The skeptics get it wrong - again
The skeptics are spreading a rumour that the AVN has breached its own privacy policy by allowing a third party (the International Medical Council on Vaccination - IMCV) to use our database in order to email their press release of support for the AVN to our members.
Once again, they have gotten things all wrong and had they simply asked first before spouting off on yet another issue they know nothing about, they could have cleared this up very quickly. Alternatively, had they simply looked at the footer of the email message which shows quite clearly that it was sent from the AVN, they could have been prevented from embarrassing themselves with this inaccuracy as they have done.
I sent out the IMCV press release yesterday using our account with the email list program, Constant Contact. Since I already have an extensive database of Australian media outlets installed within this software, I volunteered our services to send this out to save IMCV the time of trying to get all of these email contacts on their own. While I was sending the release to the Australian media and the government, I also sent it to our members and supporters and obviously, many skeptic members have also subscribed to this list since I began to receive emails from them almost straight away accusing me of breaching their privacy.
I wanted to clear this up straight away as we take our members' privacy very seriously and never have and never will share any of your details with a third party nor did we breach our policy in this instance.
If any of you have any questions about the AVN's policies in regards to privacy, please do feel free to contact me at the office and ask.