Mercury is linked with Alzheimer's Disease
Boyd E. Haley response to Alzheimers Society's Position on Dental Amalgam
Take a flu shot every year and you increase your risk of Alzheimer's (and other conditions) exponentially. Below is a snippet from Boyd Haley - expert in mercury toxicity. To read the entire piece, just follow the link above:
6. This year in the Journal of Neurochemistry a report came out that showed that the exposure of neuroblastoma cells in culture to nanomolar levels of mercury (much lower than is found in brain) lead to the subsequent "hyperphosphorylation of a protein called Tau" and to greatly increased secretion of "beta amyloid protein-the protein that makes up amyloid or 'senile' plaques". Senile plaques are the "diagnostic hallmark of AD" and projected by many as being causal of AD.
7. Dr. Lorscheider, my collaborator in mercury research, has submitted an article where a neuron in culture was exposed to 0.1 nanomolar mercury and filmed through a microscope. The result was that the axon broke open and the tubulin and tubulin associated proteins abnormally aggregated into a body that was "indistinguishable from a neurofibillary tangle" the second "diagnostic hallmark" of AD on pathology.