She nails it! She is justifiably angry, and so am I. My hubby got cancer from taking 2 Moderna shots because his docs recommended it due to his other condition. I left the decision to him though he knew my views. Angry? It doesn’t begin to cover it really. And we are only seeing the beginning of the damage worldwide. So I say great video and yes, let’s stay pissed off until every one of those responsible is held accountable.

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My husband is also vaccine injured (myself and my kids didn't take it but his kids from a previous marriage forced him to in order for him to see them - they are adults now and refuse to admit he is vaccine injured even as he lost his job and 50 pounds of muscle they are stubbornly blind to the reality) and we are in a class action lawsuit against Pfizer now but this makes me feel we need to sue the Canadian government instead!!!!

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Feb 4Liked by Meryl Dorey

Triple vax them all.

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Only triple?

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3 vax. Should be enough to maim them and let them suffer.

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Yes Meryl thank you so much for this link and for this story.

Good luck you wonderful person with a damaged partner I stand with you.

I have been down all the paths you mention.

Is there enough rope?

Do we insist that they take the shots themselves?

And so on..............................

It is shifting everyday but here is where I am today.

Work for a criminal investigation into the connection between the deaths and injuries because some of the injuries are worse than death in preference to an inquiry or Royal Commission.

IF we ever get to it there will be the clever lawyers and the systemic corruption to deal with AND the facts.

The fact is that people's lives have been laid waste before the Covid jab. People very close to me were damaged for life by routine medical procedures before 2020. In a totally sick and unjust way this will be used as mitigation to those who are found by their actions or omissions to have caused or not tried to prevent death and serious illness.

Your honour this is the way it has always been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These lawyers will say on behalf of the perpetrators.

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Good carpentry is the answer.

Along with strong rope .....

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Love her attitude. These shots are killing and maiming people all over the world…we KNOW it and many researchers and doctors are finally PROVING it. The media as usual is not covering it. Maybe because they, too, are culpable for pushing the shots so hard.

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You all must just remember this has at least been going on since the original Rothchild started his empire and bankrupted the French king. Hundred of years ago. Who started the wars? who started the central banks. The illuminati has been going for hundreds of years. We are now heading for the renewed middle ages again.

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The governments are illegitimate.

They have lost any mandate to 'rule' when they aided and abetted the global democide.

When they declared war on their own people. As such this goes back decades and involves all 'parties'.

Cast out into the wilderness, swinging from lamp posts, given the Ghaddafi treatment, who knows how it will end.

But end it must.

Governments are in service of Evil.

Anarchy would be superior to the status quo.


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I'm not sure anarchy would be superior:


“I have no problem with sensible rules and laws, or their enforcement. In fact, I think sensible laws and rules should be enforced MORE than they are now. In many ways, society is already too anarchical, especially regarding what the rich can get away with. It is a free-for-all and feeding frenzy for those people, and they need to be brought to justice. Justice requires good laws and their strict enforcement. But society is upside down: sensible rules and laws are being ignored while an ever-increasing raft of new idiotic rules and laws are being pressed on us to keep us diverted and powerless. None of this is by accident, either. It is all part of the culture war: the class war being waged unilaterally so far by the rich against the poor and middle-class. The media—owned by the rich—of course reports this upside-down as well, trying to make us think the rich are in danger. But it is just the opposite. It is the poor that lose every battle. Anarchy would only make that worse, because the first line of justice and sensible laws is protecting the poor from the rich. For that reason, I believe that anarchists are either dupes, or—far more likely—plants from the upper class. They tell you laws are made by the upper class and benefit only them, so best do away with laws. But though partially true, that argument is flawed. It is true the wealthy make laws to benefit themselves, and those laws should be dismantled. But other laws have existed and still do exist that protect average people from the powerful, and we need more of those. Again, it isn't a question of laws or no laws, it is a question of bad laws or good laws.”

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The Island of Dr. Moreau by HG Wells has an appropriate ending.

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