Sadly, there are too many in our community who still trust without checking. It's time for us to learn the difference between truth and lies; fact and wishful thinking.
I’ve suspected he is a saboteur or unhinged person with a god complex from the moment he hit the scene interrupting the AMA conference. The timing was suspicious and his conduct so counterproductive to being taken seriously that I knew either way he was going to be a complete liability to the medical freedom movement. His attempt at interfering in the Australian Babies case confirmed this and his latest action regarding the Voice pushes things more toward saboteur in my reckoning. You have to ask why his actions are always against the interests he claims to be acting for? I also read something about his backstory early on which further raised my suspicions about him. He claimed to have refused to take the vaccines required of him when he was in his medical degree at Monash University and yet somehow continued in the degree. If he felt that strongly about vaccines for years how is it possible he remained silent through most of the pandemic and injected the Covid 19 shots into his patients?
Yes when he was interviewed by Australian Doctors magazine they asked him if he was administering vaccinations prior to patients reporting to him about adverse reactions and he said he had been.
Thanks for that. I’m getting the impression that guilt could be driving his madness. I’d feel pretty bad too if I knew that I’d injured and killed people because I couldn’t be bothered to do my homework regarding an experimental injection. If many members of the public, myself included, were responsible enough to do due diligence then it was also incumbent upon the administrators to do the same. Nobody regrets not taking the shot.
There have been a few things I read early on about him prior to Covid which I can no longer find online through keyword searches. What I had read was that he had refused to take some of the required vaccines while studying medicine and was disciplined by the university. I can’t find any article reporting this now through searches.
I think that we all - myself included - need to be sceptical of anyone who bursts onto the scene like Bay did with such immediate fervor. I think we were so glad to see a health professional who understood the issues surrounding compulsion, we didn't question like we should. That is an important lesson going forward - for everyone!
Totally agree and in my opinion whether it was designed to or not, the timing of his rise to prominence served to smear and taint the good work done by quieter doctors who were conducting themselves seriously in their opposition to the mandates. Intended or not he has become the iconic doctor against Covid mandates which seriously discredits in the public’s mind any knowledgeable opposition from within the medical community. And now expanding to all other anti establishment resistance movements.
Meryl, I couldn't agree more that we need to call out ALL spreaders of bullsh*t, whether on 'our side' or 'their side'. Buying into bullsh*t causes people to misdirect their time, energy and resources. It can be dangerous to one's health (as a health practitioner, I see vast piles of health-related bullsh*t being spread on social media; most of it is stupid but pretty harmless, however some of it is downright dangerous). I'm not in favour of censorship, especially after the events of the past 3+ years, but people need to up their game when it comes to fact-checking the information they're exposed to so they don't get snowed by bullsh*t - and that's a mixed metaphor if ever there was one.
Like budgeting, cooking, cleaning, mechanics and so many other essential skillsets, Robyn, these issues along with bullshit detection should be required courses in every single school.
And you and I both know that this will NEVER happen in state indoctrination camps! Time for everyone to figure out how to make homeschooling work for their family.
yep i contacted DR Bay privately days ago with links highlighting his claims as mistaken.. requesting he update and clarify.. yet he didnt.. Good for you.. and good for Triccy .. frankly the Dr has shown himself.. and indeed. max and michael have also shown themselves as.. hasty and uninfomed at very lest..
It would have been better if you had of contacted Billy and made a time to talk and listen in private rather than publicly write about him like you did. Not good.
What difference would that make if he refused to brook any constructive criticism and does not correct his mistakes? The issue is around the damage of his rash misinformation, ironically for someone railing against the establishment
Meryl Dorey I hereby ask you to stop attacking me publicly without speaking with me privately at all. These matters should be discussed properly first before making damaging public accusations. I look forward to your response. :)
Billy - you say I am attacking you. I say I am informing our community about some (only some) of the untruths I believe you have been spreading. It's bad enough claiming to have had all these untraceable, unprovable 'victories' in the High Court - you've even shared documents PROVING that you lost but call them wins? Who does that?
I believe this is fraud. Plain and simple. Your suspension does not preclude you getting paid work! AHPRA only has control over medical professionals - not any other industry. Get a job, Billy! If you have to work at McDonalds or packing shelves at Coles, do some honest work and stop mooching off of the goodness of our community.
And instead of continually asking people to stop attacking you or threatening them with baseless defamation claims, maybe stop doing the things that honest people feel they have to expose.
Good for you Meryl. At this point, I just switch off anyone who interviews him. I was incredulous that MGG could interview Julian then follow up with Bay. Cafe locked out is removing comments against him on their Fb page; such hypocrisy.
Billy's acting a bit like a bull in a china shop in his spiritual quest, which appears to be a recent revelation. Interestingly, he also added that he was studying law prior to his medical life. First time he's ever mentioned that & as he appears to do quite often, if he doesn't agree with someone e.g, his former lecturer, he spits the dummy. I've given this bloke the benefit of the doubt up to this point but I would advise everyone to listen very carefully moving forward & join the dots, I will be. One more thing, vote NO to the voice everyone the High Court is out to lunch.
What comes up for me is that he's either a loop becoming more of a problem the more attention he's given, or else a stooge doing a sabotage job for someone (i.e. to give campaigns a bad name by prominently associating himself with them, behaving badly and giving the government cause to call us out on 'mis-information' (with some reason) and worse. Has anyone checked Him out fully, I wonder.
I think the poor bugger is unhinged. Simply, because he has no problem making a fool of himself and at the same time being unaware that he’s making a fool of himself. We need to ignore him as much as possible. Give his cause no oxygen.
I honestly can't even guess at his motivation. But I do wonder about it. Never checked out his history. I did interview him on Under the Wire when he first hit the scene and thought even then that things were a bit odd.
Which Constitution is up for grabs ? The Constitution of 'The Commonwealth' 1901 [red book], or the 'Constitution of the [corporate body] COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA [Inc]] 1986 [green book]?
Do not feel bad about calling out falsehoods and bad behaviour. The Left is the home of hypocrisy and a complete inability to call their own to account when behaving badly (which is actually most of the time) - and we need to distance ourselves from such behaviour and those, no matter who they are, passing on false and misleading information.
During covid our small group (approx 30 in number) stuck very closely to evidence and science based arguments and on several occasions myself and others had to call out group members when they tried to push unsupported material. Group members said to me and others that they were so glad that they knew that the information that they then used with family members, politicians and others was rock solid. The same ethos must prevail here at this site and whenever we are arguing against reckless Leftists and politicians - and its great to see real evidence here that this is continuing.
Thanks Chris. It just feels ugly to be fighting amongst ourselves, but sometimes there are influences that are divisive and destructive and when that happens, it needs to be dealt with. So far, I am heartened by the support of people like yourself who are able to see why it's important to discuss this.
Thank you, Meryl. I'm sure this was not a comfortable experience - on any points raised here.
The takeaway is a win, though. Discernment is vital.
Verify. Check sources. Cross reference from multiple points, if possible.
Encouraging, helping, reminding people to use critical thinking.
Also reassuring - to know that if we don't have the answers - it's okay to say 'I don't know'. It is NOT okay to adopt someone - anyone's version - just so we don't feel adrift.
Thank you Meryl, I applaud your actions here. Truth is truth and this now appears to be a deliberate sabotage attempt by 2 people who should know better.
There is something called consequences of actions, and people who act against humanity ARE responsible for the harms that follow.
TBH I had my concerns about Michael Griffith when I came across a video a while back where he and his wife were chatting, and it was long. The content was all about sleeping with people aside from partners, spicing up your relationship this way, and telling others to do the same. He also criticised Aus men for "wearing shorts" and not dressing like the sexy European men do.... tell me how this is relevant to truth and the fact that we're currently experiencing a major assault on Humanity! Its pathetic and an insult to humanity.
We need to to start spreading that "Bay got it wrong - Go Vote NO"
On the up side, its a desperate attempt to stem a tide of discontent. This too shall fail!
Billy & MGG have a bit of a bromance going on, imo & they both have let their egos go off track & can't/ won't reign it in. Billy slips up sometimes & forgets to give credit to God. If you listen carefully to his interview with MGG he likens his battles with AHPRA, the Voice & whatever else, as a game that he is determined to win. He says that alot, we will win. It sucks people in, especially the desperate. He & a few others in the so called "freedom movement" are intoxicated with their own version of power, probably without even knowing it. A man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client, comes to mind. Just vote NO based on the evidence. The government is NOT your friend folks, if you can't figure that out stay away from me, thanks.
Interesting thought - I hadn't heard him talking about this as a game but you're right. That is an odd way to refer to such a serious endeavour. It's not a game when people's lives and families are at stake.
I’ve suspected he is a saboteur or unhinged person with a god complex from the moment he hit the scene interrupting the AMA conference. The timing was suspicious and his conduct so counterproductive to being taken seriously that I knew either way he was going to be a complete liability to the medical freedom movement. His attempt at interfering in the Australian Babies case confirmed this and his latest action regarding the Voice pushes things more toward saboteur in my reckoning. You have to ask why his actions are always against the interests he claims to be acting for? I also read something about his backstory early on which further raised my suspicions about him. He claimed to have refused to take the vaccines required of him when he was in his medical degree at Monash University and yet somehow continued in the degree. If he felt that strongly about vaccines for years how is it possible he remained silent through most of the pandemic and injected the Covid 19 shots into his patients?
Did he admit that he administered covid shots to his patients?
Yes when he was interviewed by Australian Doctors magazine they asked him if he was administering vaccinations prior to patients reporting to him about adverse reactions and he said he had been.
Thanks for that. I’m getting the impression that guilt could be driving his madness. I’d feel pretty bad too if I knew that I’d injured and killed people because I couldn’t be bothered to do my homework regarding an experimental injection. If many members of the public, myself included, were responsible enough to do due diligence then it was also incumbent upon the administrators to do the same. Nobody regrets not taking the shot.
Thank you for that link! Did he claim somewhere that he himself never took the jab? I thought he had but I don't know where I got that idea from?
I’m not sure but they ask him about that in this interview as well I think
There have been a few things I read early on about him prior to Covid which I can no longer find online through keyword searches. What I had read was that he had refused to take some of the required vaccines while studying medicine and was disciplined by the university. I can’t find any article reporting this now through searches.
I think that we all - myself included - need to be sceptical of anyone who bursts onto the scene like Bay did with such immediate fervor. I think we were so glad to see a health professional who understood the issues surrounding compulsion, we didn't question like we should. That is an important lesson going forward - for everyone!
Totally agree and in my opinion whether it was designed to or not, the timing of his rise to prominence served to smear and taint the good work done by quieter doctors who were conducting themselves seriously in their opposition to the mandates. Intended or not he has become the iconic doctor against Covid mandates which seriously discredits in the public’s mind any knowledgeable opposition from within the medical community. And now expanding to all other anti establishment resistance movements.
Meryl, I couldn't agree more that we need to call out ALL spreaders of bullsh*t, whether on 'our side' or 'their side'. Buying into bullsh*t causes people to misdirect their time, energy and resources. It can be dangerous to one's health (as a health practitioner, I see vast piles of health-related bullsh*t being spread on social media; most of it is stupid but pretty harmless, however some of it is downright dangerous). I'm not in favour of censorship, especially after the events of the past 3+ years, but people need to up their game when it comes to fact-checking the information they're exposed to so they don't get snowed by bullsh*t - and that's a mixed metaphor if ever there was one.
I've been a bit fixated on this recently, hence my bullsh*t miniseries: How to sharpen your bullsh*t detection skills (, and How to spot bullsh*t arguments - Part 1 ( and Part 2 (
Like budgeting, cooking, cleaning, mechanics and so many other essential skillsets, Robyn, these issues along with bullshit detection should be required courses in every single school.
And you and I both know that this will NEVER happen in state indoctrination camps! Time for everyone to figure out how to make homeschooling work for their family.
yep i contacted DR Bay privately days ago with links highlighting his claims as mistaken.. requesting he update and clarify.. yet he didnt.. Good for you.. and good for Triccy .. frankly the Dr has shown himself.. and indeed. max and michael have also shown themselves as.. hasty and uninfomed at very lest..
It would have been better if you had of contacted Billy and made a time to talk and listen in private rather than publicly write about him like you did. Not good.
What difference would that make if he refused to brook any constructive criticism and does not correct his mistakes? The issue is around the damage of his rash misinformation, ironically for someone railing against the establishment
Meryl Dorey I hereby ask you to stop attacking me publicly without speaking with me privately at all. These matters should be discussed properly first before making damaging public accusations. I look forward to your response. :)
People are allowed an opinion. 🙄
Billy - you say I am attacking you. I say I am informing our community about some (only some) of the untruths I believe you have been spreading. It's bad enough claiming to have had all these untraceable, unprovable 'victories' in the High Court - you've even shared documents PROVING that you lost but call them wins? Who does that?
But today, I saw you stating that your suspension as a medical doctor means that you can't work at ANY job at all ( and therefore, you need to continue living off of the donations of people who are silly enough to support you financially.
I believe this is fraud. Plain and simple. Your suspension does not preclude you getting paid work! AHPRA only has control over medical professionals - not any other industry. Get a job, Billy! If you have to work at McDonalds or packing shelves at Coles, do some honest work and stop mooching off of the goodness of our community.
And instead of continually asking people to stop attacking you or threatening them with baseless defamation claims, maybe stop doing the things that honest people feel they have to expose.
If you are prepared to defend your claims of fraud please let me know the best address to send you a Concerns Notice.
The right to one’s reputation is a private right protected by law.
Good for you Meryl. At this point, I just switch off anyone who interviews him. I was incredulous that MGG could interview Julian then follow up with Bay. Cafe locked out is removing comments against him on their Fb page; such hypocrisy.
You are right.
So this Billy Bay fellow is a proper medical doctor?
May Billy's "God" preserve us from such ratbags.
Billy's acting a bit like a bull in a china shop in his spiritual quest, which appears to be a recent revelation. Interestingly, he also added that he was studying law prior to his medical life. First time he's ever mentioned that & as he appears to do quite often, if he doesn't agree with someone e.g, his former lecturer, he spits the dummy. I've given this bloke the benefit of the doubt up to this point but I would advise everyone to listen very carefully moving forward & join the dots, I will be. One more thing, vote NO to the voice everyone the High Court is out to lunch.
Great post!
Thank you so much for the clarification.
If he comes after you, then just like Triccy, you are doing right for the people at large & that takes far more courage than I personally have.
Thank you once again.
Thanks for that.
What comes up for me is that he's either a loop becoming more of a problem the more attention he's given, or else a stooge doing a sabotage job for someone (i.e. to give campaigns a bad name by prominently associating himself with them, behaving badly and giving the government cause to call us out on 'mis-information' (with some reason) and worse. Has anyone checked Him out fully, I wonder.
I think the poor bugger is unhinged. Simply, because he has no problem making a fool of himself and at the same time being unaware that he’s making a fool of himself. We need to ignore him as much as possible. Give his cause no oxygen.
I honestly can't even guess at his motivation. But I do wonder about it. Never checked out his history. I did interview him on Under the Wire when he first hit the scene and thought even then that things were a bit odd.
Which Constitution is up for grabs ? The Constitution of 'The Commonwealth' 1901 [red book], or the 'Constitution of the [corporate body] COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA [Inc]] 1986 [green book]?
Good question. Short answer - I don't know.
Do not feel bad about calling out falsehoods and bad behaviour. The Left is the home of hypocrisy and a complete inability to call their own to account when behaving badly (which is actually most of the time) - and we need to distance ourselves from such behaviour and those, no matter who they are, passing on false and misleading information.
During covid our small group (approx 30 in number) stuck very closely to evidence and science based arguments and on several occasions myself and others had to call out group members when they tried to push unsupported material. Group members said to me and others that they were so glad that they knew that the information that they then used with family members, politicians and others was rock solid. The same ethos must prevail here at this site and whenever we are arguing against reckless Leftists and politicians - and its great to see real evidence here that this is continuing.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Chris. It just feels ugly to be fighting amongst ourselves, but sometimes there are influences that are divisive and destructive and when that happens, it needs to be dealt with. So far, I am heartened by the support of people like yourself who are able to see why it's important to discuss this.
Thank you, Meryl. I'm sure this was not a comfortable experience - on any points raised here.
The takeaway is a win, though. Discernment is vital.
Verify. Check sources. Cross reference from multiple points, if possible.
Encouraging, helping, reminding people to use critical thinking.
Also reassuring - to know that if we don't have the answers - it's okay to say 'I don't know'. It is NOT okay to adopt someone - anyone's version - just so we don't feel adrift.
Absolutely, Happy. Discernment and responsibility - dirty words to some but without them both, we are powerless. Not somewhere I want to be :-)
Thank you Meryl, I applaud your actions here. Truth is truth and this now appears to be a deliberate sabotage attempt by 2 people who should know better.
There is something called consequences of actions, and people who act against humanity ARE responsible for the harms that follow.
TBH I had my concerns about Michael Griffith when I came across a video a while back where he and his wife were chatting, and it was long. The content was all about sleeping with people aside from partners, spicing up your relationship this way, and telling others to do the same. He also criticised Aus men for "wearing shorts" and not dressing like the sexy European men do.... tell me how this is relevant to truth and the fact that we're currently experiencing a major assault on Humanity! Its pathetic and an insult to humanity.
We need to to start spreading that "Bay got it wrong - Go Vote NO"
On the up side, its a desperate attempt to stem a tide of discontent. This too shall fail!
Hi SunTruth,
Yes, we are each responsible for what we do and say and will be held to account eventually so we need to always consider this.
Billy & MGG have a bit of a bromance going on, imo & they both have let their egos go off track & can't/ won't reign it in. Billy slips up sometimes & forgets to give credit to God. If you listen carefully to his interview with MGG he likens his battles with AHPRA, the Voice & whatever else, as a game that he is determined to win. He says that alot, we will win. It sucks people in, especially the desperate. He & a few others in the so called "freedom movement" are intoxicated with their own version of power, probably without even knowing it. A man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client, comes to mind. Just vote NO based on the evidence. The government is NOT your friend folks, if you can't figure that out stay away from me, thanks.
Interesting thought - I hadn't heard him talking about this as a game but you're right. That is an odd way to refer to such a serious endeavour. It's not a game when people's lives and families are at stake.