Very informative, learned a lot from all the other comments, by more qualified people. I learned at school that L. Pasteur (French) sterilised his tools. Semmelweis is new to me, sad story.

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Thank you for your valued input. Should it not be the personal responsibility of those on the board make such decisions rather than the public.?

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To mis-quote Dr Bay - it's a shit show all the way.

Perhaps his review and speaking out will engage the mass of hypnotised medicis to speak or even shout out? I doubt it.....! What little trust I had in them evaporated March 2020. Keeping as far away as possible from them is still my life's ambition!

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Exactly right. So glad to read this. Discernment is key. These cases are mostly being won on administrative or technical grounds, not merits.

In my view we need to somehow put the entire vaccine paradigm on trial. If the government claims vaccination is a necessary or important public health measure, then this needs to somehow be brought to a jury.

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This is exactly what RFK Jr's orders are going to be. It's why we all have to hope and pray that he, Trump and the rest of the incoming team are approved and stay safe long enough to do the job they've promised to do.

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I looked up AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 - It is now marked - SUPERSEDED

Does anyone know when AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 was first marked SUPERSEDED ?

Quote from First part of AHPRA Position statement

9 March 2021 below. All of fhe Statement is marked SUPERCEDED

" Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination

What you need to know

Vaccination is a crucial part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many

registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in

educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high

participation rates.

National Boards strongly encourage all registered health practitioners and students (particularly those

undertaking placements in various practice settings) to have the full COVID-19 vaccination course as

scheduled unless medically contraindicated.

National Boards expect registered health practitioners and students to:

1. be appropriately qualified and trained to administer COVID-19 vaccines if authorised, and

2. provide accurate information and advice about COVID-19 vaccination including in social

media and advertising.

As health practitioners and students are members of the general community, vaccination will

contribute to achieving the highest possible level of immunity across the community, will provide

practitioners and students with a level of protection for their own health if exposed to the novel

coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) for Australian health

practitioners commenced on 1 July 2010 under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act

(the National Law) as in force in each state and territory.

The 15 National Health Practitioner Boards (National Boards) work in partnership with the Australian

Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) to protect the health and safety of the public.

National Boards have approved registration standards, codes and guidelines that together form part

of the regulatory framework for each profession. These frameworks guide the professional practice of

registered health practitioners in Australia.

This position statement states the National Boards’ expectations of Australian registered health

practitioners in regard to:

• being vaccinated against COVID-19,

• administering COVID-19 vaccines, and

• providing advice and information about COVID-19 vaccination.

This position statement explains how the Boards’ existing regulatory frameworks apply to COVID-19

vaccination. It should be read in conjunction with the standards, codes, guidelines, position

statements and other guidance published by National Boards.


1 COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV 2.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

GPO Box 9958 Melbourne VIC 3001 www. Ahpra.gov.au 1300 419 495

Ahpra and the National Boards regulate these registered health professions: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

practice, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical, medical radiation practice, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy,

optometry, osteopathy, paramedicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology.


This position statement is based on information available in March 2021. Information about COVID-19

and vaccination is still developing and this position statement will be regularly reviewed.

Practitioners should check the public health advice from Commonwealth, State and Territory Health

Departments for the most recent information about COVID-19 and vaccination. Relevant links are

included at the end of this position statement and published on the COVID-19 section of the Ahpra

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I think you are making a very valid point Meryl.

There is no denying that the personal achievement of Dr. Bay is profound and may (no guarantees) have wider implications for medical professionals in Australia who face the same (or similar) predicament.

However it is also true to say that the fact he won his legal battle (in a very comprehensive way I must say) does not necessarily qualify him to give legal advice to others, despite successfully representing himself in court.

There is however even more important point his story demonstrates and your piece does not touch on:

ANY medical professional in Australia MUST be speaking very forcefully against the C19 injectables at this point and REGARDLESS of the professional and personal consequences for them and their families.

We are approaching the closing days of 2024. Remaining silent is simply not an option any more. If you are a medical professional and have NOT yet come out publicly against the injectables, you are COMPLICIT as far as I'm concerned.

"Fear is the virus and COURAGE is the cure!"...and the ONLY way out of our current predicament!

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Michael, re "ANY medical professional in Australia MUST be speaking very forcefully against the C19 injectables at this point and REGARDLESS of the professional and personal consequences for them and their families."

See my response to Meryl, to her reply to my comment on this article.

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I agree with you 100%!

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CLO are doing a Livestream now with a circuit judge providing a professional assessment of the judgement and its implications:


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I watched this.

Stuart Lindsay was very supportive of both the judgement and William Bay.

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But Stuart said exactly what I say - that the judgement was very narrow and did not include anything other than the fact that AHPRA and the Board had acted outside of their power and therefore, the removal of william’s practicing certificate had to be returned. It did not deal with what he could or could not say in public nor did it say what other doctors could say.

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Meryl, see my response to you below.

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With myself having NOT re-registered as a Registered Chiropractor this year, for the first time in 19 years (I'm now a Chiropractic Consultant, free from Ahpra!), it feels good to leave Ahpra behind!

HOWEVER, you make a fair point, Meryl, in that Dr Bay is not quite correct to say what he likes. Under Ahpra, there are Codes of Conduct. Legally, Ahpra can, and has always been able to, alter these as they see fit, without even consulting with the practitioners they supposedly 'regulate'.

Now, the Code of Conduct for Medical Practitioners has a little line in there saying this: "all doctors have a right to have and express their personal views and values."

(see: https://www.medicalboard.gov.au/codes-guidelines-policies/code-of-conduct.aspx )

The full part of this is under Section 2.2 "Public comment and trust in the profession":

"While there are professional values that underpin good medical practice, all doctors have a right to have and express their personal views and values. However, the boundary between a doctor’s personal and public profile can be blurred. As a doctor, you need to consider the effect of your public comments and your actions outside work, including online, related to medical and clinical issues, and how they reflect on your role as a doctor and on the reputation of the profession."

Dr Bay's PUBLIC OPINION is very different to the views expressed inside his treatment room. He could get hauled over the coals for what he says to his patients, but publicly, he's "allowed" to hold a personal opinion, even if it's wrong, untruthful, a complete load of bollocks or whatever.

NO other registered health profession under Ahpra has this line in there. I should know, because I've been through it all with a complaint I put into Ahpra about a bunch of medicos denigrating the chiropractic profession. The thing is, no-one does anything to attack the medicos - unless of course, they're accused of sexual misdeeds - or for denigrating the vaccine cash cow. The Medical Council of NSW (and all the other states) stand by their medicos...but I'm not sure how long Dr Bay will enjoy his new-found freedom if he keeps up with this publicly. Eventually, Ahpra, the Medical Council (of QLD) and others will collude and take him down. Legally this time.

You are right in that he ONLY got off on a (procedural) technicality.

He is walking a very fine line indeed.

It is GREAT that he was vindicated. We know vaccines are terrible. But most people don't. However, a recently re-registered Medical Practitioner yelling this from the rooftops (and where it's not being picked up in the MSM, just fringe media outlets) may lead to him having a short-lived career! So, enjoy it while you can, folks!

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'reflect on ....the reputation of the profession' that's a chilling line. Reputation more important than reality and truth. Who decides that? Wow.

Congratulations on stepping out from the madness 👍

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The wording is technically made by Ahpra, but of course, they are in cahoots with the medicos, including the Medical Board of Australia...

As for who 'decides' what is right or wrong? Ahpra puts the rules down, but the Medical Board also has a huge say. However, like most of the Boards at Ahpra, they consist of some people who are current registered members of the profession and some of whom are 'members of the public' and then some others. However, they are all handpicked by Ahpra, just like the Chair of the Board, so......make of it what you will! :-\

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absolutely! And I'm sorry you are no longer registered. Australian needs more chiropractors and fewer quacks.

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Ah, I'm not sorry. Ahpra has been a thorn in my side since its inception. Every time I have to deal with them, they make me angry! They are rogue to the core and everyone's lives would improve if they took a long walk off a short plank!

Many things are a-changing now. What people learn at 'University' has been severely dumbed down. Many newly qualified "Chiropractors" come out as nothing better than glorified Physios! Nothing against Physios, but that's not what a Chiropractor should be. And one of the first things medical students are told is to leave their intuition at the door and focus on what they're indoctrinated with during their course instead.

Now, that's something to be sorry about!!

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Some decades ago, my husband was practicing as an osteopath when the chiropractors decided that they wanted registration with the AMA. Many osteopaths all over Australia did not agree with this new arrangement as basically, it meant that they would have to limit their techniques and “retrain” in the area of chiropractic care in order to continue to do the skeletal adjustments (I should say here that there’d been an ongoing debate between the chiros and the osteos about what practice was really the most efficacious, and some professional angst at times and this division now created by this new “law” was the nail in the coffin of osteos being able to manipulate the spine as they had always done and as far as they were concerned, prior to chiros existence). Once again, splitting the treatments into differing specialists groups, a practice the Australian Health Commission loved/loves. Anyway, many rebelled, including my husband. With four children to feed, a wife not working, my husband was not about to “retrain” in the chiropractic field in order to practice adjustments on his patients. Suddenly, he was an outlaw if he did so wizout ze necessary paperwork. He hung on for as long as he could. Of course, he could’ve retrained in osteopathy according to the new AHC’s bible, but without adjustments he felt his ethics and principles would not allow it. Just half fix the patient, that’ll do. Our life changed overnight and was never the same.

The argument at the time when all of this was going down was that the osteopaths should just focus on the muscles of the body and leave the adjustments to the chiropractors. Consequently, their own area of expertise was stymied, and therefore their patients wouldn’t get the full treatment. In other words, similar to now what you write about the chiropractors being reduced to some kind of physiotherapist, the same was being demanded of the osteopaths in the 70’s (personally, physios have never helped me and I’ll stick to my osteopathic treatment by someone who knows their business :-) ).

I feel for you, but as you can see…first they came for the midwives, then they came for the herbalists, then they came for the osteopaths and now they’ve come for you. Pharmacopeia is a beast without a heart.

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Osteopaths were around first, then DD Palmer did his thing. Then no-one seemed to get along and things split off. It's been one split after another. Too many splits and there's nothing left... :-(

What I learned was that Chiropractors tend to focus on neural flow and Osteopaths tend to focus on blood flow. Who knows how right that is anymore. I've seen Chiropractors do a pile of massage, long-lever adjustments and lots of physio-style work. I've seen Osteopaths do short-lever adjustments! It's all become garbled.

Do you know in the chiropractic profession, we STILL can't all agree on the terminology of "subluxation'?!?!?! :-D

I don't expect sympathy. I know the history to a fair degree. It's nowhere near as sordid as the medical history, but it sure lacks cohesiveness.

I've watched TPTB, just in my 20 years treating patients, pick off Homeopathy, then Naturopathy. I've watched our chiropractic X-rays rights dwindle to almost nothing. I've watched Traditional Chinese Medicine 'join the club' - and then get screwed over by not allowing them Medicare Provider Numbers, due to 'insurance' issues - that nobody will fix. I've watched chiropractors turn against other chiropractors and throw people under the bus (figuratively) which resulted in a loss of paediatric adjusting rights, even though there was no scientific evidence to support this. I've watched women who had hospital births decide that 2 midwives were necessary for home births. I've watched midwives almost lose their insurance for home birth. I've watched SO much crumble in just 2 short decades! I've seen papers from AMA meetings back in the 50s/60s writing about how medicos can do in the chiropractic profession once and for all. They have been coming for us all for a long time. They are like an eaglet in the nest- they want NOBODY but themselves there!!! And I guarantee you when they have this, they will then turn on themselves. Because the one common link in all this is HUMANS. Nasty, horrible, power-hungry humans. Who do NOT belong in health care!!!! Health care is a place for those who CARE. And if the people who didn't truly care for their patients would just LEAVE whatever health profession they're in, I think that would be a good start!!! Oh, and Ahpra should be disbanded, and so much red tape should also be gotten rid of! It's a minefield. And it's worth BILLIONS. No wonder Big Pharma wants to get its claws into it.

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Meant Pharmacuetikos but the other works just as well 😄

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I remember that well. At the time, I was speaking with a Chiro in WA who said that this would be the end of natural therapies in Australia. he wasn’t wrong.

And COCA and the CAA sold out their membership. The result is a generation chiros and osteopaths who now no longer understand vitalism. It’s a very sad situation.

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You summed that up very succinctly, Meryl! :-)

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I think the best response will come from the ground up- we can’t depend on the fantasy that corrupt bureaucracies will reform themselves.

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Grass roots is - and always will be - the only way we win.

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Within a corrupt politico-legal system, no one is safe to speak the truth or their mind.

Nevertheless, I will take his win as a sign that “rights not used are forfeited!”. Sure, we speak our mind and we may be punished and even destroyed, but these parasites can’t lock us all up!

The SA Health and Community Services Complaint Commissioner (HCSCC) Professor Grant Davies said I was spreading mis/disinformation about vaccine shedding & put a gag order on me with a threat of $10k fine and 2yrs jail and now… Wadayaknow?! Shedding is “a thing” afterall!

Nevermind that most of our young men and women will probably face lifelong sterility, miscarriages or even giving birth to severely disabled or chronically ill children for generations to come. Our eminent “professor” of lies will escape all accountability while South Australians will suffer in silence - no compensation, no acknowledgement, no accountability, no apologies!

The COVID injections were always a toxic bioweapon NEVER proved safe and effective; only declared to be so by gagging anyone who might question the big pharmaceutical overlords or engage in political discourse or (God forbid!) free speech!

Davies had no excuse not to know what AHPRA and Big Pharma was hiding. He always knew! That’s why the cretin went after me and two others. I will never stop speaking out and I will risk the system coming after me again.

COVID shots went through as much testing and scientific rigour as claiming almond seeds cure cancer. One killed many more than the other. One was banned by Davies, the other was pushed…



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Matilda - thank you for everything you do and have done! If your fellow practitioners had stood with you, hundreds of thousands of Australians would have been saved from death and permanent injury. I salute you!

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If they didn't say anything when they were shooting up pregnant women, they certainly are not speaking up now. I'll never forget what I witnessed.

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No amnesty.

No forgiveness.

Not now.

Not ever.

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One wonders where medical malpractice stands in all of this. Such a tangled web.

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Didn't you know? It's no different to when Semmelweis was hauled off to a lunatic asylum after suggesting washing the surgical instruments between patients/corpses. He was laughed at, until decades past his death. We're still living in the mid-late 1800s! Why was he laughed at? Because "Doctors Are The Hand Of God"!! That's seriously what they used to say. And that's still what many believe today.

But you and I know that the people who believe this are LUNATICS. Still, doctors like playing god. They think they can do no wrong. Semmelweis was right, of course, and far less of his patients died, because he practiced a form of sterilisation for his instruments, among other sensible things. But he was the medical laughing stock of Europe. For decades. It's enough to drive anyone mad. Even though he was right.

Medical malpractice still occurs, but it's not legally binding until it's accepted as wrong - by the medicos!

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Good comment, Robyn S. The tragic story of Ignaz Semmelweis is an important one in the context of what has happened with the mass inoculation of the public with the experimental mRNA injectables - but I doubt that many medical practitioners trained since the 1990s have ever heard of him. The reason the Semmelweis story is particularly relevant is because the problem we face is really a sociological one related to the group behaviour of a public heavily influenced by the liars of the corporate media and deceitful public officials - and to the behaviour of vested medical industry interests. It is not enough to just provide ‘factual’ information about the lethality of the mRNA injectables, if in fact most of the public and the medical profession simply reject the proposition as an automatic denial reflex. (PS: For the benefit of those who may not know, it is worth mentioning that Dr Ignaz Semmelweis died from injuries inflicted by the beatings of the guards at the Viennese asylum to which his medical colleagues had him committed).

Derailing the Covid/mRNA industry juggernaut is a really complex problem. It has no easy solutions, because ‘we’ who make up the ‘aware’ minority are disorganised, fragmented, and are largely shouting at the clouds in an echo chamber – partly because we do not control the megaphones of the corporate media. RFK Jnr is going to meet immense opposition in the U.S. Congress where the Republicans only hold a thin margin of reliable votes. The liars of the U.S. corporate media have already started to smear him.

One lesson that I have learnt from the last five years (that I never understood before) is that only a small minority of people seem to be capable of joining up enough of the dots on any controversial issue to overcome the powerful psychological forces that impel people to simply adopt the behaviour & collective beliefs of the herd. Presenting factual evidence is just not enough. I now understand why the evil genius of Josef Goebbels was so successful in harnessing the tremendous psychological power of group behaviour in 1930s Germany.

I weep for Andrew Brigden – the former U.K member of the House of Commons who so bravely spoke up about the injuries caused by the mass mRNA inoculation in Britain, only to be spurned by most of his unworthy parliamentary colleagues and mocked by the contemptible liars of the U.K. media and the medical industry powerbrokers. After faithfully representing his constituency for two decades, Brigden lost his seat in the recent U.K. elections – he was only able to get 3% of the vote of his electorate. That is a very sobering thought to ponder. Consider the fact that this probably means that over 90% of the British population simply does not understand or accept the proposition that the mRNA injectables are dangerous - because “the god doctors” and the TV talking heads reading from their teleprompters are not saying so. This is a frightening situation – especially if the same percentage of non-acceptance of the evidence of harm also applies to the majority of the medical profession – many of whom no doubt lack self-awareness and are incapable of critical thought.

Having said all that, the ‘aware’ minority who inhabit these Substack sites should not despair – but ‘we’ do need to consider alternative approaches rather than just continue shouting in our echo chambers. Ultimately, a measure of justice can be obtained by using the political system, and the ‘aware’ minority is big enough to do that - given time, organisation, and motivation. As a first step, all stops need to be pulled out to ensure that brave Australian senators such as Gerard Rennick & Malcolm Roberts are returned to the Senate in next year’s election.

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Fantastic reply! You covered a lot of ground! Yes, Semmelweis did a great job, practically single handedly, and he was hounded so badly. Almost nobody believed in him, not even his (young) wife, yet he saved SO many lives! And yes, a horrible end for him. He was up against so much, and so few held his hand and supported him.

I do worry that Rennick & Roberts may not be returned to the Senate in QLD, even though Australia REALLY NEEDS THEM to be! Antic should be OK in SA, though. But the demographics have changed a LOT in QLD as people have moved to the sunshine state to live it up/retire/get away from it all, conveniently forgetting (or maybe not even knowing...) that they have only ONE house of parliament, and that's normally where every heinous piece of state legislation begins and is passed, and is then paraded around everywhere else and passed some more, because, you know, it was passed in QLD....so obviously it's OK to pass it in all the other states, right...?!?!

I hadn't read that Brigden only received 3% of the vote after he spoke out. That's shocking. People are such social creatures, and will do anything to remain part of the herd, it seems, even ignoring the cold hard facts (truth) that they heard with their own ears and saw with their own eyes. And THAT is the most important piece of information that people forget. That MOST people are complete dimwits, incapable of original thought, or even comprehending logic, ESPECIALLY when it runs counter to what's already in the their tangle of neurons.

I, too, learned the hard lesson that humans are social creatures first and foremost, where being part of the herd trumps EVERYTHING. And it doesn't matter if the Herd is right or wrong, sensible or crazy, kind or cruel. It's how it runs. Not sure if it's always run this way, but judging by the history that we know of, I'd say it's fair to assume so!

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Any doctor, nurse or other practitioner who uses the 'standard of care' treatments is committing medical malpractice.

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The William Bay case provides the opportunity to turn the spotlight on to Ahpra and the Medical Board, see: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary

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100% right, Elizabeth. And that was needed. But truly - there is so much that was said that wasn't true - it kind of spoils the excellent victory he had.

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Meryl, in the euphoria after his excellent victory, in response to Michael Gray Griffith's question "What do you think about the vaccines William?!", William Bay responded: "I think the vaccines are shit, mate. They're absolute shit." https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/i-think-the-vaccines-are-shit-mate

And he is absolutely right...

This should have been said from the beginning...

You know, when there was 'a virus', purportedly causing a disease that was acknowledged at the time wasn't a serious threat to most people.

But they went ahead anyway and imposed 'a vaccine solution' on practically the entire population.

A vaccine solution that it turned out 'didn't prevent infection nor transmission' re 'the virus'.

But people were told to submit to it anyway, because it purportedly 'reduced hospitalisation and death'...you know...against the disease it had been admitted from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

And people were coerced, and even MANDATED, to submit to this medical intervention, that didn't 'prevent infection nor transmission'.

You know what is the most stunning thing? The amount of people who meekly went along with the 'shit vaccines', and even had multiple doses!

If only there had been more people with balls to call out this bullshit from the start...medical practitioners for instance...

Sorry for all the rude language, but seriously, this is beyond a joke... It is deadly serious, the damage that has been inflicted upon the community with this deliberately manufactured crisis, that has been used to exploit and enslave the people.

Yes, it's already happened, the personal autonomy and bodily integrity of millions of people has been stolen by this fiasco.

It's the biggest crime of all time...how about we start focussing on those accountable?

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I don't disagree with anything you said Elizabeth. The only problem I have is that Billy Bay misinformed people about what the ruling actually said. And it's not the first time this has happened. But that does not take away from the incredibly significance of his victory. I just suggestion that caution should have bene the order of the day when giving advice to others.

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What did he specifically say that was wrong?

What was the misinformation?

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He said that he had won the right for all doctors to speak freely about vaccines. That is not true. As I showed in the quote - the court never even looked at that issue. The only reason he won is because AHPRA and the Board were so stupid and arrogant they didn’t go about what they did the right way. Read the judgement, Elizabeth. I think you will see for yourself that what he said was not right.

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Meryl, I think you are missing the major achievement of William Bay's case - he has exposed the abuse of power by AHPRA and the Medical Board in persecuting doctors who challenge the status quo.

See my article: The persecution of William Bay by AHPRA and the Medical Board of Australia...and the dire consequences for the patient-doctor relationship: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-persecution-of-william-bay-by

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I have read the judgement.

I'm going to read it again.

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The judge held that all the complaints against Dr Bay were in respect of political statements or actions and that none of the covid measures extended the regulators' role to protecting either themselves or government from political criticism. [paras 14 & 17 of the judgment].

He further held that the Board were never able to point to any legislative requirement or guideline that Dr Bay broke. [112,114]

Consequently, among other failings, the Board acted beyond its powers, and so the judge struck down all its decisions. [108]

Hence we can conclude the regulators did not have the authority they claimed to exercise and simply bullied people into compliance with their political objectives: the Court has stood on the basis of legal right against such behaviour.

Judgment: https://archive.sclqld.org.au/qjudgment/2024/QSC24-315.pdf

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As always the voice of common sense thanks Meryl and very timely also.

Let us rejoice in Dr Bay's win for the moment. Does anyone believe that AHPRA will not come again? We are living a Totalitarian's nightmare. Winning will not be possible until the pirates have walked the plank and we are back in charge.

The evil empire will never admit that there was a scamdemic and a poison injection. AHPRA and the political establishment are the evil empire's soldiers end of story.

Even so well done Dr Bay may God be with you.

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not trustworthy.. this.. waiting for the implications..🤔🤔

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Re "Dr Bay asked the Court to review decisions of the Board about matters that have been the subject of public discussion and debate. Nothing in this decision should be understood as the Court entering that debate. The Court is concerned only with whether the decision or the conduct was free from an error that goes to the decisionmaker’s authority to make the decision. The Court does not have any opinion on any argument about the substantive merits raised in public debate relating to any decision under review."

The Court's statement includes the word " debate " twice.

The initial understanding of the message sent to doctors and the general public was overtly " the vaccines are safe and effective " and implicitly "there is no debate" and to question the narrative and even to refuse the medical injection risked for some losing one's licence to practice medicine and to work for many others.

So the word debate is incredibly meaningful in this context.

In a totalitarian society debate is not permitted and can be severely punished eg exile and imprisonment.

In a democracy debate is permitted and even encouraged in a healthy society.

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The Court characterised Dr Bay's activities as political and as such the regulators had no power to suppress Dr Bay's expression of them (see judgment, paras 14 and 108).

The judge did not decide whether Dr Bay's views were correct or not, but nevertheless upheld his right to express them.

The judge also said the regulators were never able to point to any legislation or guidelines Dr Bay may have contravened. (para 112)

The Court has given doctors the green light to speak out and do the right thing by their patients: they should do so and help forestall more evil.

Judgment: https://archive.sclqld.org.au/qjudgment/2024/QSC24-315.pdf

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I didn't notice that, Shirley, You make a good point.

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Most of the Doctors did stand as one........ against us.

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Sad, but true, Roc.

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That's because apart from being Gutless Quisling they were content with their 30 pieces of Silver.

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I concur Norm.

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