Breaking Alert! If you buy meat at Coles, you might want to reconsider
And contact Coles to let them know why. Actually, contact them even if you don't buy meat there. They need to hear how harmful their policy is
So, the billionaire we all love to hate, the one who says there are too many people in the world on the one hand whilst saying he wants to save children on the other, Bill Gates, has been playing around with our food.
He has funded the creation of a poison called Bovaer, which is supposed to stop cows from farting because…GLOBAL WARMING!
When I say Bovaer is a poison, I am not being hyperbolic.
In the US, it was approved by the FDA as being safe and effective based only on data provided by the drug’s manufacturer. In a letter to the manufacturer, Neal Bataller, Director of the Division of Drug Compliance at the FDA stated that:
“Based on the information provided in your letter, Bovaer® 10 is an article (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of an animal, and therefore it is a drug. 1 However, the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) has considered whether it intends to exercise enforcement discretion with regard to certain requirements applicable to animal drugs for Bovaer® 10 – including requirements regarding new animal drug approval, pharmaceutical current Good Manufacturing Practice, adverse event reporting, labeling2 , drug establishment registration and drug product listing. …
Although Bovaer® 10 is an unapproved drug, at this time we do not intend to initiate enforcement action with respect to the drug requirements listed above for Elanco’s marketing Bovaer® 10 or use provided FDA continues to have no questions or public health concerns about Bovaer® 10.”
Do you see how that’s done? You send a letter to the right person at the FDA and nod-nod, wink-wink, your drug is approved - no questions asked.
And 12 months down the track, when Mr Bataller leaves his position at the FDA for a much higher-paid and more prestigious one at the drug’s manufacturer, Elanco US, lots of cows and people are dead, injured or infertile as a result, and nobody knows why. This is the definition of regulatory capture, and it is the order of business for the FDA, TGA, MHRA and most modern drug regulatory agencies.
Elanco’s press release a few days after this letter was sent, crows about the FDA saying that the drug was safe and effective (it said nothing of the kind - it said it was waiving its responsibility to determine that based purely on what Elanco had told it in correspondence) and that this drug had come about due to consumer demand.
In the UK, three of the main supermarket chains are selling meat from cattle that have received Bovaer in their feed as part of a trial. Yes, you read that right, they are trialling the meat on consumers - just like the COVID jab was trialled on the world.
We have been trained not to question.
But I question, and you should too.
Dangerous on skin or if inhaled-but perfectly healthy for ruminants and people to eat…
The following quote is from an article looking into Bovaer conducted at the behest of the European Commission. It is from 2021.
The FEEDAP Panel concluded that the active substance 3-NOP may be harmful if inhaled. It is irritant (but not corrosive) to skin, irritant to the eyes but it is not a skin sensitiser. As the genotoxicity of 3-NOP is not completely elucidated, the exposure through inhalation of the additive may represent an additional risk for the user. The Panel concluded that the additive has a potential to be efficacious in dairy cows to reduce enteric methane production under the proposed conditions of use. This conclusion was extrapolated to all other ruminants for milk production and reproduction.
The same article states that the genotoxicity (it’s ability to damage the genes, cause genetic mutations to those exposed to it) had not been evaluated and therefore, inhaling it could be harmful.
This is an additive put into cattle feed - both the cattle who will be eating it and the farmers who will be administering it will be inhaling it!
But apparently, the farmers who are involved in this trial are being paid for their participation. Hat Tip to the American Homesteader Substack for sharing this link.
And what goes into the cow is then transferred to the person who drinks the milk or eats the meat.
Direction Action is the best course
In the UK, one of the three supermarket chains selling this tainted meat, Arla, is facing a boycott by customers who don’t approve of the use of poison in their food.
Arla is facing growing calls for a boycott of its products after it announced the launch of a methane-reducing feed additive trial across some of its dairy farms this week.
Several thousand social media users on X have been pledging to shun the dairy giant’s brands since Tuesday due to unsubstantiated claims the additive could be unsafe, with some also linking the product to wider conspiracy theories centring on Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and climate change denial.
Arla’s flagship milk brand Cravendale and its leading butter brand Lurpak was trending on the social media platform today as a result.
However, the supplier has insisted the additive is safe and described the social media storm as “misinformation” and “completely false”.
I have purchased Lurpak in the past. Though I usually buy organic butter, I thought it was a good option because European regulations on food were more stringent than those in the US or Australia.
I won’t be buying it anymore, that’s for sure! And I will write to them to let them know why.
These are for-profit companies. Their bottom line is customers - lots of them - coming through the door and buying food. Anything that interrupts that flow of money is going to matter to them. They need to hear from us.
If you would like to write to Lurpak, you can use their Contact Page at this link.
Coles jumps on the bandwagon - let’s push them off
For your information, the highest reduction in ‘cattle emissions’ 🤪 I’ve seen in the papers I’ve looked at is 27%. So Coles’ claim that it reduces them by “at least 50%” sounds to me like a bit of a reach.
And even though I don’t shop at Coles, I will be writing to them too to say that I won’t be shopping there until they stop selling poisoned meat.
If you would like to get in touch with Coles to let them know that you won’t be shopping there until they stop selling this crap (politely), here is their contact.
While you’re at it, why not drop a line to Woolworths and Aldi too and let them know that you appreciate the fact that they haven’t started selling meat laced with Bovaer but if they do start, they will lose you as a customer.
Money talks and bullshit walks is the expression. It seems particularly apt here.
Try buying meat direct from the Australian farms:
Fresh meat delivered to your door, worth a look if you live in Oz!!
Thank you Meryl, most appreciate your heads up on this. Like you, I Thought the European Countries were more strict on food/drug additives in their foods because we cannot trust the Aus Grubberment and it's corrupt divisions especially CSIRO to Care about Aussies Health.
I have just tossed in the wheelie bin, one unopened 400g of Lurpak Butter and part used 250g stick of pretend Butter.
Lurpak Established 1901 on packaging with no information on this Bovaer DRUG. Knowing this DRUG was created to meet Cult Leaders/Activists and a Malthusian Brain Dead Pretend Computer/Science Know It All, Epstein Island Visitor Retard's standards.
Is the corrupt CSIRO experimenting with this Bovaer DRUG on our Aus Cattle Industry? I have heard snippets that CSIRO are purportedly experimenting with ModRNA DRUGS on selected cattle in Aus. Any cattle producer in Aus stupid enough to be involved in any of these experiments need to go and get several boosters in one hit.