NUMEROUS ways by vaccines other than a mild rash and fever that is cured by panadol (which as a mother of three is nearly all that I was informed of in terms of a safety issue with vaccines given to me by my healthcare providers), there would not be a need for the AVN.
But until the government stands up and publicly puts forward the full face of the vaccine industry, there is most certainly a need for the AVN.
There is a plethora of heavily biased, skewed research, and fear tactical pro-vaccine information on the web. I have spent hours on both sides of the coin - and I am very very grateful that someone is out there that is willing to expose the other side.
Why don't you head over to the pro-vaccine websites and tell them to post the other side of the vaccine debate? What would be unethical about that?
It is very clear to me that the AVN advocates to investigate before vaccinating. It is splattered all over every page in their website. Why is that an issue? What don't you want the public to investigate? Sounds a bit suspect, if you ask me.
In good health and awareness,
AP Victoria
To Mr Kim Swan Wake up and start using your brain.
The information that the AVN provides is invaluable for parents who want to make an informed choice about vaccinating their children.
If you want to provide a warning to the general public, tell them this:
Dear Public Your Government, and the majority of doctors practising today, are ignorant to the effects of vaccines in the general population. So much so that they don't even actively seek to collate any information about adverse reactions from vaccines and rather would prefer to stick their head in the sand so they can continue to preach that vaccination is 'safe and effective'.
I mean if they actually collated the information, the amount of incidences they would have to register would mean that they would be knowingly lying when they say that it is safe and effective. Without the information, they can continue to claim ignorance.
Someone genuinely interested in the health of people should be looking for the truth. Not just the party line. You should be ashamed to make the claim that you are 'Protecting public health and safety'. Your organisation has no credibility now that you are attacking the AVN. They are pro-choice, not anti-vaccine. They are giving us information any responsible Government would be doing. We don't have one of those so thankfully we have them. I for one support the AVN both financially and for the information they provide.
And thankfully, not all doctors are blind to the ignorance. Check this out http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/ for some informed thoughts. But they have already contacted you to ask you to open your eyes but it looks like you've ignored that too.
You had the chance to lead through knowledge and you chose to follow in ignorance. Any good that your organisation has done in the past will be tainted by this choice you have made.
Have a lovely day :)