Submissions called for into the MAD (Mis and Dis-information) Bill before Parliament
we only have until September 30th to write in so please don't put this off and share this post as widely as you possibly can.
Thank you to Senator Gerard Rennick of QLD for sharing this information.
The Australian government wants to hear what you have to say about their overwhelming desire to not hear what you have to say.
You only have until September 30th to make a submission and it doesn't need to be long - 2 or 3 sentences will do. But you MUST (please!) make a submission and share this with others. Let's flood the bastards!
Click the image below or click here to go to the submissions page.
This is a copy of the submission I wrote for the Australian Vaccination-risks Network the last time this legislation raised its ugly, totalitarian head. Feel free to take any information from here you’d like for your own submission.
Please send your submission in before the 30th.
Please share this post on all social media and with any like-minded groups.
Please don’t delay - we need our voices to be heard while we still have the right to speak.
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Account number 613872
I have made a submission and included my original ACMA submission to the first attempt at this legislation.
This is evil and wrong, and Science will be destroyed as only "approved" research on the "approved" areas will be allowed, and many will self censor and not do the research anyway.
I hope others here are putting in a submission, even if its a few sentences.
I have spoken to Peter Duttons office and they are claiming that they are concerned about the legislation, particularly that the govt and news organisations are exempt. But who knows what deal they may do.... I told them this legislation must not be amended, it needs to be thrown out and never revisited.