Meryl, do you think that this could have been an experiment to -

a) destroy peoples immune systems

and, since the fatigue of the over-reaction has set in to people

b) bring peoples defenses down psychologically, to not take the next bioweapon seriously.

If the Boston virus variant that they have cooked up is as "virulent" and deadly as they say, we could be in for a wild time.

Also, do you believe in viruses as such. Or are you more on say Andrew Kaufmans' line of thinking?

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I think it's a bit late to take much action if the main reason they might be dying is because they've had - and continue to have - covid injections. Even if we stopped the covid jab rollout in its tracks RIGHT NOW, these deaths, and heaps more to come, will probably still occur. Because people have ALREADY been (irreversibly?) poisoned.

Changing how politics and the health system work would be great, but that's not going to happen without the biggest fight, ever, and it's probably not going to help too many people right now. For the time being, I think we should expect a lot more deaths.

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I'm afraid you're right...but pray you're not. :-(

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My oh so charming and now 3x-jabbed sister said to me years ago: "The annoying thing about you., Robyn, is that you're usually right!"

I think after saying this, she then proceeded to ignore everything I ever told her, ha ha!

We are going to have more deaths because of the chronicity of people's health problems - but the thing is, we already ARE seeing more deaths. Everyone I talk to says they know multiple people who have died recently - and where you would not EXPECT them to be dead! All I've got is one dead uncle-in-law and one dead ex-patient (and it would've been a few more if they hadn't had emergency 'medical' care!) that are either definitely or probably from the jabs (ie a factor in their death, either primary or secondary) - not to mention cancer increases that were in remission and flare-ups of other pre-existing issues, as well as new health concerns, all post-jab. Co-incidence? I don't think so. When it comes to healthcare, especially, I don't think there ARE any co-incidences. It's just that most people haven't figured out what's going on yet.

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The vaccine paradigm is a complete fraud. It's been going on for over 60 years. I am reading 'Turtles all the way down" a brilliant book backed up by peer reviewed studies, etc. Even peer reviewers cannot get access to the raw data to investigate whether the study conducted was legit or not. I highly recommend this book for everyone, especially parents of young children.

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Yesss, Yesss, Yesss! But the arrogant & ignorant defied reason & logic & the true love of many in the field of science & medicine who tried repeatedly to warn & educate out of care & concern !💔

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