Wishing more Dr's would stand up and tell the truth about the jab!! What it's done to millions of people and it's definitely not good! People are still dying or having illnesses, that isn't normal

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Whats wrong he spoke based on fact and .sciences so who's is the truth nowadays the crook become a noblemen.Why Fauci,Gates,Rockfeller and Big Pharma not being taken to the court.All are crazy and most horrifying

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Germans Lost WW2, the Nazis Won

ZOG are Nazi, they are the UK-London bankers and the zionist assholes that created modern Israel, post WW2 ZOG turned the GERMAN people into homos, cuck, and pedophiles; Now most germans engage in beastiality which is legal, and dogs can be rented by the hour universally in Germany;

To criticize a Jew in Germany is life in prison, so ergo to 'incite the goyim' is the death penalty

want to end the madness? Bring back the guillotine and put an end to ZOG occupation of the western world

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Nazi (Hitler) is good and Jews is bad.Even Jews being cursed by the God.Its the other way round of history.

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HITER's mother was an ashkeNAZI jew, ergo Hitler called himself a "NAZI"

But then he sold his Nazism to German public as "National Socialism", not as a 6AD Khazarian "Satanic Nazism"


ZOG created HITLER, MAO, & STALIN; ZOG ( rothschilds bank ) owns the world, and every country on earth is controlled by UK-London banks, including Russia&China.

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Unfortunately, NAZI Germans Lost WW2, the (((Bolsheviks))) Won! Try this, people https://archive.org, Europa The Last Battle.

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I always say

"Germans Lost WW2, Nazi's Won"

Same bankers created bolshy ( loeb&schiff ) as nazism ( hitler groomed by bush, ford, rockefeller, gates ); all agents of Rothschild Banking

Post WW2 USA brought all the homo-nazi's to USA under top-secret program "operation paperclip" to which all including UN, CIA, NSA, NASA all is homo & nazi

ERgo NAZI's won,

Of course because its all OWNED by same group, eventually the bolshy's win, because they will kill the Nazi's ( white people )

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Bush, Hearst, Rockefeller, Gates all brought HITLER to power in 1920's in order to DESTROY Germany, just like they're doing now;

Then by 1942 Hitler lost their war, ah shucks, then the 'bolsheviks' were sent in to murder 10's of millions of german men and rape the women.

ZOG always wins;

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Its nothing to do with Nazi and Hitler.Its the Jews and the Khazarian jews who make a world in mess DYOR.They are killing and eat children.

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Kazarians aka ashkeNAZI, didn't declare themselves jews until 12AD, and that was done via the Catholic pope, who wanted 'bankers' and he told them to convert to judaism so they could be bankers for catholic church, all operation was moved to UK in 13AD and out of that in city-of-london ( soveriegn like vatican ) grew the ZOG banking system, which fought wars with catholic church over the power, but to this day swiss guard protects vatican or controls them :)

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The GERMANS lost WW2

The NAZIS ( rockefeller, Heart, Ford, Bush Gates ) WON

Post WW2 Rockefeller created UN, CIA, & WHO, NWO I would call that winning

The ZOG - Zionist Occupied GOV won, and they are/were NAZI's since 6AD Khazaria, now Ukraine;

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…kids night (((story))) 🤭

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ZOG say's it takes a village to raise a child, HRC say's it takes a non-binary pedophile to rule the world;

It's for the children

"To Serve Children" - It's a cookbook, from Twilight Zone.

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You are one of those rare kings / heroes in this kingdom of lies..

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you great heart .thaaaaaaaaaaank you beloved Sucharit

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Dr. B. has shown us what evil is.

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Terrible story. I was listening to this podcast and at the end. they mentioned Forest for the Fallen and an event to coincide w the Bilderberg confetence.. More info please


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Another crime against HUMANITY.!!!

An utter disgrace towards this gentle courageous man who is innocent !!

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Meryl Dorey is severely underinformed about the German penal code. A better translation is "incitement to hatred". It is similar to the various laws in Aust. states about racial vilification and of course the notorious clause 18C which broke Andrew Bolt in 2011. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksverhetzung.

Bakhdi is being prosecuted because he said in German in April 2021 in an interview videoed to Telrgram and various websites,

GERMAN: Das Volk, das geflüchtet ist aus diesem Land, aus diesem Land, wo das Erzböse war, und haben ihr Land gefunden, haben ihr eigenes Land in etwas verwandelt, was noch schlimmer ist, als Deutschland war. (…) Das ist das Schlimme an den Juden: Sie lernen gut. Es gibt kein Volk, das besser lernt als sie. Aber sie haben das Böse jetzt gelernt - und umgesetzt. Deshalb ist Israel jetzt living hell - die lebende Hölle. (source: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/bhakdi-antisemitismus-101.html)

ENGLISH: The people (Jews) who fled from this country (Germany) where there was pure evil and found their country have turned their own country (Israel) into something that is even worse than Germany was (...) that is the bad thing about the Jews: they are good pupils. There is no people better at learning than they are. But now they have learned Evil and implemented it. So now Israel is a living hell."

He was referring to Israeli policy on the Covid injections.

The German State is prosecuting him both to punish him for his anti-jab stance and to make it clear to all and sundry that it will not tolerate any statement which jeopardises the successful use by its ally Israel of the alleged uniqueness of the Holocaust (= Jews as eternal and blameless victims at all times and all places in history), so as to distract attention from the ongoing ethnic cleansing of ethnic Arabs in the country.

This distraction has been effective these last 45 years especially (the soap opera Holocaust which popularised the word dates back to the late 70s)

In addition, pro-Israel Holocaustianity is by way of being the secular religion of the EU, as one sees from the laws passed in various EU countries since ca. 1985 protecting official Israeli propaganda.

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I too would love to support and help him 😊🙏 he was an early bright light in this fight!

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Let justice be done.

Good will prevail over evil at the end.

Cowards are running this world but will be punished severely at the end.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Saw him interviewed recently, he mentioned this but also that they're also trying to stop his pension which is what he lives on as he's retired. 🙏

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Shows the importance of being vigilant about what kind of regulations & laws are being passed through parliament. Unfortunately most people are not too concerned or aware, which means those that put pressure through lobbying generally get their way.

I hope he wins, but it does put enormous pressure & strain on him, which is probably what the authorities want anyway.

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Wow - talk about underhanded methods! I'm not surprised at all.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey


Thank you for your enduring and courageous work on our collective behalf.

It was great to hear you on TNT last night.

I discovered doctors for covid ethics in 2021 and the brave and respected Dr Bhakdi.

This news is horrifying.

I know there was a wonderful lawyer in Germany leading the charge, who's name escapes me, but I'm sure he is in contact with 'doctors' so I pray justice be done.

God Speed,


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Thanks so much for the kind words, Darren :-) You might be referring to Reiner Fuellmich (please excuse spelling - probably got that wrong) but I don't think he is in Germany any longer. I'm hoping that Dr Bhakdi is well-represented. It isn't easy going up against such corrupt and entrenched powers.

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Professor Martin Schwab is lead defence attorney defending Professor Bhakdi.

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