Whatever happened to Scarlet Fever?
Scarlet Fever was a dreaded killer of children (and adults) in the 1800s and the early part of the 1900s. In fact, it regularly killed more people than that disease we have all been taught to believe is such an indiscriminate killer of young and old - measles.
But Scarlet Fever has virtually disappeared. We don't have scare campaigns telling us that we have to keep our children away from crowds because there is an epidemic of Scarlet Fever. We don't have stories coming out in the media pointing the finger of blame at those who haven't been vaccinated against Scarlet Fever and blaming them for the deaths of vaccinated children.
Perhaps that's because we have never had a vaccine for Scarlet Fever. Never.
So, our learned adversaries who believe - against all of the available evidence, that vaccines have saved the world - how do you explain this decline in the mortality from Scarlet Fever without a Scarlet Fever vaccine? I'm waiting. Let's hear it. C'mon - don't be shy...