Reminder-Birthday month sale! 20% on annual full-price subscriptions until April 25th (my 66th birthday-YIKES!)
Only 6 days left to take advantage of this special deal. Thanks so much to all those who have already subscribed.
Yes, I know there is a double H in birthday. I just didn’t have the patience to regenerate the image so for my fellow spelling and grammar Nazis, think of it as a design feature, OK?
This is a no-pressure offer for anyone who has wanted to support this Substack but for whom the price was a barrier. From now until April 25th Australian time, all annual subscriptions to the Informed Choice Substack will be 20% off.
Remember that I also have a concession subscription which is 50% off for those on concession card or doing it tough. Links to both are below.
I publish everything for free but would really appreciate your help if you are able. If not, no problem. Please try to share the information widely as your ‘payment’ and we’ll be good.
Thanks so much,
Links are below:
Happy Birthday to you, and thank you.
Happy birthday!