Thank you very very much for this information on Nazis doing evil work on as all

I am 82 years old woman and not vaccinated Eating healthy food and seeing so many people around me being Vaccinated and being ill time after time

I am very very happy that I don’t have vaccinated with American/Nazis vaccinations

Thank you very much for this information

God bless you all for your work on the above issues

God bless

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Thank you too! And the proof of the pudding is, as they say, in the eating. May you have many, many more happy, healthy and active years left. Staying away from mainstream doctors is the best possible prescription for long healthy live, I believe.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

With God all things are possible- we have hope & chose bravery over slavery

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Bravery over slavery - I like that and with your permission, I'm going to use it! :-)

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