Make sure the littlies aren't able to see this post because it's porn - fear porn, that is!
If anyone out there believes this crap, please do us all a favour and lock yourself in your house for the foreseeable future.
The web article is attached below.
Experts have warned a disease which killed 50 million people across Europe in the 1300s could make a return, and the result might be even more devastating.
Let’s face it, we’re all gonna die! Oh, sorry - we’re all gonna die if we listen to anything the media, government or health authorities say.
The vaccine has gone through clinical trials and has so far shown a safe and successful immune response to the Black Death pathogen. The vaccine will be stockpiled ready for anyemergence of a superstrain.
Strangely, there was no link to said trial, but I did search and find this publication: Curr Res Immunol. 2023 Nov 1;4:100072
The efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of plague vaccines: A systematic literature review
…Only 2 RCTs, both on subunit vaccines, were included out of the 75 screened articles. The 2 trials included 240 participants with a follow-up of 3 months and 60 participants with a follow-up of 13 months, respectively.
So out of the 75 studies they looked at, the authors could only find 2 randomised controlled trials and of those two - there were only 300 individuals studied.
…Safety evidence was limited, but both vaccines were well tolerated, with only mild to moderate adverse events. Both vaccines were immunogenic in a dose-dependent manner. However, given the limited data identified in this systematic review, we are unable to quantify the efficacy of vaccines to prevent plague, as well as their long-term safety and immunogenicity.
I would say this equals limited safety data and what does well-tolerated actually mean? After all, we were told that the COVID jabs were perfectly safe and 100% effective. Pull the other one, right?
Another article published today actually mentions the size of the AZ study - 40 individuals!
Black Death vaccine being developed over fears plague could reemerge
Now, the team behind the Oxford AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine have announced they are making progress on a new injection which could stop the plague developing. The new vaccine was trialled on 40 healthy adults and has proven to be safe and able to produce an immune response to the often-deadly disease.
“Proven to be safe and able to produce an immune response”. Where have we heard that before? And the AZ vaccine was the first one to be pulled because of the strong link to blood clots, heart damage, etc. So why would anyone in their right mind trust them again?
For one thing, we have NO IDEA what caused the deaths in the 1300s and 1400s across Europe. There were no laboratories operating at the time, so we are guessing - at best. Also, anyone who died with any symptoms at that time was put down as having died from the plague. Sound familiar?
If one of your family members became ill with anything at all, you, they, and everyone you’d come into contact with would be nailed up into your house and left to starve or, perhaps more humanely, would be burnt to death as a way of preventing the spread of infection. Maybe this is where the Chinese got the idea for their COVID response.
Anyone who has read the classic book about the time of the plague in Italy, the Decameron by Bocaccio, understands that society totally broke down, all taboos became null and void and normally sane people behaved in an insane manner.
Nearly 700 years later, we can easily see that humanity has not come very far.
This would all be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that a certain percentage of the population would once again be taken in by these obvious and blatant lies.
One way or another, the evil demons in the media and their political and medical puppets are bound and determined to be in full control of everything we plebs do, say, think and eat.
This whole situation would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that our inaction and silence are enabling our enslavement. Time to speak up about this to anyone and everyone you can, while you still can.
Well how surprising, the brand new virus sweeping China - 'metapneumovirus infection' is listed as an adverse effect of the CV 19 'shot', see page 35, line 17 of the 39 page Ffizzer book with about 1,191 AEs. Good business model.
It’s black comedy hour, we’re being plagued by the vaccine nasties.