OpenDAEN is a user-friendly and fast NEW database of Covid vax adverse event notifications covering AUSTRALIA, based on the public government data listed on the TGA DAEN. However, it has search engines for case numbers and batch numbers and other filters, including graphs and tables. Here is the livestream launch recorded video on Rumble for those who want to see how OpenDAEN works - Dr Paul Oosterhuis with Sharon Cousins and Host, Michael Griffith of Cafe Locked Out.
OpenDAEN is a user-friendly and fast NEW database of Covid vax adverse event notifications covering AUSTRALIA, based on the public government data listed on the TGA DAEN. However, it has search engines for case numbers and batch numbers and other filters, including graphs and tables. Here is the livestream launch recorded video on Rumble for those who want to see how OpenDAEN works - Dr Paul Oosterhuis with Sharon Cousins and Host, Michael Griffith of Cafe Locked Out.
Link to website
DAEN = Drug Adverse Event Report?
My apologies - I should have put the link in. It is the Australian Database of Adverse Event Notifications -