Unfortunately I don't think writing to anyone is going to change this outcome. What I believe will happen is that baby Will will receive unvaxxed blood on the sly. He will be fine. Then the authorities will say "Look all you conspiracy theorists, there's nothing to see here. Put your head down and go back to sleep you useless sheep." That is by far the safest outcome. They won't risk the baby receiving contaminated blood.

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I have written to all 3 government members as requested to support baby Will and his parents and the emails bounced a reply. I feel that they emails will fall away but on mass hopefully we can clog their email and internet. I told them the world is watching! ! Abhorrent is a word I called their behaviour! along with a whole lot more.

I pray that as a mass consciousness we can change the outcome to a happy and healthy baby Will !

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Thank you so much, Gloreen! When you say that the emails bounced a reply, does that mean that the messages didn't get through or you received a boiiler-plate response or something else? And a consciousness-change is definitely in the cards! Here's hoping Will comes through the surgery with flying colours and the hospital is too scared of the attention to use tainted blood on him. 🙏🙏🙏

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it was a - standard reply from all 3 .

this was my letter to them -

I am writing to you in regards to Baby Will and the abhorrent behaviour of you and your government in relation to this baby and his parents.

This baby deserves to have the best care and non vaccinated blood as requested by his parents. There is no reason why this could not happen when there are thousands of people that were willing to give their non vaccinated blood .

The death rate from the vaccine has now risen to 73 million over the world and rising. It has been shown that it causes blood clots within the person whether they be baby , child or adult.

To have the child placed into the states hands is almost as disgusting as forcing the dirty blood into the baby.

As a mother you should be ashamed to let this happen.

Would you do this to your own or a family member? Will you take responsibility for the death of this child?

You have the power to stop this and allow baby Will to have unvaccinated blood as requested by his parents ensuring his safety and his life. Will you do this? Do your morals stand with God? I hope they are, and you stop this horrific death sentence of this child.

Psalm 127:3

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,

The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Luke 2.40

The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.

Let Will grow and be the man he was born to be

The world is watching you !

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