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Del Bigtree's The HighWire Reports on the AVN's Federal Court Case

Thank you to Del and the entire HighWire team!

As many of you will know, aside from my writings on Substack, I am also the founder of The Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. (AVN)

The AVN started in 1994 to provide information and support around the issue of vaccination and to fight to preserve and protect every person’s right to make informed medical choices - no matter what those choices might be.

Our biggest fight to date is the one we’re currently involved in against the Secretary of the Department of Health, Brendan Murphy.

We are asking for a decision on 2 issues:

  1. The immediate suspension of COVID jabs for 5-11 year olds who obtain no benefit at all from this jab and are being harmed and even killed for no good reason. and

  2. The cancellation or suspension of all currently provisionally-approved COVID jabs due to the unprecedented deaths and injuries being caused by their use.

Due to an adverse decision on standing - a decision which the AVN’s legal team considers to be caused by a grave error in law - we are now faced with an appeal to the Federal Court. Before that appeal can take place, we will have to pay the government’s costs - a bar that is going to be very high for a non-profit organisation like the AVN to cross.

The HighWire and Del Bigtree - like knights in shining armour - came to our rescue to help publicise our plight. Between the donations raised by the viewers of that show and other organisations and individuals in Australia, we are getting very close to reaching our fund-raising goal to take this David vs Goliath battle on!

If anyone reading this would like to know more, here is where you can find the information:

AVN take TGA to Federal Court

Videos Regarding the Federal Court Case

And if you are able to assist with a donation - no matter how small - to this cause, here is where you can help with this effort:

AVN Judicial Review Fund

Please be sure to read the terms and conditions on that page - especially as it relates to potential refunds of donation amounts over $500 which could potentially be refunded on a pro-rata basis should there be funds left over in the kitty at the end of the court hearing.

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Informed Choice
Informed Choice
Meryl Dorey