
For everyone wanting to help Zoe, I want you to know that I have reached out to her on Facebook (the only way I can contact her at present) and told her that there were many who sympathised with her plight and wanted to assist. I've given her my contact details and will let you know as soon as I hear back.

She posted this 6 days ago:

Hey everyone, I know a lot of you are worried about myself and the children.

I am okay, I was arrested because of lies that were told about me around harming Leuca, my baby.

I am currently out on bail but unable to contact the children or see them as of yet.

I will be doing EVERYTHING I can to get my babies back into my care.

Thank you for all the love and support.

Everything I do, I do it for my babies. I love them so much and am so worried about how they must be feeling but all I can do right now is follow my bail conditions and child protections rules.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Oh Meryl, what can we do help this poor family? This is absolutely devastating to watch & can only imagine what Zoe is going through let alone her children. This is sickening & terrifying & just shows how it can possibly happen to anyone for whatever reason.

Praying for this family. 🙏

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I'm not sure just yet, Francie. But as soon as I have more information, I promise to provide an update. I've reached out and will see what can be done. I think there are many who want to assist in this tragic situation.

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Pharma Files By Aussie 17 looks like a good Substack for you Meryl?

Sorry can't comment on the Vic Poliz situ, don't know anything other than it's a continuing horror story 🥲

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OMFG. How can they take a 6 week old baby from its mother especially if she is breastfeeding. What a trauma for the baby. Brings back memories of Lindy chamberlain's treatment.

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I suppose if she lashed out at police, it would only further their trumped-up case that she was violent.

What worries me is that they may inject that baby with anything against her wishes whilst they've stolen it.

By the way, I think she was holding the phone between her knees to take the video.

If that happened to me, I would not let them take the baby, I WOULD fight back, even violently, and I think I would then hunt down and kill the people who orchestrated this. It's about what they deserve. How can they follow orders to take her newborn?!?!

Some humans make me sick sometimes. They are so revolting to the core. So utterly brainless and thoughtless and gutless.

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We pray for this dear girl who has been deeply traumatised by the police WE ask our Heav e nly Father to intervene and restore this family with the healing that only Christ can bring we pray for justice in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST

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these thugs must be held accountable, they are insane and not only derelict but criminals

we need to mobilize and place enormous pressure on them coming from a thousand angles

Can we determine names and numbers, email? Responsible people?

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

This reeks of payback. The parasites don’t like to lose so they roll out their hired thugs to do the dirty work. They know separating mum from her children is psychological torture. I 🙏 karma catches up with these hired thugs.

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And separating children from parents, toys, bedrooms, familiar surroundings and routines leaves deep trauma. Removing children from parents should be the very last resort after support, guidance, counselling, proper due process has been followed. I find the police action disgraceful and outside their role. But, I am not privy to all the facts, so perhaps I should not judge.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Meryl, this is so devastating, I can’t stop thinking about this family and the pain and distress they must be feeling. Who would be so cruel and inhumane? This will have lifetime consequences for these children and especially breaking the bond between the mother and a 6 week old. Please do your best to keep us informed and if there is anything we can do, financially or otherwise, we need to help. So tragic and such evil, we need to know who is responsible.

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Thanks so much Chrissy. I know - I keep hearing her saying - don’t touch my baby - over and over again. I can’t even process the pain they must all be feeling. I will try to get more information.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

As if the first arrest was traumatic enough for Zoe and her young family, but this arrest is beyond the rector scale. I did find her FB page and she posted a message to say she is ok. Until Zoe speaks herself we won't know, people who appeared to be close friends with her, some stated her parents have the children and that Zoe needs time to heal and get her health right. Keep up our prayers to Zoe and her young family.

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Hopefully this will finally (?!) convince at least a few of you to Wake Up from the Nightmare of History and understand ALL governments are not there to help you and there are "NO GOOD COPS".

“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs

The whole Good Cop / Bad Cop question can be disposed of much more decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone's anecdote about his uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop.

We need only consider the following: A cop's job is to enforce the laws, all of them; many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked; therefore every cop has to agree to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust or even cruel and wicked. There are no good cops.” Robert Higgs, Voluntaryist scholar

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

OMG this is the thing of nightmares for parents and grandparents. The court house should be packed out with supporters of the mother on 12th December.

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Bev. I think you will find it might be a closed court to protect the children. I could be wrong.

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Even so the crowd could wait outside as a sign of their protest against this. I guess they could drag the protestors away too, but to do nothing is just not an option. I live in NSW, but hopefully someone will take videos of this outrageous event and post on line?

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

After seeing Dans militarised police force during lockdown and their past corrupt behaviour I.e lawyer X etc nothing would surprise. The entire totalitarian government in Victoria is disgusting.

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It's not that much better in the rest of Australia either. The police, who I used to trust and rely on if ever I found myself in trouble, is now the enemy of freedom, rights and truth. It's a very sad situation.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I received information several years before the pandemic, that Andrew’s had spent $25 million on AK47’s, at the time street value around $3,00/piece - that’s around 1,000. I put it at n memory and sat in n it. However the first flight back into Tullamarine, passengers were commenting on being greeted at the airport by police wielding sub machine guns . Next time you t won’t be rubber bullets. He also changed them from the boys in n blue to all black, and during the protests they wore so much body armour they looked like they were out of a Star Wars movie..various states (WA) have passed legislation where bureaucrats can order police to enter your property remove you and forcibly inject you next pandemic, and Bill Gates has promised the next one will be bigger and better. Everyone should sign the petition Australia exits the WHO.com

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I wonder who took the video? I would think the point is to make an example of this poor woman, and it wouldn't suprise me the 'police' want as many to see it as possible, in order to intimidate as many people as possible. Still, I would rather know about it. Heinous.

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Me too - there are many questions. But the fact that this is not being reported AT ALL in the mainstream makes me think that my gut instinct is correct. I would love to have more information. I was told that the older man at the end in the Metallica T-Shirt is Zoe's dad

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Merryl. When I worked in Child Protection WA it was very, very rare for child abuse cases to be reported in msm. Perhaps this case is no different! Not knowing the full storey I am bothered that it was a police intervention and not child protection officers. Although, I am sad to say both "services" are no longer as I knew them. Both seem to have lost the "serve, protect" aspect of their roles. There seems to be a lack of soul, empathy, a desire to help. But instead to abuse their power and authority. Sad times.

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That’s true. It is only known about cause she posted it. True also that police don’t have the power, it is CP. so I assume CP were there also. I am tipping maybe the parents in-law reported her. Just speculation but it must be someone close to the family.

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