Professor Didier Raoult on the DNA contamination of Pfizer jabs and the lies we were told.
When evidence becomes irrefutable, the guilty start to run. We've been seeing this worldwide with massive numbers of resignations. But there is nowhere to run; nowhere to hide for these criminals.
Thank you to _aussie17 on Twitter for sharing this clip and the transcript below. Didier Raoult is a world-famous expert on these issues. He has been speaking out since the beginning of the scamdemic but it is only now that the mainstream is listening.
Those responsible for the millions of deaths (probably tens or hundreds of millions once all is said and done) and injuries from these experimental GMO injections will be held accountable before much more time passes.
Prof Didier Roault, French physician and microbiologist specialising in infectious diseases on France's CNEWS:
What Pfizer said was that there was only manipulated RNA, ...and that there was no DNA.
However, there is a considerable amount of DNA in these vaccines. And we have measured it, too.
The quantity is huge. That is to say, what was supposed to be purified, the RNA was produced by bacteria in which a mini-chromosome had been inserted, and it was necessary to purify this mini-chromosome and remove the DNA that had been used to make the RNA. This was not done.
thank you Meryl and Aussie17 for sharing this
together with Peter Fam and Katie Ashby-Koppens we have since last year been repeatedly presenting the evidence of this excessive DNA contamination to first, the TGA and OGTR, who have each refused to respond
.. then to Australia's Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, who has refused to respond
.. and more recently to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, who recently made attempts to reject our brief of evidence on the basis of an undisclosed technical evidence issue
- not an expression of concern towards the possible implications for Australian health, just a returning our extensive brief of evidence citing an undisclosed technical issue
the primary contention in each of the above approaches to our authorities here is that the LNP-modRNA is a GMO that required GMO licensing before it could be approved .. the OGTR did on 26 October conceded before a Senate Select Committee hearing that Yes, both the Pfizer and Moderna drugs are GMOs, but then made up a false reason for why they did not require a GMO license
but also too is this DNA contamination another form of GMO
.. such a GMO would never have been granted a license, particularly as the amounts involved threaten the Human genome, if indeed it has not already poisoned the Human genome
.. and this latter point appears to be the reason for the refusals to communicate - our authorities know it is there, has likely poisoned the Human genome, and they are running from the legal liability that entails
more details in my substack:
We the freedom movement are constantly and continuously combating boots on the ground right behind you Meryl love from west oz