Well, you can get the latest virus materials from my latest substack article - WHO Picks JN.1 Lineage for Next COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations 【Latest KP.2】

ACROBiosystems <acrobio.apac-outlook.com@shared1.ccsend.com> Unsubscribe

11:00 (50 minutes ago)

The World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Covid-19 Vaccines (TAG-CO-VAC) recommends incorporating the JN.1 lineage (including its descendant KP.2) as the antigenic target for future COVID-19 Vaccines. This decision in response to the rapid spread of KP.2 (JN., a variant of JN.1 harboring both S:R346T and S:F456L mutations, observed in multiple regions by April 2024. Research suggests that KP.2 exhibits increased viral fitness and could potentially become the dominant lineage worldwide.

Addressing SARS-CoV-2 variant calls for increased vaccine and antiviral drug research, which are crucial in handling the pandemic's unpredictability.

Spike RBD SPD-C5249 SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD Protein, His Tag (JN.1/Omicron) (MALS verified) HEK293 100ug $400.00

Spike protein SPN-C5221 SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Trimer Protein, His Tag (JN.1/Omicron) (MALS verified) Trimer HEK293 50ug $450.00


You will recall that Omicron was replaced by Nature's Covid, which had too many legs and could not bind to Human Cells, so the Covid Pandemic ceased thanks to Nature and the derivative from that Covid was JN.1 which is the latest Nature evolution and nothing worse than a slight Flu and the CDC has said that anyone who catches JN.1 does not need to take time off from work - so why new Covid vaccines incorporating the JN.1 lineage lineage (including its descendant KP.2) as the antigenic target for future COVID-19 Vaccines - when vaccines are really Gene Therapy Injections according to BionTech (who licensed 2019, their Gene Driver Injections to Pfizer as vaccines) and target the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes and not a Covid-19 infection in the head?

Well, not to worry - you can buy your latest JN.1/Omicron (MALS verified) HEK293 virus from Acrobiosystems for 50ug Trimer $450 or 100ug $400 just follow the link provided, to create the next Covid-19 Pandemic 2024, authorized by WHO, just like the first fake one was, back in 2019.

That right?

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These new poisons are, yet again, untested. Whatever happened to carrying out proper trials and assessments - oops, that stops Big Pharma making as much money.

Heres the tip - just as useless and dangerous as the last concoctions. Big Pharma love the supposed short term benefit (there is no benefit only more premature deaths) as it means higher $ales.

But the more lies being peddled the deeper the hole they are digging. When we have a dramatic drop in birthrates, massive nos of excess deaths and constantly sick people who have lined up for these jabs becoming extremely obvious one hopes there is nowhere for the criminals to hide...

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Actually, as of December 2022, Australia experienced a greater than 67% decline in live births - 10 months after the introduction of COVID jabs. I'm sure that's just a coincidence. https://explore.data.abs.gov.au/vis?tm=births&pg=0&df[ds]=ABS_ABS_TOPICS&df[id]=BIRTHS_MONTH_OCCURRENCE&df[ag]=ABS&df[vs]=1.0.0&hc[Measure]=Births&pd=1975%2C&dq=1..AUS.A&ly[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&ly[rw]=MONTH_OCCUR

We were supposed to get the updated figures in October 2023. We're still waiting. Do you think they might have improved or continued to drop? Hmmmm

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Meryl - you know the answer to this one. They have continued to drop, otherwise the criminals at the ABS would have published them.

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The fraudulent ABC agencies are in panic mode. They have lost credibility they never earned.

The stupid are being spoon fed that there is nothing to see about predicting a 'demic.

Let us be clear, they are all scamdemics, and demonic fear mongering.

DO NOT COMPLY under and measures. Compliance professions are criminals, and there will be consequences at some point. The fake news is backpedaling feverishly.

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Just aren't going to give up are they!. We need an international hit squad to take the lot of them out.its the only way this is going to stop.

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as I wandered through Walgreens the other day I heard the intercom announce:

"CDC recommends over 65 COVID boosters every 4 months"

I guess they did not murder or maim sufficiently eh?

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I wonder what percentage of the elderly (my age) would survive this schedule? But since the idea is to get rid of all of us, I guess I shouldn't be asking the question.

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excellent reason to stay away for Walgreens, CVS, the Medical Cartel, Public Health Nurses etc etc

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Not the ideal read upon waking up. Now my blood is boiling again and I’m searching for friends who might still have enough brain space to read this and take notice. It’s a depressing task. All my friends are as old as I am or dead. Going to try some younger ones. Fingers crossed. Thanks Meryl you’re the best.

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Sorry, Barbara. Breathe...and yes, I know far too many of those we care about can't see what is in front of their eyes. Here's hoping they wake up before it's too late. I'm in the same boat. :-(

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When one takes out the trash, the house is clean for new arrivals. Bravo you are still in the game and aware!

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My sister just had her FOURTH booster.

When I queried her "Didn't you just have a COVID booster and flu shot?"

Her reply "YES but the CDC says over 65 need a booster every 4 months"

I hope she survives the hit on her immune system

She also included in the 3rd, the RSV jab

Friends are doing same

I am the lone holdout save for 3 others who also smelled same rat as I did in early '20

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I know that many of the jabs are placebos (howbadismybatch.com) so I'm praying that she has been 4 times lucky. But she is playing a very dangerous game of vaccination roulette so here's hoping she'll have an epiphany before too much longer.

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Unfortunately your sis is short for this world. You cannot save her.

Bless her on her way, its very very sad.

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