Is the Senate afraid of the Truth? Why else would they say no to an inquiry into the 17%+ increase in Excess Deaths since COVID jabs?
Senators Babet, Roberts, Canavan and Rennick ask important questions that the rest of the crew refuse to help answer. It is up to us now to ask these same questions of our own Senators!
Australia has gone through 3 years of hell due to Government ‘mistakes’, lies and tyranny. Down the track, we have lost tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of healthy young people. Inquiring minds are asking why this is.
Did the jab that was sold to us as a lifesaver instead take lives at numbers never before seen? Was the experimental COVID injection what has caused so many to pass away sooner than they should ever have done and if so, how can we stop this from happening again?
Yesterday, Senators Babet (UAP), Roberts (PHON), Canavan (NP) and Rennick (LNQ) all stood to back the following motion, proposed by Senator Babet:
It is a FACT that Australia’s level of excess deaths is higher than they’ve been per capita at any time since World War II.
It is a FACT that Australia’s levels of dementia and diabetes have seen exponential growth since the COVID jabs were introduced.
It is a FACT (not stated here) that the incidence of chronic conditions and cancer have increased to all-time highs over this same period.
It is a FACT that our number of live births has declined and the number of men and women who are unable to conceive healthy children has gone up.
You would think that all of Parliament - every single person who we have elected (supposedly) and whose salaries we pay with our taxes, would be asking and demanding answers to these questions posed by Senator Babet.
Instead, they have refused the Senator’s very necessary and basic request to look into this issue. They have refused to ask whether something that was introduced here and later mandated and forced upon Australians, could have done more harm than good.
What I would like to suggest is that each and every one of us contacts our own State Senators and asks them why they chose not to support this request. You have the absolute right to do so. Indeed, I think you have an absolute OBLIGATION to do so! Ask them why they aren’t at least a little bit curious about what is killing a record number of their constituents.
You can find their contact details at this link. Don’t email - either call or write a letter and send it in by post. That will have the best effect.
In addition, it would be a good thing for all of us to contact Senators Babet, Roberts, Canavan and Rennick and thank them sincerely for standing up for our protection. They do it at great personal cost - it takes a great deal of courage and determination to stand against these enormous powers running the killing machine we call ‘public health’ in Australia. An email to each would be fine - no need to call or write a hard copy letter unless that’s something you feel moved to do.
The Senators not voting have sold their souls to the devil. They have no heart, empathy or integrity. They are blinded by greed. Karma and justice can’t come quick enough🙏
Here you go folks, no excuses. The instructions on how to address the members are there as well. If you deviate from them and make it all emotional and personal or digress from the question and start spraying pharma, the government or anyone. The letter will be scanned, sent to a letter agency for the watch list and the senator will never see it. Make it count. Yes they prefer electronic contact but that does not make them accountable, this way the letter is required to be registered into the parliamentary mail system and is recorded because the government love to keep records.