What is the TGA trying to hide from medical doctors - and others? Package Inserts will be removed from all 'injectable' packaging.
That's vaccines, of course
HT to Madonna who first shared this with me.
Many years ago when the AVN still had a contact phone number and staff to answer the phones, we would regularly get calls from medical doctors, nurses, ambos etc asking us to provide them with copies of the product information for various vaccines. It seems that, though they are supposed to be in the boxes when the jabs were shipped from Government warehouses, they would often be removed before reaching their destination.
For those who aren’t aware, there are 2 different sets of information on vaccinations and drugs:
The consumer information that is sanitised and cut down so as not to scare the plebs away from following ‘doctor’s orders; and
The product information that was supposed to be provided to and read by anyone who administers or recommends vaccines or drugs.
Of course, most mainstream doctors that I have come across never bother to read or learn about the product information so they are woefully ignorant about the ingredients, known side effects and contraindications or reasons why the drug or vaccine might not be appropriate for people with particular sensitivities or pre-existing conditions. Explains a lot about the already high rate of vaccine and drug injuries and deaths well before the toxic COVID jabs entered the scene!
Now, it appears that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia’s supposed regulator for all therapeutic products (in reality, a watchdog for those who really pay their bills - the pHarmaceutical cabal), has removed all pretence of trying to make sure that medical doctors have access to the available information about these drugs.
In a statement released yesterday on the TGA’s website:
Product Information inserts are no longer required for injectable medicines administered by health professionals
From 1 September 2023, printed Product Information (PI) inserts won’t be required in the packaging of injectable medicines administered by health professionals. Approved PIs for all these products will still need to be available on our website.
This change only affects injectable products administered by health professionals. This includes nurses, pharmacists and doctors. Vaccines are an example of injectable medicines administered by health professionals.
It says that this change was made following consultation with ‘stakeholders’. Of course, those so-called stakeholders are all those in the medical industry - not healthcare consumers like you and me. We never seem to get a say in what the government does with our tax dollars that are wasted on toxic drugs and vaccines.
And isn’t it amazing that this change is ONLY for injectable medicines which, as the TGA itself says, are vaccines amongst others?
One would almost think they are trying to hide something.
I spoke with a solicitor this morning who told me that on first blush, it appears that this change can’t take place without an amendment to the Therapeutic Goods Act. But since when has the TGA ever really cared about staying within the bounds of legality?
If I were a doctor or other health professional, I would be asking some very pointed questions of the TGA about this new move.
And for anyone who would like to see and read the package inserts for the currently licensed childhood and adult vaccines administered in Australia, you can find the links on the AVN’s website here.
We used to have the actual inserts on our web page but were ordered to take them down because they are supposedly protected under copyright. I kid you not! The efforts to withhold vital information about things we’re told we have to take and give to our children go back a VERY long way!
Meryl, thank you again ❤️
If nothing else, at least these vermin are true to their criminal form.
They are establishing a very substantial case against themselves.
Isn't it strange, if I were a baker and didn't disclose the ingredients of my bread and someone had an allergic reaction to my product, I would be instantly shut down, fined, sued and possibly imprisoned for negligence.
Is that a series of foul, fat, stinking rats we can smell?????
Not the least ... breaking Code of Conduct ...
AHPRA’s Code of Conduct, Item 4.3 Effective Communication 1, which advises:
• [4.3.3] Informing patients of the nature of, and need for, all aspects of their clinical management … an giving them adequate opportunity to question or refuse intervention and treatment
• [4.3.4] Discussing … potential benefit and harm and material risks