I love my subscribers, but if you will comply with this newest push to tyranny, please unsubscribe NOW!
QLD is going back to recommending masks in public places and medical facilities. #DoNotComply!
Hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on an ineffective, dangerous experimental gene-modification injection.
Millions of Australians forced to roll up their sleeves to keep their jobs, travel or go out in public.
Hundreds of thousands of Australians have been injured, many permanently, and thousands have been killed by these jabs (despite the denials of the corrupt and totally bought TGA.
And according to this report, Australia is now in its eighth COVID wave, and two people are ‘fighting for their lives’.
Who are those people?
Are they jabbed against COVID?
Are they dying BECAUSE of medical treatment or in spite of it?
Do they even exist or are those numbers just part of the fear porn intended to sell the unsellable injections the government promised pHarma they would sell?
For anyone out there who is thinking of complying with these orders, I would like you to consider what your compliance the last time around meant for everyone else who believed in freedom.
This is going to sound harsh, but if your job, your mortgage or your drinks in pubs mean more to you than your freedom and your children’s future in this country, I would like to urge you to unsubscribe right not. You have no place on this Substack.
Informed Choice is home to those who believe in liberty and will fight for it even if that means standing up to tyrants.
Are you with me on this? If so, it is time to draw that legendary line in the sand.
E Pluribus Unum - from many, One.
I quit $125,000 per year job . Best decision I made . But still ... I won’t comply . Nor should anyone .
Our family will never conform or obey orders from elected peons or medical malpractice affectionados. We will resist and refuse. No shots, masks, spacing, nothing.