Cervical Cancer Jab Researcher Warns of Risks
Cervical cancer jab researcher warns of risks | Irish Examiner
THE leading researcher in the development of the cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil, has called it a "public health experiment" and has warned that parents must be made aware of the serious adverse events associated with its use.
"However, concerns are mounting with in excess of 18,000 adverse reactions recorded in the US, including 75 deaths. Adverse reactions have also been recorded in New Zealand, Canada and Australia"
In Australia, there was a 1662.5% increase in adverse reactions in the first 12 months after Gardasil was introduced here. 17 women and girls a week were reporting serious reactions in Australia but since then, the government has suppressed information on the actual reactions that are occurring.
In the US only about 1% of serious adverse reactions are reported to the Federally-run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database. This means that the actual figure could be far closer to 7,500 deaths and 1.8 million serious adverse reactions.
For more information, please view stories at the following links:
Gardasil causes 400 percent more detahs than other common vaccines
Part 7 - Gardasil and the Harper
The following 2 websites are excellent resources for further information on the risks of both Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines