Thank you very much for this Information and video too

I can say this video is look more like real

I can say there are some people dead being Vaccinated then people that are Not being Vaccinated

Well this is Political Mafia telling us that is ( what is good for as) I hope God will DEMOLISH Political Mafia and we will have Freedoms BACK


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If you aren't aware that monkey pox is the cover up for HIV. If you've had 3 doses you will develop symptoms of HIV. That's why they've linked it to gay men.

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I know this is actually tragic, but I can't help laughing. Don't you just want to lift those contraptions off those people and hug them until they calm down? 😂🥰

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I'm not as nice as you, S. I want to lift those contraptions off and slap some sense into them! 🤣 But I do hope that one day, they will see themselves in this video and wonder - what the heck were we thinking????

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LOL, I'm in agreement with you, Meryl, although I wouldn't slap some sense into them, I'd probably just laugh at them, and then if they got cranky, I'd rattle off the science about how masks don't work...of course if would all end in anger. Best avoided, really.

As much as you might want them to look back in these videos and hope that they'd cringe and change their mind, I don't think they're going to be alive in 5 years to watch themselves in these videos. Perhaps only then will people have some idea as to how terrible this time in our lives was...as per usual with human 'history'. We just never learn, do we? :-(

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I beg to differ. The REPORTED deaths from COVID were that high but within 12 months, the CDC admitted that only 6% of those deaths were actually caused by COVID alone and the rest had between 3 and 6 co-morbidities which actually caused their death. Didn't read that in the NY Times or the Washington Post, did you? In fact, I would say that there hasn't been ONE death from a virus called COVID-19 because the pathogenicity of this virus has never been proved and the tests to show that you are infected are incapable of doing so.

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Don't forget to take into account the protocols that contributed to deaths. I.e. test, isolate, when you can't breathe got to hospital to be put on a ventilator. The lack of and outright prevention of doctors using early intervention treatments have been a serious breach of the hypocratic oath. The numbers never had to be what they have been. As for comorbidities, we'll never really know if it was covid or a natural progression of other conditions that caused deaths. One can only summise.

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