Crisis Alert – Parents continue to make informed health choices – Australian Senate says they must be stopped
Dateline: June 28, 2013
On Tuesday this week, the Australian Senate, at the behest of medical doctor and Australian Greens Party Health Spokesperson, Senator Richard Di Natale, passed a motion regarding the consumer-run support group the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN). The Senate feels that parents who make informed choices about vaccination and other health issues pose a great threat to those in the community who are doing the ‘right thing’ and just listening to their doctors without question when it comes to vaccination. The Senate has called for the end of knowledge; the end of informed choice; and the end of the AVN.
Senator Di Natale: To move - That the Senate – (a) notes:
(i) the low vaccination rates in certain parts of Australia. and the threat this poses to the health of Australian children, and
(ii) the irresponsible campaign run by the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN), which is spreading misinformation about the risks of vaccination and discouraging parents from vaccinating their children; and
(b) calls on the AVN to immediately disband and cease their harmful and unscientific scare campaign against vaccines.
The REAL health crisis
The fact is that there IS a health crisis in Australia – but it is being caused by the government and their lack of care for the children and families of Australia. The crisis is that:
More than 40% of our children are currently suffering from and being treated for at least one chronic condition – in many cases, more then one.
The rates of autism have skyrocketed from less than 1 in 10,000 20 years ago to more than 1 in 50 today. Tens of thousands of parents say that their children were healthy and developing normally but quickly regressed following administration of vaccines. Instead of taking these parents seriously and investigating this TRUE health emergency, the government is now saying that anyone who states that vaccines could be associated with autism (claims that have been upheld in court cases around the world) should be gagged.
This generation of children – our children – will be the first generation in recorded history to have a shorter lifespan then the generation before. Thanks to the ‘miracle’ of modern medicine, we are dying younger and living sicker. Our health budget is strangling the nation and yet, the same people responsible for this disaster are the ones saying that those who criticise their policies should be stopped because – we criticise their policies. They even pass legislation specifically to stop us!
As few as 18,000 and as many as 54,000 Australians are killed every year by adverse reactions to properly prescribed medications, medical error and negligence, hospital-borne infections and gross medical negligence. The government knows this because this data is extrapolated from their own studies. With upwards of 1,000 Australians dying every week because of government-approved medicines and the doctors who administer them, we are still hearing that it is negligent for Australian citizens to band together to share information and support that is freely available in medical journals and on the internet.
The list could go on and on, but the fact is that the government actively ignores and suppresses this information and the sycophantic media does the same. Australians are living and dying young in complete ignorance of the real risks of these medical procedures they have been informed are ‘for their own good’. And the one organisation which is publicly calling for their rights to research, inform themselves and then, make free choices for their own health is being censored by what purports to be a democratic government.
It isn’t about vaccination-it’s about personal choice and YOUR human rights!
The AVN wants to inform every thinking Australian that this is NOT a vaccination issue. This is not even a health issue. This is an issue of basic human rights. Rights that are inalienable. No government can or should threaten to take them away and if an elected government or party does make these threats, they should be quickly and soundly deposed in a truly democratic manner – at the polls. If you have not yet gotten involved with the AVN and chosen to support us with your membership and / or donation, now is a great time to do so. We have plans to challenge legislation which will virtually require vaccination of children that is currently being introduced in just about every state and territory of Australia. We plan on striking a blow for freedom, but your assistance is needed to bring these plans to fruition. At the present time, we would like to urge everyone to join the AVN – it is only $25 / year and a large and active membership will prove to the government that many Australians from all walks of life are concerned about losing their freedom to speak, research and act in their own and their children’s best interests. If possible, make a donation as well. Apart from the links already included which will take you to our web shop where you can both join and donate to the AVN (as well as purchasing back issues of our magazines and books, videos and DVDs), you are welcome to pay for memberships or donations by any of the following methods: FAX us your credit card details as well as all contact information (so we can send you back a receipt) to 02 6678 0894. Direct deposit into our Westpac Bank Account. Please ensure that you leave your name as identification and email advice of your payment to so your payment can be credited correctly. The account details are below.
Account Name – AVN Inc. Trading As Living Wisdom BSB – 032591 Account number – 188215 Bank – Westpac Branch – Ballina
Extra help urgently needed
In addition, we would like anyone who can help with the following to contact us urgently by email or phone – or 02 6687 1699:
1- Legal support (Barristers, QCs, Solicitors) 2- Political support (lobbyists, those who know how to draft legislation) 3- Legwork support (letter writers, organisers, fundraisers) 4- Buddies to support parents trying to get their conscientious objection forms signed.
If you can help with any of the above, please step forward now by sending through an email and nominating which of these important jobs you would like to assist us with. And if you need help with a vaccine-related issue or if you or your child has been discriminated against because of their vaccination status or suffered a reaction to a vaccine, do not be silent. Report this to the AVN today! Report a reaction by clicking this link. All reactions are reported to the proper Australian Authorities to be added to the official statistics kept by our government though rarely ever investigated further. It is vital that all reactions are reported. Meryl Dorey, AVN Public Officer