I recently read that NAC might be able to help with tics/Tourette's. A quick search in Duck Duck Go brought up several studies and resources:

> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=NAC+for+tourette%27s&t=brave&ia=web

Of course, there's also the jab recovery protocol from the FLCCC, which is *highly* recommended:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/4f9a736f615b

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Faith is being gaslighted

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I ordered Methylene Blue yesterday when I found it advertised on Dr Mihalcea's substack. Using EDTA and Methylene Blue seems to be key to ridding our bodies of the poisons injected into us. - the first step to healing.

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Faith may be interested in exploring frequency apps ? It is rumoured that the reason the elite live so long is that the restore their bodies by harmonizing it by using frequencies. Here is one I found: https://frequencyapps.com/how-do-frequency-apps-work/

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High respect for the Medical profession is misplaced. Yes some doctors and nurses are interested in healing you and are wonderful people with high ethical standards. The dark side is revealed by the history of eugenics, euthanasia, and genocide, particularly in Nazi Germany where doctors not only participated, but led the way in implementing these inhumane horrific practices.

Due to the issues with medical injury and experimentation in Germany, the Nuremberg Code was developed by the nations of the world, to require fully informed consent for medical procedures or experimentation, without coercion, and retaining the individual right to say NO to any procedure. The USA is a signatory to the Nuremberg Code, but you are never given true informed consent with a full copy of the product insert for any vaccine, therapy, or medication. The so called mandates, in the Covid pandemic were a clear violation of your rights under this Code. A so-called emergency does not negate your rights. Sue any employer who mandated the jab, if you were harmed in any way, or possibly just for the rights violation.

Today, financial incentives to doctors for vaccines and medicines, fraudulent research and severe adverse events for vaccines, false efficacy statistics for all Pharma products, which tell you only ‘relative risk’ reduction, not ‘absolute risk’ reduction, all mislead the public and are well known to doctors, who are not stupid people.

Here’s the thing, never sign any electronic forms at a hospital or other facility, demand that they print out everything for your review. Cross out and initial any part or section you disagree with (you must ok provisions related to payment and insurance) and you have the right to do this.

Write at the bottom of the forms where you sign, ‘all providers must be in-network to my insurance plan or accept in-network rates as full payment’ and ‘I decline all vaccines or genetic injections of any type whatsoever’ and ‘I must be supplied with full informed consent information including product inserts, PRINTED OUT, for all medications or procedures in advance of treatment.

Today, hospitals present you with a digital tablet for your signature and do NOT even show you what you are signing. If it is not an emergency, call the hospital to ask for all the forms you will have to sign, printed out, in advance of your procedure, particularly surgeries. PICK THEM UP so they are not lost in the mail. Review and change as above.

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God Bless this child…✝️

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Hi Meryl

I’d like to bring up the topic of hydration vs dehydration.

Faith has all the symptoms of dehydration

Check her sodium levels

My article

How does salt restriction cause heart dis-ease may be helpful to her mother in understanding the important role salt plays and how the adrenals become involved when salt is low.

I’ve noticed a lot of the symptoms reported from cv jabs seem to have chronic dehydration symptoms appear.

Especially as nausea and loss of appetite and pain appear.

The development of tics of contracting muscles is another symptom of dehydration/low salt/hyponatremia all the same condition.

I mention the Murphy drip in my article, bush medicine, which can be used in emergencies to rehydrate, might be a good tool to have in mind ...

if Faith can’t keep anything down and would prefer to stay at home...

Alternative to the hospital saline drip.


Once a body is hydrated healing can begin

The other thing to research is rhythmic movement

You’ll find examples on YouTube, rocking movement using the body recoil.

It helps the spinal cord move fluid around, soothes CNS.

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Suggestion: Perhaps Faith's parents could contact Dr Mihalcea on Substack and find out to what degree she can help faith. Dr Mihalcea specializes in detoxing vaxx-injured people. Crowdfunding can help with the costs. Worth a try, if anybody can help Faith recover completely, it would be Dr Mihalcea.

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Feb 8Liked by Meryl Dorey

OMG Faith, you poor darling you have been to hell & back. Go to a Naturopath & get them to draw the crap out of your body from the experimental injection & then you can move forward. Good luck lovely, you have so much ahead of you x

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Feb 8Liked by Meryl Dorey

I am so sorry that this happened to Faith. Offering alternatives may be irritating , but since the doctors can clearly not help , it may be time for Faith to explore natural medicine, which has been practiced for thousands of years. Big Pharma's propaganda denigrated it to the extent that most people mistakenly believe it to be inferior. Also consider visiting Dr Ana Mihalcea's substack at MihalceaMD@Substack.com. See her "Light Medicine". Continue with acupuncture privately, if possible. I know it sounds far-fetched, but some people got good results by using a tuning fork (Mike Adams at Brighteon.com) .

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Feb 8Liked by Meryl Dorey

the gaslighting & wiping of hands is beyond comprehension, when did doctors become so cruel? i believe it’s because they themselves have had it, they’ve given it to their precious children & it’s too much to bear to accept any knowledge that they have stuffed up - so so disturbing

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This is a heart wrenching story of a beautiful girls life being destroyed by big Pharma. These evil medicos know exactly what the problem is and are doing everything to palm her off out of their orbit. They will lie and obfuscate to not put their career at risk and don’t give a damn about her health. We have been jailing the wrong drug pushers for decades. We have given them so much respect yet they clearly despise us. Can I ask the mum to take her to a miracle believing Church and have them pray over her to be healed by God. He can fully restore her to her pain free life.

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Feb 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you Meryl for this heart-rending story of poor Faith. I have just written to Minister Gallagher and added Faith's autobiographical piece (as much as they would allow in the comments section) and called on her to stop blocking the Senate Inquiry into Excess Deaths. If Lambie + and Lydia can be moved the numbers will shift to 33-32 and it will get up!

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So there trying to stop the enquiries what if that was there daughter..just frustrating and gross negligence.

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I hope and pray that will be the case. I have no faith that woman - Gallagher - has a heart or a conscience. But we can only hope!

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I agree with you Meryl but in keeping up the pressure, people like her need to hear these stories (not that I think she will read it but her staff may).

Consider the other aspect - how to get the other 3 senators over the line. Pocock has shifted and he has influence among them. The Coalition is backing the enquiries/RC in part due to the Libertarian right but also to wedge Labor. Yet neither of the two uniparties has clean skin so they are susceptible to mutual blame games and it will not take long before the finger pointing shifts to the 'health' bureaucrats... strategising the process may prove significant as we are starting to see the judicial system shifting in the individual cases of vaxinjury... just some thoughts.

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Feb 7Liked by Meryl Dorey

Just in my street alone we have 2 cases of Cancer, 1 Motor neurons disease, 1 early dementia and another neighbor constantly talks about weird headaches and memory loss. All these people had the jabs. All these people were healthy before. Can't blame everything on the jab but it does make you wonder..... Thank god we did not have it.

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I wish every psychopath from Bourla/Biden on down, to family physicians and their entire families, who pushed and created these vile concoctions, would receive 10 jabs of their own medicine and see how they fare!!! It would be a fitting ‘reward’. Evil bunch. God have mercy on this poor girl and all the other ones who took the jabs naively. We were too trusting and now we pay for it. 😢

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