This is truly heartbreaking ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข

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Very interesting about gene mutations of MTHFR. Could this also explain why some people have adverse reactions to vaccines and others nothing?

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It seems all these studies have been done on women who are pregnant and then get the jab while pregnant. Has there been any studies done on women whoโ€™ve had the jab months previously and then gotten pregnant with a vaxed man. How are these babies fairing? Has anyone done stats on these babies with references to abnormalities and overall health? Has anyone tested these babies for spike protein? Their DNA?

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Thanks for sharing

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The runaway train has no brake. Else it would have stopped long ago.

There is no stopping condition. No extreme death tally that will change the trajectory.

This is all part of the plan. Their plan, for us.

It is the largest cull in history. Soon, the numbers will exceed the Spanish Flu.

And the Luciferian perpetrators believe there will be a survivable landing. For themselves.

Game it out. I see an extinction-level event. Bare minimum, societal collapse.

They are in a rush. They want most of us gone, soon.

It is time for a real deck of cards to be minted and distributed. Many of the villains are known. We need to crowdsource this problem; hence they are trying to eliminate free communications.


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and these are the problems we can SEE.....people don't believe me when I say it, still.

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