It is sad to see your team will still not accept and respect the law and the High Court in this Country. To win cases you need to follow and interpret the law not stamp your feet and demand repeatedly (and incorrectly) that your version is correct. It is actually a great victory for commonsense and the rule of law that this case was thrown out.

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I have a quote attributed to the Dalai Lama. "If you think you are TOO SMALL to make a difference try sleeping with a MOSQUITO".

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Here is another take on why what efforts made have come to nought.

There are 2 jurisdictions, the original or equitable, and the legal.

The original Commonwealth was formed when the default jurisdiction was the original, and it was natural for people to be located in it. The people's unalienable rights exist and are protected in this jurisdiction.

When the western world went into receivership in the late 1920's and early 1930's a new jurisdiction was created so that the general bankruptcy could be administered.

The assets of the people were put into trust and fiat currency was issued for general circulation.

This fiat currency, or legal tender, was given value by the pledging of the people's toil and sweat which took the form of the people applying for and identifying as legal entities created by the State.

This is what a Birth Certificate is, a legal trust which is a mere shadow of the original trust relationship that existed between the people and the Crown.

The default jurisdiction nowadays is legal, and what presents as "government" is nothing but private corporations that have no claim to any form of sovereignty (didn't Paul Keating use that word recently ?).

Research the Clearfield Doctrine for more insight.

The plaintiff chooses the jurisdiction by the Court in which the Bill is filed and the nature of the subject matter.

The Federal Court came into existence in 1976, and was created by a private corporation registered in the USA ( the de facto Commonwealth of Australia ).

The Federal Court is incapable of making a determination in anything other than the legal jurisdiction where fictions and dead things exist.

It cannot grant any form of equitable relief other that statutory, and only for corporate soles, corporations and body politics.

The Bill was originally filed in the Federal Court so the equitable side of the High Court was excluded.

That is why it has gone back to the Federal Court.

The original jurisdiction is accessed through the Supreme Courts of the States, and through them to the equitable side of the High Court.

Remember a press conference where Sutton stated that Court personal, politicians and Commonwealth employees were exempt from the mandate on the advice of the Solicitor General. ( https://t.me/c/1244215106/3089 )

In the States ( which are private corporations ) of Tasmania and WA, in the Births, Deaths and Marriages Acts, only those children that are born as stillborn are required to be registered. (I have not checked on the other States.)

A living child cannot be recorded as the legal fiction represented by the State issued ( created ) Birth Certificate.

My observation is that the various Courts act impeccably in compliance with the law, but it is the people's ignorance of the current lawful and legal structure, of who they are and how they choose to present themselves that is the source of their suffering and why they cannot get equitable relief.

It goes without saying that they have been lead to presume that it is one way whereas that is false.

The people need to wake up to what the reality is.

Unfortunately it is human nature to hold onto what is considered their understanding of the basis of social order and the interactions thereof, even if it is wrong.

As Confucius stated: "It is easier to light a candle than to curse the dark."

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I have been around the ridges of this country for 75 years and I know, from observation and experience that the "justice" system, from parliament through police to judiciary, is rotten to the core. And this not a recent occurrence.

If you expect justice, or even ordinary sense from this "system" then I have a bridge to sell to you.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

I would pay the same money I gave for this case, each and every week, to have this case put before the courts. Over and over again - until they see reason.

If we just sit and wait until the time is 'right' for our case to be upheld, then we may be waiting a very long time indeed.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

And that's the thing, isn't it? It's not about justice anymore, but whether a juducial outcome sits right with the prevailing political direction.

This country is lost right now - but it USED to be good.

There is not justice in this country anymore, and so, now we must wait until the 'right' political time to put this case forward again...? And when will that be?

When we no longer have our own house because all our title deeds are electronic, and the powers that be have decided that those who are unjabbed shall not own property?

When the police, from here and overseas, have stolen our children, forcibly from our arms, and put them in state-run houses, because we didn't jab them?

When those who protested somewhere, or didn't have a mandated jab, have had their bank accounts frozen?

When everyone is under the barking orders of some crazed psychopath - on pain of death?

Because if we wait until then, it will be TOO DAMN LATE.

Honestly, if the country is going to keep heading in this direction, I think it's time we thought about leaving Australia - not necessarily hopping on the next plane or boat out of here, but certainly considering our options.

We cannot wait for the prevailing political wind to allow the 'judges' to approve our case. It really makes you wonder, unless Parliament and all the law houses are burnt down, will justice not be served? Do these bastards WANT a revolution? I do not want to go to those extremes; I would rather leave these shores peacefully. But we should NOT have to do that to have our freedom.

People came to this country for a new start. Many earned their freedom here. And now they want us back in irons again.

My, how the merry-go-round of Life turns...

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Oh Meryl, how terrible. There are no words really, are there! We must keep in mind the bigger picture though - this was just one battle in a war that we've been engaged in for decades now. Today we will lick our wounds, but tomorrow we will regroup. We will gather in even greater numbers, we will face the enemy again and we will beat them. Take care xxx

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Cannot agree more, Meryl. Taking in the bigger picture, I see the reason these institutions cannot acknowledge vax damage etc is because, to validate them would then cause people to doubt 'the science' upon which the last century has depended. To change habits causes anxiety, chaos and anger - and would also uncover most of the lies, hopes and dreams that underpin society. Good Lord, everyone would have to think for themselves AND take responsibility on many many levels. Can't have that now, can we.

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Oh Meryl, what a kick in the gut! I cannot say I am surprised though, we see exactly the same all over the world, justice - if it ever existed - is dead. In Israel people are marching in the streets to maintain the supremacy of a high court (comprising a corrupt oligarchy who supported mandates, alienation, discrimination and the creation of a medical apartheid society) over an elected government. It beggars belief.

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