Meryl Nass, M.D.: Ireland: Narcolepsy rate 13 fold higher after Pandemrix/Irish Times etc.
The report, commissioned by the Department of Health, found there was 13-fold higher risk of narcolepsy among children and adolescents who received the vaccine compared with unvaccinated young people.
The results are very similar to those seen in similar studies in Sweden and Finland...
Dr Holohan emphasised that vaccination was very safe. "It is important that the current vaccination programmes continue to protect children and adults against the serious consequences caused by these preventable diseases," he said.
...On average, in each of the last three years in the US, 1.7 children per million died from influenza (swine flu and other types).
In Ireland, 50 children per million who received Pandemrix vaccine developed narcolepsy. Would you call that "very safe"? I'd like to see Dr. Holohan's risk-benefit analysis. And how would he comment on preventable vaccine injuries from untested vaccines?