Results of the SAIVE Trial on Ivermectin for COVID prophylaxis and treatment show we never needed anything but IVM, Vit C, Vit D and Common Sense
When do the Genocide Trials start for Scomo, Albo, Skerritt, Murphy, Hunt et al begin? Can I reserve a front-row seat please?
"We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice." – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hat Tip to Craig Kelly for sharing this on Twitter. The image above is taken from a study out of Bulgaria entitled, The SAIVE Trial, Post-Exposure use of ivermectin in Covid-19 prevention: Efficacy and Safety Results.
This study demonstrates clearly that giving Ivermectin prophylactically (as a preventative) was safe, effective and prevented illness.
When illness did occur, Vitamin C and Vitamin D were the ONLY treatments used and nobody died and nobody was deathly ill.
In fact, nobody was sick enough to be hospitalised. Nobody.
The study concluded that:
This study demonstrated highly statistically significant evidence in a large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that daily oral treatment with ivermectin reduced the risk of infection following exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Ivermectin was also shown to be safe in doses and duration higher than currently used in approved indications.
Why was the Australian experience so much worse?
Contrast that with Australia where supposedly hundreds of thousands were and are still hospitalised and thousands have died from “COVID”- not counting the hundreds of thousands of reactions and deaths to the experimental jab. It is time for consequences!
Every single reaction above - 2.1 in every thousand who took the jab - was unnecessary and totally preventable. If only our governments, our medical authorities and our ‘health’ regulators were not totally corrupt and owned by pHarma.
Every single person who died or who was hospitalised as a result of a supposed infection with SARS COV-2 could have been helped and their sickness prevented or eased through the use of cheap, simple and proven remedies.
Those who suppressed these known effective treatments in favour of experimental, dangerous and ineffective jabs and drugs need to be held personally liable for the harm and death they have caused. Starting with the person who signed the contracts that sold out Australians to the highest bidder. From the Prime Minister down to the doctor and nurse at the coal-face who ignored the evidence before their eyes - they are all responsible for this carnage and they need to pay for their crimes.
Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honored distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19
Here's a very comprehensive study on HOW ivermectin works in the body:
It's not light reading, but if you've got some time, and understand physiology & biochemistry, have fun! Mostly it comes down to IVM affecting the binding sites. In particular, IVM "inhibits and disrupts binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein at the ACE-2 receptors" - which I think is vitally important.
So many people go on about IVM being great, but I wanted to know WHY it was I went looking. This article was published a year and a half ago.
Perhaps if the advisors to the politicians would actually go looking for the proper science, instead of the cash flow from Big pHarma, then the politicians might be privy to better information which might have a chance at HELPING our fellow Australians - instead of hindering them!
I understand most people aren't bright. And that they don't 'get' all this complicated science - mostly because they've not studied it. So it's up to the government to provide this information, in easy-to-understand formats for us, so that we have a better chance of making informed decisions.
Of course, that would work brilliantly in an egalitarian society - but that's not what these pollies, their advisors, or Big pHarma want, is it?! They WANT to keep us downtrodden, and unquestioning, so that we may never rise up and take their place in the spotlight!!
So until we can get all these Egos under control, there will be no Genocide trials. and certainly no no front-row seats! :-(
(although you know I would love to see these bastards hanged, drawn & quartered, just like most of us here on Substack!)