Latest News: A compilation of some of the top stories in the world of vaccination and health freedom+
As always, this edition is too long for email so don't miss out on any information. Click to read it on the Substack website and please don't forget to share/comment too!
You all know how much I admire Neil Oliver and his take on everything from war to liberty to revolution and more. Three days ago, he posted a video that I think is so pertinent to where we actually find ourselves now that I just had to share it as the first section of this week’s compilation. Neil, I am alongside of you and I have a feeling that many of the wonderful Informed Choice readers are too.
The amazing American lawyer, Aaron Siri, recently testified about vaccination before the Arizona State Senate. The clip below is very important as it explains how indemnity against lawsuits came about and why that single decision has had such devastating effects on health worldwide. To view the entire nearly 2-hour presentation, click this link. You can also purchase Dr Andrew Wakefield’s docu-drama called 1986: The Act from the AVN if you’d like to know more.
COVID jabs won’t increase your risk of heart damage. We’ve been told this time and time again despite all the evidence to the contrary. Yet Pfizer has the following on their website.
As a matter of interest (totally my own), I searched the website for the word “Myocarditis” and found 101 results - most of them from a quick glance concerned Myocarditis in relation to COVID jabs. A similar search of however found 0 results. Things that make you go hmmmm
In relation to the Pfizer information, this video from Dr Teck Khong (DrTeckKhong on Twitter) from October 2021 - that’s right, 2 full years ago - should have rung the alarm bells and gotten these jabs withdrawn then and there. Instead…🦗🦗🦗
The wonderful Our Voices Matter (OV_Matter on Twitter) shared the following video and table. I’ve shared the table before, but it bears repeating. Our government is a criminal cabal that is committing democide each and every day. Prove me wrong.
May I take a moment and just say how impressed I am and have been with Senator Gerard Rennick? He is apparently not being preselected for his seat in the Senate next federal election. It would be a shame to lose someone of his calibre - he is intelligent, caring and has great integrity. If you are a Liberal Party member, you might want to take a moment to write to the party locally and in Canberra and tell them how much you abhor this action and demand that Rennick be the Senate candidate for QLD.
8,706 Excess deaths in 2021
20k Excess deaths in 2022
140k injuries (Under-reported)
Chief health officer Brendan Murphy never read the non-clinical report for the Pfizer potion. However, claimed it was safe & effective
According to Steve Kirsch’s excellent Substack, due to the now proven adulteration/contamination of the COVID jabs, the genetic-modification injections masquerading as vaccines are now required BY LAW to be removed from the market in the US and the indemnity given to Pfizer and Moderna is null and void. I hope and pray that he is right. Lawyers - get to work!
Ask your doctor if dying after a COVID injectable is right for you…
The wonderful Nick Hudson of South Africa’s PANDA Organisation recently made a presentation to the Actuarial Society of South Africa. You can watch it by clicking the image below. I just wanted you all to see this one particular table. Look at it carefully. Though it is government data, no mainstream media outlet has reported on this.
Perhaps this should be more than a 'peeve'... the 1900 Constitution has specific clauses I believe that 'alteration' or other activity against the Constitution may provoke severe penalties. This can only occur of course if the people demand and enforce it.
Legislators I understand must use the Macquarie Law dictionary which I have been told we can access on-line via the State libraries.
Before the covid scam started,there was a video which I found and posted it on Facebook. A video of Bill Gates on stage addressing the CIA on vaccines that "we" have developed. In his presentation he openly bragged what these vaccines could do.such as even change the thoughts of his words "we can do just about anything with these vaccines " not long after the covid scam started,I looked everywhere on the Internet to find this video has been completely erased .I found a message somewhere, but can't remember said people have tried looking for a Bill Gates video of the CIA and vaccines ( this video never existed) or words to that effect. We all know now about censorship since this all started.At least the covid scam has woken millions of people up around the world.