Congenital Abnormalities in Babies Born of Women who Took Pfizer jabs at 11% - should be less than 2%
If anyone in authority was looking for a safety signal, this is a rather large one. We are killing and maiming babies in record numbers!
Hat tip to the amazing mouse, Jikkyleaks on Twitter for this information.
This is the data from Pfizer’s third 6-month safety report (an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one!). This data is from the small, prospective cohort and does not even begin to represent all of the women who’ve gotten this jab in pregnancy.
Even so, the rate of congenital abnormalities (birth defects) is 11% - and the ‘normal’ rate (who knows what’s normal any more with women being exposed to toxins left, right and centre?) should be no more than 2%.
According to Jikkyleaks, this is a 1-in-a-million increase. Match that up with the 67% decline in live births in Australia as of 9 months after jabbing started and you can begin to see the pregnancy holocaust women and their unborn children are facing.
If you know someone who is pregnant and is considering taking this (or any other) vaccine at any point in their pregnancy, please try to speak with them and ask them to do their own research on this issue. Because there is no such thing as a safe vaccine - but especially not during this incredibly fragile 9 months of gestation.
#Placentagate #Thalidomide #DES #BirthDefects
and these are the problems we can SEE.....people don't believe me when I say it, still.
It seems all these studies have been done on women who are pregnant and then get the jab while pregnant. Has there been any studies done on women who’ve had the jab months previously and then gotten pregnant with a vaxed man. How are these babies fairing? Has anyone done stats on these babies with references to abnormalities and overall health? Has anyone tested these babies for spike protein? Their DNA?