And corrupted judiciary is also complicit in this childhood sick epidemic. In the family court where there is a dispute about vaccination, the judges order children to be vaxxed without any scientific proof that vaccines are safe and effective. Only an opinion of a medical shill suffice. In some cases judges remove children from a protective parent who doesn’t want to vaccinate their child and hand them to an abusive parent who thrives on abuse, disregarding children’s health.

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The projection is for 1 in 2 to be on the autism spectrum by 2032. Prior to the C19 fraud iatrogenesis was being recognised as the third leading cause of death in the USA behind cancer and heart disease (and IMO likely responsible for those too) but it's now being masked by what are claimed as C19 deaths. That "doctors [and presumably scientists0 are baffled" says volumes about the quality of education ('indoctornation') and the depth of moral decay. But for the minority like Meryl, it would seem that it's 'primum non nocere' to a doctor's bank account.

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Absolutely correct! And that figure of the 3rd leading cause of death was never true in the first place because many chronic diseases and cancers that end up killin people are iatrogenic or nosocomial anyway so medicine is and always has been the leading cause of death in the developed world.

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I know of a diagnosed Autistic kid who apparently has never been vaccinated (so the mother says) and is getting "support", a person basically comes to babysit, watch and observe and nothing more. To get more help mother is being told he needs to get vaccinated! So more poison is the answer? Very sad.

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Many are unaware that while the vitamin K shot routinely given at birth is not a vaccine, it is brimming with aluminium. From my reading particular dietary choices can improve ASDs enormously especially when started early. Also, there are articles on ageofautism.com on spelling to communicate (S2C) which IMO every parent of an autistic child should know about.

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Thank you so much for that. My son who is now an adult never got vaxed, but when in hospital without my consent they gave him a Vitamin K shot, apparently it was/is routine. Might explain his severe acne issue despite being very healthy, no issues, very healthy diet, does not eat junk at all. Unfortunately many parents with autistic kids are already caught up in the system and will not try anything new no matter what you suggest to them.

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It is possible that unvaccinated children can fall within the spectrum - but that is vanishingly rare. Also, the unknown quantity is the health and vaccination status of the mother and father. Children aren't born in a vacuum. Detoxing before falling pregnant is probably one of the best ways to guarantee a healthy baby in this contaminated day and age.

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Not least of the toxins is the highly mobile organic ethyl mercury in thimerosal used in flu vaccines which crosses the placental and blood brain barriers and breaks down/deposits as inorganic mercury in the brain and other organs.

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Yes I agree, their are other toxins that abound, and possibly inherited from the blood line. Father was on ice, so that could be an issue. I have read Anthony Williams the medical medium books and he talks a lot about what we can be passed down.

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That's 8% for the kids who could actually GET on the NDIS! What about all those who want to get on it, but can't? The 8% figure is a MINIMUM. It's likely closer to 15-30%. For every kid that's getting help, there are invariably 1-2 more that aren't...

NDIS didn't want to know us with our Aspie firstborn. As it turns out, she's doing really well OFF the NDIS - because we're awesome parents and are on top of things! :-)

But I look around at kids today, and there are so many with strange walks, vacuous looks and other issues. Sure, kids had issues when I was growing up as well, but there are WAY more problems noticeable today!

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Well said Robyn. I agree entirely with you that 8% is the tip of the iceberg. Why aren’t parents waking up faster? Is it fear that they were responsible for their kids who were injured under their watch? Is it ignorance? Doctors must know what’s going on, they can only kid themselves for so long. Everybody seems to be silencing themselves and in turn silencing everybody else. What an unbelievable cover-up.

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Our capacity for good health, self reliance and well being has been severely eroded by the propaganda, coercion and other draconian control measures of government, big pharma, and multinational corporations whose foremost desire is control and big profits. They deny the masses access to information that would enable them to be discerning and have the freedom to choose what they feel is best for themselves and their family, claiming we must all succumb to their programs for "the greater good". Tell that to the families who are coping daily with sick kids and family members, having been promised "this is safe and effective" - what a joke. Health is our first wealth, to deny individuals the right to choose what is best for them is not democracy, it is inequality and the worst form of discrimination.

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Wow that is huge

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That is a great piece of analysis - here is a quote from the article:

“It is a problem caused by the government and the medical community and glossed over by the bought and ignorant media”.

I don’t agree that the media is ‘ignorant’. The disaster of the last three years has demonstrated to anyone who takes the trouble to look that the real problem with the corporate media is that it is deeply and unconscionably corrupt. That description applies particularly to all the so-called ‘journalists’ and editors who sold their souls to Pharma by suppressing the truth about what these dangerous mRNA genetic injectables are really doing to the health of Australians. The continued silence of the corporate media and their refusal to report the extraordinarily high rate of excess deaths post-‘vaccination’ is a betrayal of all the B/S ethics of the journalistic profession. The corporate media managers and their lying talking-head Fake News presenters are nothing but hypocrites - I don’t know how they sleep at night. I hold them most responsible for what has happened because they chose to sell their souls to suppress the truth. The Sydney Morning Herald which you cite is up there near the top of this nest of vipers. A pox on all their houses!

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Great exposure of the truth! Thank you. Another fact in all this has to be the chronic increase in 'over protective parenting' who stunt their children's growth by wrapping them in literal and metaphorical cotton wool.

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