Perth Vaccination Seminar - More letters from AVN members
You are probably not going to believe this, but between this page and the page that I uploaded this morning, I am only about 2/3 of the way through the emails from our members to the Perth Library! You guys are INCREDIBLE!
I need a break so I'm going to stop tonight. I will get the rest of these done sometime tomorrow. I hope you are enjoying reading them as much as I did and to everyone who wrote - we have been successful and the library has assured us that they will NOT be canceling our seminar. It could not have happened without all of you so thank you!
Dear Margaret
I live in Sydney and unfortunately am too far away to attend but I would be there if I could. I have a son with Asperger’s syndrome which I believe was triggered by vaccinations he had as a baby as does my practitioner. He was a very sick little boy after having his MMR shots and I fully support the AVN and the work they do to educate parents and people about vaccinations and the choices available to us.
There are now catastrophic statistics out there of children on the autism spectrum and it’s directly in line with the rate of combined vaccinations and their increase in the amount of shots babies and small children are being given.
The flu shot is of great concern also. This information should not be suppressed from people and it is criminal that the government and pharmaceutical companies are trying to discredit the AVN and stop them from giving people the truth about what is happening.
Please, please! As a parent of a child affected, I beg you to make sure nothing impedes this information from being given to other parents. Even if it helps one child from the future difficulties my son will encounter, it will be worth it.
Please allow this seminar to proceed and do not be pressured and bullied by these thugs. There is more at stake here than just this talk. If they succeed in stopping Meryl at every turn, then we no longer live in a free country.
In lieu of the seminar, I thank you for your strength, fortitude and foresight in having Meryl and the AVN to speak.
Dear Margaret,
I am a member of the AVN (10 years). I am very aware of the intimidating tactics used by the group calling themselves the Skeptics, who also make up the group 'Stop the AVN'. I have been a target for their type of abuse and know they can be very nasty.
I am all for them having an opinion, but I am not for them or anyone else stopping freedom of speech when it comes to something as important as vaccination. We all have the right to as much information as we can get on this subject, and therefore, this seminar should go ahead. Parents of children who have been harmed deserve to know there is another side to the vaccine story.
I believe the media now have an interest in what has happened previously and is happening now, which I hope not only stops any bad behaviour on the skeptics’ part, but also raises the profile of the AVN. Meryl Dorey is a very well informed and clear speaker. The people of WA deserve to be given the opportunity to hear what she has to say.
Kindest Regards
Dear Margaret,
I am sending you this email because I believe this seminar must be presented and not be cancelled again.
As a parent, I believe it is important to be informed as much as possible when it comes to the subject of vaccination. I have read countless books on the subject and am always looking for more information. We are only given one side by health authorities and that is you must vaccinate, but when you hear in the media that young children have died as a result of vaccinations you must question why?
It is parents that must decide whether to vaccinate or not and governments must not force parents into doing something that may greatly affect the health of their child. Parents must investigate before vaccinating and this seminar is the step in the right direction.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear Mrs Allen,
Thank you so much for making your venue available to the AVN to hold its seminar regarding the Flu vaccination.
I have been a member of the AVN for many years now. I am a 39 year old married mother of one. I have had a very successful career in the Funds Management Industry before leaving the harsh rat race to follow my dream of becoming a Massage Therapist. I am telling you this so you can see that the AVN members are not a group of uneducated hippies etc as some may make you believe.
If anyone is putting a lot of effort in to stopping something being said, it often means it is a message that needs to get out. I have found the information the AVN produces to be very well written, well documented, citing credible sources.
The AVN needs to be more widely known so that parents realise they have a choice in their child’s/family’s health. They need to be fully informed as you would be with any health decision and you need to know someone will support you if you feel that you are not getting support from your health professional.
Unfortunately, people with negative comments seem to have more time on their hands than we do, so you may hear more from them than the positive people.
I thank you again for providing a venue to Meryl and the people at AVN and implore you under any negative pressure to keep the event open and allow freedom of speech and some very useful information to be available to the community.
Kind regards,
Dear Mrs Margaret Allen,
As I live in NSW, I am unable to attend the meeting which is being hosted and run by the AVN group. I have always believed that it is always wise to look at all sides of an issue and to allow all sides to state their case.
No matter what personal views are re vaccination, it is important in such a health issue which affects so many to listen to those who have made a study of this matter,
I have two adult children who I know were vaccine damaged, thank the Lord not severely, although my youngest has never recovered her full health at 32. When I vaccinated them, I was only in my early twenties and had no idea that there was another side to the issue. I had no idea to watch for fevers, or to ensure they were not immune suppressed at the time they were vaccinated. Although this was not my fault I still feel guilt at the damage caused.
Although doctors knew the risks then, there were never any warnings to watch out for adverse events. The AVN performs that task in Australia and it is vitally important that their speakers are able to speak to those who choose to listen.
That any other group would seek to stop this happening worries me as this is not what I believe freedom of speech and access to all information available should be. Suppression of information such as this is medieval, and one has to wonder at the motives of those who have gone to such great lengths to suppress that information.
Please let the meeting go ahead and don’t allow those who want to stop it to have any influence in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mrs Allen,
Thank you for making a venue available for the AVN's seminar on 1st June. Many people are planning to go and are looking forward to learning more about this subject which is effecting so many children.
My first child has been left with brain damage following her immunisation. She suffered terrible adverse events. I contacted the AVN and received wonderful support from Meryl Dorey and her team. They gave me the information to help me make an informed decision about vaccination when my next two children were born, and I decided not to have them vaccinated. Now, years later, I have two healthy (unvaccinated ) girls and one who is still struggling to live a normal life.
So this information should not be kept from the public Mrs Allen ---- after all, the decision to vaccinate or not is still our decision, and the more information we have about it the better.
Freedom of communication should never be suppressed in our wonderful free country.
Thank you sincerely,
Hi Margaret,
I just wish to support the upcoming Flu vaccination seminar being held to encourage FREE and INFORMED CHOICE regarding vaccination.
For too long in this country, a Democracy, the pro vaccination lobby have had it their way. Denying those with concerns about the risks of vaccines the right to question. It is past time both sides of the story were heard equally.
Thank you for providing the venue to enable this seminar to happen.
I wish I could be there but as I live in Melbourne it is not practical.
Dear Mrs Allen,
As a member of the AVN, I have had notification today that a group called the Australian Skeptics have been busy trying to have the Seminar canceled.
I was informed by Mrs Meryl Dorey that you assured her that the seminar would not be canceled. I feel that it is important to emphasize that, whether or not we agree with a particular subject, for democracy to survive we must give due consideration another person's point of view.
Considering the problems that the flu vaccine caused in children under 5, it is obvious that information needs to be made available - it is essential for parents to be able to make an informed decision, not just be one sided as this group tries to do.
Please stand firm on this matter for democracy's sake.
Kind regards,
Dear Margaret,
I am writing this from my home state of NSW but feel very strongly in this information night going ahead. I would attend one myself if it was available in NSW.
I believe strongly in freedom of information and giving people a chance to make informed choices for their family.
Please allow this important subject to be openly discussed at your venue
Your Sincerely
To the CEO State Library of WA
Dear Mrs Allen,
I am a practising health professional (over 40 years) and continue to have an open mind on any matters relating to Public Health.
I am concerned that pressure will be bought to bear on the WA State Library to cancel the AVN seminar on Tuesday 1st June.
I believe we need open access to information and discussion to help make informed choices.
The State Library, a repository for our common wealth of knowledge, is a great venue to hold an open and frank discussion on the emotive and complex issue that vaccination has become.
Thank you for your support.
Yours Sincerely
Dear Margaret,
I feel very strongly that we the public should have the right to attend the Flu vaccination seminar if we choose to do so. No one is forced to go, it is a choice we make. I feel that there needs to be another point of view available to the public so that we can choose wisely whether or not to have this vaccination. At present there is only one point of view out there. I would like to hear the other side.
I hope common sense prevails.
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for holding the above seminar next week.
With so many young lives affected by the latest flu vaccinations, I think it is a necessary and very long overdue talk.
I find it outrageous that we were told the Flu Vaccination was safe and harm free when so many children, adults and families health has been affected by it.
I still do not understand why they are offering it to people above the age of 5 after what has happened.
Myself and 5 friends look forward to this very important seminar.
Dear Margaret,
Just a quick note to let you know how appreciative I and my clients are that
you are holding the AVN Seminar at the Alexander Library.
I am asked by many of my clients what they should do about vaccinations with their children. I try to give them as much information for and against so
that they are able to make their own decisions about what is best for their
children and their family.
Without these sorts of seminars and forums, it is very difficult and time
consuming for me to get this information for my clients.
I'm looking forward to the seminar and once again, thank you.
Kind regards,
Dear Margaret,
Knowing that the previous venue for the Perth AVN seminar on swine flu was cancelled arbitrarily at the last minute, I do hope you make sure that the public has the right to hear both sides of any subject before making a choice. Otherwise, how can it be called an informed choice? There needs to be less fear of large organizations, and more questioning of conceived correct protocol in many areas of our society at the moment, to try to maintain checks and balances.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Margaret
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your support in allowing the Australian Vaccination Network, a professionally led organisation, to provide valuable public health information despite adversities.
As an experienced (public hospital) health professional with a healthy, glowing and intelligent 2yo, I have been able to access clear, unbiased, well researched and non pharmaceutically funded information which has been invaluable in supporting my families health care decisions.
The AVN is in no way 'anti vaccination' as skeptics would make an overwhelming effort to misinform.
The AVN is a non profit, substantiated source of continually updated information that is important for all who are interested in making independent choices to be able to readily access.
Freedom of speech and independent informed choices are paramount to a healthy society.
With Respect
Hello Margaret,
My friend and I are booked to come to the Flu Vaccination Seminar next Tuesday night. As the first booking for this event at the Uniting Church was cancelled, I am concerned that you might get pressured into cancelling your venue for this very important forum. I don't know why people who are against the AVN try all sorts of ways to stop Meryl Dorey informing the public about vaccinations. Isn't it up to every individual to choose to vaccinate or not? The AVN should be allowed to inform people who want to know more about this important issue.
Kind regards,
Dear Mrs Margaret Allen,
I urge you to support the liberty of people to attend the seminar about vaccination.
With regard to information about adverse medical events, we live in a remarkably very biased, remarkably silent, society. But the subject of iatrogenesis (harm arising from medical treatment as distinct from the patient’s disorder) is intriguing.
Does registration ensure the delivery of safe medical treatment?
Implying that a principle aim of registration is protecting patients from harm is a dangerous and cruel deception. During the five decades since Illiche’s warning about iatrogenesis, published articles have warned of the iatrogenic ‘epidemic’.
The true extent of iatrogenesis should be common knowledge within health related government departments, yet internationally, no governments collect and publish data about the entire extent of the full spectrum of iatrogenesis. That is why researchers use medicine’s own medical literature to guesstimate rates of medical permanent harm and/or death.
John Archer’s 1995 book, Bad Medicine is based upon some of the medical data about iatrogenesis. I phoned John and suggested that his estimates of about 50,000 iatrogenic deaths and 750,000 permanent injuries per year in Australia[i] were excessive. He told me he stood by his interpretation of the medical data.
US researchers, including three MDs and a PhD, used a framework of categories of iatrogenesis in which to sort all of the available jumbled medical data into an orderly way of portraying the full picture of the entire spectrum of their iatrogenic epidemic. “The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US.”[ii]
According to the BMJ July 17 1999 "Studies in Australia, Israel, the United Kingdom and elsewhere suggest levels of error and hazard in patient care that are no lower than in America."
According to accounts of the medical literature, over decades registered and licensed medical providers appear to have initiated an iatrogenic epidemic whose collective magnitude dwarfs all of the fatalities incurred by serving men and women in Australia’s defence forces in all of the wars in which Australia has been a combatant.
Do Australia’s Governments, the sponsors of Australia’s medical system, know its true rate of harm?
My correspondence to various government departments established that no government department, including the Australian Bureau of Statistics accurately defines the number of victims of the total spectrum of iatrogenesis. The spokeswoman for the federal Minister for health echoed the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data suggesting 259 deaths a year. Prime Minister Rudd’s government inquiry into public health stated that there are 4550 in-hospital deaths due to medical mistakes in Australia annually, a difference of 1756.76% from the ABS figure of 259 deaths a year.
As recipients of the foregoing information key figures in the mainstream media and government now make an informed choice to either forewarn and so protect future potential victims of iatrogenic harm or be silently inactive, sounding no forewarning of their impending peril. For people who are informed about this topic, that knowledge creates the daily choice of being or not being a party to a great wrongdoing.
As a citizen, my view is that people must be free to hear and to judge information for and against vaccination. Decades ago and as an ill informed father, I never gave it a thought. As a grand parent I have heard and read enough to say that iatrogenic risk relating to childhood vaccination and the risk of non-vaccination both greatly concern me.
Best wishes,
Dear Mrs Allen,
Please don’t let anything prevent the AVN Seminar on Flu Vaccination from going ahead on Tues the 1st June 2010 at the State Library of WA.
The information to be presented is important and should not be withheld from the public because of the views of any minority.
Thank you for providing such an appropriate venue in which to share information.
Best wishes
Hi Margaret,
Please ensure this seminar goes on. These people that harass the AVN have no interest in allowing both sides of the debate to be freely discussed. I have seen them engage in many debates and they ALWAYS, end up abusing and manipulate what is said. I fear if they will continue to pressure others to not allow free speech. As a science student, I know this is not what true scientists do.
Medicine is a young discipline. There is so much we need to learn. I do not understand why we are closing doors on this very critical issue of vaccines. If we are going to give 30 vaccines to children by the time they are 12 months old, then it is imperative that we continue to question. Please do not succumb to the pressure.
Kind Regards,
Dear Margaret,
With regard to the AVN seminar that will be held on June the 1st, I am hoping that this meeting will go ahead regardless of any opposition that may come from organisations not wanting the important information that AVN can provide being heard. The whole situation boils down to a matter of free speech.
People need to hear or see relevant information to make good choices no matter what the topic of discussion may be.
Yours Sincerely,
Dear Margaret,
I am writing to you in great support of the work of the AVN. Thank you for allowing the AVN to share research, knowledge and personal stories about vaccination at your venue. As a mother of a child who has developed 'post vaccination autism' I encourage people to make an 'informed decision' when deciding which path to take (research and collect information from both sides). My husband and I were not sadly informed - we naively assumed that because we were vaccinated as children that we would also vaccinate our first born. However, we have since learnt that the vaccination schedule now for children in their first 2 years of life is more than double of what we were given as infants. We also were not given a vaccination at birth (total assault to the developing and often stuggling immune system). New parents deserve the right to choose, but sadly we seem to only be presented (ample information) with one side - pro-vaccination!
This issue is extremely complex and while we live in a country that supports 'freedom of speech', I believe strongly that Meryl and her team deserve the right to speak about vaccination - an issue that is affecting so many of us now in devastating ways! We all deserve to the right to choose. I applaud her courage and strength!
Our journey of autism has been heart-breaking but along this path we have learnt so much and come into contact with many inspiring people - Meryl is one of those!
Your sincerly,
R & MD
Parents really do need the information available on both sides of this issue. It is then their freedom of choice, not a mandate which ever decision they make. If the pro- vaccine people are saying that the info from the AVN is scare tactics then what is the info the pro vaccine, government and health authorities are giving out if it is not to scare people into having their kids vaccinated?? Please let both sides have their say.
Hello Margaret,
You may have noticed in the media generally, that there is very little to almost no information on preventative health action, health from a natural medicine perspective, for relief or cure. You may be approached with information from a minority group who would prefer to keep it that way in this country.
However, the statistics show that about 70 plus percentage of the population use natural health means to achieve good health outcomes and to maintain good health. We live in a democracy although sometimes it may not seem that way when minority groups shout the loudest over and above a silent majority.
I have subscribed to Meryl Dorey’s organisation for many years and find her knowledge scientifically based, thorough and without emotional claims and falsehoods. It’s important for us to hear all the facts and general information on any issue and the subject of vaccination is an important one as it involves the health of the recipient, lives are involved and there is nothing more precious than a human life. It was great to see you accept the booking for this informative talk, and I hope the foregoing will help you to feel confident that you have made an excellent decision.
Dear Margaret,
I wanted to thank you for allowing the AVN to hold their seminar at your location.
It is so important for parents and indeed individuals to find as much information as possible to make an informed choice with regards to vaccinations. The AVN is a reputable organisation and over the past 17 years has been of enormous support to my family, providing balanced information and keeping me informed on issues relating to vaccination.
I have also been able to source the views of the medical profession without fear or prejudice. As members of a democratic society it surely is our right to source all views and make our own decisions.
I commend you for not allowing any organisation to suppress free speech. Immunisation is such a sensitive issue and seems to ignite the fires in many people. Let us live in a society that continues to allow the freedom of choice.
Thank you again.
Kind regards
Hello Margaret,
Even though we are living in Melbourne and will be unable to attend the seminar, we really feel it is so important that this event goes ahead. Our son was vaccine injured and after doing years of research into the safety of vaccines we made an informed decision not to vaccinate our baby daughter (who is so healthy!). Many unvaccinated children we know seem to be far healthier than other kids. Also, two of our friend’s children had seizures after they received their MMR vaccine (were perfectly healthy before this jab) and this wasn’t reported as a vaccine injury. This AVN event is so, so important. I really hope it goes ahead.
Dear Margaret,
I have been a member of AVN for over 18 years since I became a mother and it was important to me to have access to a full range of information about my child's health.
Over these years, I have undertaken extensive research into vaccination, and discovered that most of the information is not readily available to parents.
Thanks to groups like AVN, we parents are able to inform ourselves fully on this vital health issue so that we can make informed decisions.
It is important that public seminars can be held to disseminate information and promote thorough investigation.
Dear Margaret,
This is a short note to thank you for upholding the right of ordinary Australians to freedom of information.
The Australian Vaccination Network do an excellent job of providing parents and concerned individuals with clear and well researched information to enable them to make well informed choices in health care for their families.
I support Meryl Dorey’s position of not being an anti-vaccination campaigner but of being an advocate of informed choice in health care for all Australians.
Yours faithfully,
Good Afternoon Margaret,
I am distressed to hear that the Skeptics Association is trying to have yet another seminar cancelled and trust that you will allow the AVN to voice their opinion and keep the parents of the W.A. children informed with intelligent ‘tried & true’ information.
Whatever happened to our rights as parents to listen to both sides of this argument?
While I am not planning on attending the seminar, I have 4 adult children who are not vaccinated and I intend to keep in touch with the latest information so I can advise my daughters should I have grandchildren in the future. It is an issue I feel strongly about and have done so for approx. 30 years.
It is a National disgrace to think that once again we are in danger of losing our freedom of speech.
Kind Regards
Dear Ms M. Allen
I am writing to you today to urge you, despite any sort of pressure you might be receiving from outside parties, to allow Meryl Dorey and her dedicated staff from the AVN to hold their Flu Vaccination Seminar scheduled for next week in your venue. As a fellow librarian, I believe wholeheartedly in freedom of information and the ethics of allowing people the right to access information - whatever my personal beliefs. I can assure you Meryl is a very professional, moral and highly educated researcher and a wonderful speaker - and I am very much looking forward to hearing the information she has to present to us, next week.
Kind regards
To Dear Margaret,
I am writing in regard to the Flu Vaccination Seminar to be held in the State Library of Western Australia.
I think it is extremely vital that we as a democratic society hold on to the rights of free speech and free communication.
I feel that we are an extremely lucky country in that we are able to still make decisions as far as our children’s health is concerned. I strongly feel the importance of each parent making informed choices when it comes to such issues as vaccinations.
Please support Australians Rights of Free speech and Communication by helping to ensure this seminar goes forward.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Ms Allen
I would ask you to ensure that this seminar is not cancelled.
It is just so important that people receive all the information that is available regarding vaccinations and to be aware that vaccinations are not mandatory in Australia.
The thing that always stays in my mind after being a health care professional for some 20 plus years (now retired) is that people ask more questions when they are buying a refrigerator than they do about the vaccinations that are offered for their families and themselves and these are definitely not for everyone. It is definitely not a case of one size fits all.
Thank you for your time
Dear Margaret,
Firstly, a big thank you for your foresight in allowing the AVN to host their Perth seminar at the State Library of WA.
I first heard of the AVN after my daughter suffered a severe reaction to her third DPT shot. We spent time at PMH as well as seeing the top paedeatricians in the state, only to be told that her illness was not related to her recent vaccination but to something that I was eating/drinking that was interfering with my breast milk.
I did research as I was not convinced and perchanced onto the AVN site.
This seminar and the AVN in particular is for anyone who is interested on both sides of the vaccination debate. This organisation is not anti vaccination, they are pro safe vaccinations.
It is best to be informed when making decisions. I wish I had been informed. Please allow this seminar to take place as scheduled - there is not enough information out there.
Best Regards,
Dear Mrs Allen,
I am writing in support of Meryl Dorey and the Australian Vaccination Network to urge you to continue to hold the seminar scheduled for the 1st June.
I myself am unvaccinated and, with my upbringing, it was natural for me to not vaccinate my son. Despite this, the pressures brought by society were huge and it was only through the support of organisations such as the AVN and their equivalent in the UK that I found all the information and support I needed to confirm my decision.
Yes, I live in the UK. I am UK born and bred. So why am I concerned about an organisation and event in Australia?
Firstly, due to the international nature of the internet, I found support through the AVN - even in the UK.
Secondly, my ancestor, Sir John Quick, played a major role in the drafting of the Australian Constitution so I feel an affinity with your country. I am sure he would have been appalled at the current pressures put on the AVN in an effort to prevent freedom of speech.
I therefore urge you not to bow to any pressures that may be put upon you to cancel this event.
Yours sincerely,
RV (nee Quick)
Hi Margaret,
My husband and I were booked into the first flu vaccination seminar a couple of weeks ago and were very disappointed to have it cancelled only the day before (we had a babysitter organized and all-which is not very easy at the moment with a teething baby!)
Unfortunately there seems to be a massive amount of pressure to not allow this information evening to go ahead. My husband and myself are interested in gaining overall knowledge about a topic that affects all families.
If you are to receive any negative pressure to not allow this evening to go ahead, I ask you on behalf of many Australian families, to please keep an open mind. Our society has many different views and perspectives on hundreds of different topics....and this is obviously one of them. On a personal level my husband and I really just want to feel informed so that we have all of the information necessary to make the best decisions for our families.
Hi Margaret
I am writing to express my concern that a minority voice "Australian Skeptics" are attempting to have a vaccination information seminar cancelled. Despite any evidence or opinions on either side of this debate, the fact remains that we must maintain the right to debate this issue.
Any interference in this freedom flies in the face of democracy and I question the motives of anyone attempting to do this.
I hope that the truth will prevail in this situation and the seminar in question will proceed without interference.
Hi Margaret
Just wanted to send my support for this seminar to take place, when people try so hard to keep information from the public there is always a hidden agenda. Thanks so much for supporting the AVN this message needs to be heard.
Dear Mrs Allen,
Please do not be afraid to hold this information seminar. Australia is supposed to be a free country we must not let the freedom go. This information seminar will help people to investigate before they vaccinate and to choose which vaccinations they feel are important for their family after weighing up the pros and cons.
Kind regards,
Hello Margaret,
My name is HF. I live in Victoria and have been a member of the AVN for some years now. The reason that I started looking in the safety/dangers of vaccines is that I have a stepsister who was vaccine damaged many years ago. Until that time, I have never had any thought as to the risks, even though my eldest son had reactions in his early infancy. I never attributed his behaviour or allergies to vaccination. Had I known then what I have learnt now, I would most probably not have had him vaccinated, seeing as he contracted the measles even after having had the measles/mumps vaccination, which seemed odd to me at the time.
My reason for writing to you is that Meryl Dorey is going to be talking at a Seminar in Perth on June 1st 2010 at the State Library and I sincerely hope that you continue with your decision to allow the Seminar to proceed as it is every parents right to investigate and then decide for themselves whether to vaccinate their children or not. My concern is that experts have been wrong in the past and they will continue to be wrong in the future, and no one has the moral right to shut these Seminars down.
Meryl will be giving information, which she has been researching for many years and has the data to prove her research, regarding vaccination and answering questions, none of which is illegal. Trying to stop a person from free speech is of course not the Australian way; unfortunately there are some in the community who feel it is their duty to “protect” us all from Meryl and her information.
I do hope that you allow the Seminar to proceed and that you attend yourself and listen to the information that is being provided; I feel that you will notice that Meryl is not a witch and that her information is valid. The AVN is the only voice that gives parents some support, as you will hear.
Thank you for your time Margaret.
Dear Margaret
As a third generation Australian, I will be appalled if cancellation of this event is allowed to happen again. What is happening to our democratic rights?
Dear Mrs Allen
I write to thank you for allowing the Australian Vaccination Network to book your venue in order to present those who are interested with information regarding the use of vaccinations, both around the world and in Australia. I have attended one of the AVN’s seminars in South Australia, and I found the information to be respectfully presented, fully referenced and very interesting. When we are faced with making serious decisions about our health and the health of those that we love, it is so important to have access to information both for and against, so we can weigh up the pros and the cons forourselves. This is a fit and proper goal for any democratic society. Thanks again,
Dear Mrs Allen,
I cannot believe that the Australian Skeptics would once again try to enforce their will upon the people of Perth by trying to disrupt or cancel a seminar planned by the AVN. This Charitable Association's goal is to empower people everywhere to make informed health choices for their families and for themselves, surely a goal for any democratic society and one which you would think that the Skeptics themselves would support!
Unfortunately the Australian Skeptics appear to revel in preventing people obtaining free access to whatever the subject may be that they themselves either disagree with or disapprove of etc.
I urge you not to be influenced by them as the AVN really do care about freedom of speech and freedom of choice that is denied in so many other countries and sadly here in Australia by the Australian Skeptics.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Margaret,
Please allow the upcoming AVN seminar to take place, I have a child who is allergic to egg culture which most vaccines are cultured on and without their great advice, my child may have continued to suffer after every vaccination. This allowed me to use Homeopathics for my child without compromising her immune system. People need answers as they have lots of questions.
Yours in health
Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
I am concerned that there are certain factions of our society that for reasons known only to themselves, are hell bent on preventing the forthcoming meeting that the AVN has organised in Perth. They have already succeeded once and it would be a travesty and a denial of freedom of speech if this happened again.
Now I don’t care whether people are pro vaccination or anti vaccination, but last time I looked, we lived in a marvelous country where tolerance and free speech are available for EVERYONE.
I do believe that the information that will be presented at this meeting is vital for all parents and grandparents and any person interested in the health and well being of our future generations. We owe the kids of the future at least the right to information- what their parents do with this information is entirely a personal choice.
It is also a matter of choice whether to attend this meeting or not and certainly the detractors do not need to attend. Having said this though, they would certainly not be prevented from attending. However, they should not be able to determine whether others attend or not. This is a matter of freedom of choice.