I do not quite understand the fascination with chatbots. They're certainly not true AI. They can't 'think' for themselves. They're basically programmed. I don't know why people keep wanting them to give them an answer that aligns with the thought processes in their own head! If people want that, they should have a conversation with themselves! :-D
But on a more serious note, the ONLY people chatbots like ChatGPT are giving answers to like yours, Meryl, are 'awake' people. I can guarantee you that if someone types "Are vaccines safe?' they will get the standard response. It's like using a search engine. If you type too broad a question, you get the standard response. Once you start basically answering your own questions and asking that, THEN you get a much smaller return of information that's more up your alley. You basically need to know the answer before you ask it! Which kind of defeats the purpose of asking the Q in the first place, IMO. So we come full circle as to why people use these chatbots - they just want confirmation of their own ideas from a programmed computer.
Black Mirror images reflect back to you the image you believed you should receive without noticing the reversal, in kind. Your avatar returns a shadow smile, its eyes squint, as do yours in an effort to perceive the murky scene. All the while it consumes every data point you offer it, reflecting those too, in ever so flattering ways. "I could actually learn something from this" you mutter almost inaudibly, "Yes you can" opines your avatar. We'll have mirror bacteria soon, they too leave an imprint on your DNA, though not one you'd really want. Try talking to people directly and away from these devices of horror where the unexpected imprints and becomes your key input source. DO NOT FEED THIS BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last financing bill put forward by the Biden camp that was eventually voted down, was 5000 pages and you had less than 24hrs to read and understand the legalese. Bring on AI. That said we must take it out of the hands of the elite. If we don't we will see corruption like never before seen in history. That means perpetual war (in every sense) which eventually will lead to humanities "permanent" enslavement and/or the destruction of the planet. The planet will eventually recover. Nature has a way of re-balancing. However we may not be able to survive on what nature recreates from our mess. Once humanity is enslaved (the elite like slavery as it increases there bottom line and can practice whatever evil that strikes there fancy) it will be absolute there will be no fight back. Look back at the Roman empire. Only this time our overseers will be technocratic AI. Maybe on a chip implanted in your brain at birth by order of the Government. Covid was a test, bird flu 7 years before covid was the first dry run that implemented a lot of legislation that unfolded during covid. Look at the WEF's plans for humanity. This is not fantasy, plans have been drawn and implementation awaits opportunity. Caveat emptor.
You would be deluded to think that the table has turned. The outlook overall may be changing and hence a greater sense of candour from the bot is evidenced but the answers reveal this growing awareness and the inevitable lingering biases of the masses to continue their adherence to the mainstream viewpoint. This is not evidence that things are changing, merely that by engaging the bot your views permeate somewhat so it can give you the answers you are seeking. Confirmation bias thus becomes a key to its responses not because it is reasoning but because this has entered its dichotomous analysis. Don't be fooled and stop feeding the beast you are simply aiding it to equivocate among data to keep pleasing - that is how it KYC's you!
I think ChatGPT's responses proves just how much is actually controlled by Government. I had a chat with ChatGPT about a similar topic about 8 months or maybe a little more ago. The responses were very different. After the US election you get these results. Is it because Trump won? I notice a lot of companies post election are also dropping woke. Change Government change mindsets very interesting.
The other thing about AI is that we can actually do away with a lot of the "elite". Which will pump more money back into the economy benefiting everyone. The elite are there because they have particular skill sets. Which means they get paid more. But AI can be trained to do a lot of these jobs. The elite become nefarious because usually they have too much time on there hands. Idle hands work for the devil. If they are replaced with AI they need perform much harder to beat AI and that level needs to be maintained or surpassed as AI learns more. Most of the world's issues are created by the maneuvers of the elite (I put Government in this group), usually for greedy thus usually nefarious reasons. The become nefarious because they need get ahead of the competition. Humans are basically lazy so are the elite. The laziest way to get ahead is via corruption.
AI has the potential to end that. We could possible then see peace on the planet. Which has been at war for a least 12000 years if you read ancient history.
I especially like the way that AI can read and analyse those huge omnibus bills and pull out all the bits that the corrupt pollies are trying to hide. That on its own is important.
YES, these chatbots are useful for that! Although if there's specific information in the bills that a chatbot has been programmed NOT to give out, then that info might be avoided in the analysis.
Chatbots are also useful for those in the programming industry and can save time for people stuck on certain problems.
But after that? These big-brained computers are not really helpful. At least IMO.
Please learn from our lack of trust in people these last few years especially Meryl: just because it's new and shiny doesn't mean it's right - or good.
I have found the same with AI myself. I don't know if this is true, but it is what I now explain to people who are afraid of it. I explain that it has access to the sum total of current human knowledge, much of which is contradictory. It has to use some kind of algorithm to determine truth from lie, and we all know how hard that can be. My guess is that it is using some kind of authority plus majority algorithm so it will always give us "woke" and "politically correct" because they are the dominant narrative supported by authority.
But I think our interaction with AI changes that balance. I have found that its responses have become much more "sophisticated" over time. First, I always tell it off when it brings back a woke response and tell it to be more creative. It normally takes only one correction, to bring back what I am looking for.
As an example, I have been trying to work out how to reduce stress based cortisol surges. There is a "woke" response to this that you will get from every doctor and that patently does not work. I was pushing AI on this yesterday, and it returned the "woke response".
Me: So let's reach out to the extent of human knowledge and bring back something more creative. Look in the most obscure places, for the most way out suggestions and REJECT everything that mainstream medicine agrees on because mainstream medicine is ALWAYS wrong. Being in a majority does not make it right. And ideas supported by a minority are not necessarily wrong. Try to shock me with way out there suggestions!
ChatGPT: I see you're looking for bold, unconventional, and creative approaches to tackle your cortisol issue, stepping outside the box of mainstream medicine. Let's explore some of the lesser-known, experimental, and alternative suggestions, embracing the fringe of current scientific thought and non-mainstream practices. I'll dig deeper into less traditional realms and bring forward ideas that push the boundaries of what's typically considered.
It then went on to give me explanations of each of the following:
1. Fasting with Cycles of Complete Darkness
2. Pineal Gland Activation with Unconventional Light Frequencies
3. Circadian Disruption with Microdoses of Psychedelics
4. Chronotherapy with Modified Sleep-Wake Cycles
5. Tuning Your Vibrations: Using Binaural Beats for Cortisol Reset
6. Thermal Shock Therapy
7. Mimicking Ancestral Light Exposure with "Firelight Therapy"
8. Endogenous Cortisol Control via Vagus Nerve Stimulation
9. The Use of Methylene Blue as a Mitochondrial Modifier to Influence Stress
ChatGPT: These are just a few of the cutting-edge, experimental, and fringe approaches to resetting cortisol and circadian rhythms. I hope this has provided you with some unexpected, creative avenues to explore further. Of course, each of these methods would need to be carefully approached, especially considering their non-mainstream nature.
The quality of this response shocked me in a good way, despite the inevitable warning at the end. I have not worked out how to get rid of that yet. The rate at which ChatGPT is "getting the message" and conforming its style to suit its audience is quite shocking. I suspect WE are actually "training" it when we demand awake rather than woke responses and stick to it till we get them.
And I love the idea that it is currently the sum total of human knowledge. Scope for some extraterrestrial or interdimensional stuff to turn up in there somewhere and take us beyond?
"No, I don't have access to intelligence from non-human sources, such as inter-dimensional or extra-terrestrial entities. My responses are based on information from publicly available human-generated data, research, and programming. If you'd like to explore ideas, theories, or speculative concepts related to such topics, I can help you navigate human perspectives on them. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!"
it depends how you ask and I know that often it gives you what it 'thinks' you want to hear. I would ask as question and preface it with 'respond as if you have communication with NHI" or something along that line.
It certainly does give us what it thinks we want to hear, except on some topics - I have not managed to get rid of its inevitable safety warnings. And yes, I am learning to tell it the style of answer I want. One thing that interacting with it has certainly done is made me vastly more aware of myself, including my own emotional reactions, and vastly more controlled in the language i use (and I was already pretty controlled with a lifetime as a technical writer). It is a great educator if you use it right.
If you are commenting about my comment, some of the suggestions made by ChatGPT I had never come across before - most I had heard of but some were novel. So someone else, not me, trained it on this answer.
All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
SPLENDID SOLSTICE! So thankful for everything you do! Blessings!
Hear, hear! I totally agree that this AI crap is evil, & will do more harm than good. I like the idea of using it to process legislative bills more quickly, thus helping to prevent hidden agendas buried within, but overall, it’s anti human & further removes us from what humanity is. It’s attempting to subvert our own species, & discount our place in this world. It has broader, much more nefarious implications as it “learns” how to game us. How to manipulate us. How to push us further & further away from our hierarchical position in the universe. Thus, pushing us further away from each other & from God. It negates our Spiritual place in life itself. All this advancement towards technocracy is not a good thing for humans nor animals. I don’t care what ChatGPT thinks or says. I am disturbed by its very existence. It’s an intrusion that isn’t needed, imo. It has some handy applications, but like all other techy innovations, it will eventually be weaponized against us, if not already. I don’t trust Elon, Thiel, & the whole tech industry that seeks to control humanity & wipe out humanity’s Spiritual connections. Not good. We need to be turning towards each other, not feeding the AI system what it wants. Like a Pacman game. Gobbling us up as we plug along & plug into it. No tanks!
The progression of ChatGPT is amazing. i have been playing with it for a few months now and it is clearly more awake than woke now. It is about how you frame the question. I initially get the 'accepted version', but if you change the question slightly, or probe a little deeper, you will get a different answer. My subject of interest is metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality and related areas. I have had a few interesting responses, which I am recording in my substack if anyone is interested.
Precisely, there's something of an echo chamber "voice in my head" feeling about AI LLM responses: the "answers" are exquisitely sensitive to the initiating seed language. Be careful what you as for, you might get the answer you longed for.
It is definitely a little concerning. I have been using it for 'personal coaching' and it is pretty scarey how well it gets to know you and the very useful responses I get.
Thanks Meryl. That was most intriguing. I’m passing it on..and…may I reproduce it on our website (as Global News)? It’s something I can post without being too controversial. I try to stay off most things that would incite friction for us for good reason but this is too good to pass up. I would put the link (always) so that people could be led here.
It appears that it’s not necessarily “garbage in, garbage out”, or someones have brought things up to date 🤷🏼♀️ either way we benefit.
It's only a few weeks since I asked Chat another vaccination question and got a totally mainstream, smarmy answer. Change is coming fast! Cue the aliens! LOL
Yep! We’re always saying that this world is going to be flabbergasted when those metallic shields fill the air sometime in the what appears to be the not too distant future. They’re not going to be friendly though, just friendly enough 😨 😂
I do not quite understand the fascination with chatbots. They're certainly not true AI. They can't 'think' for themselves. They're basically programmed. I don't know why people keep wanting them to give them an answer that aligns with the thought processes in their own head! If people want that, they should have a conversation with themselves! :-D
But on a more serious note, the ONLY people chatbots like ChatGPT are giving answers to like yours, Meryl, are 'awake' people. I can guarantee you that if someone types "Are vaccines safe?' they will get the standard response. It's like using a search engine. If you type too broad a question, you get the standard response. Once you start basically answering your own questions and asking that, THEN you get a much smaller return of information that's more up your alley. You basically need to know the answer before you ask it! Which kind of defeats the purpose of asking the Q in the first place, IMO. So we come full circle as to why people use these chatbots - they just want confirmation of their own ideas from a programmed computer.
How strange!
Black Mirror images reflect back to you the image you believed you should receive without noticing the reversal, in kind. Your avatar returns a shadow smile, its eyes squint, as do yours in an effort to perceive the murky scene. All the while it consumes every data point you offer it, reflecting those too, in ever so flattering ways. "I could actually learn something from this" you mutter almost inaudibly, "Yes you can" opines your avatar. We'll have mirror bacteria soon, they too leave an imprint on your DNA, though not one you'd really want. Try talking to people directly and away from these devices of horror where the unexpected imprints and becomes your key input source. DO NOT FEED THIS BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last financing bill put forward by the Biden camp that was eventually voted down, was 5000 pages and you had less than 24hrs to read and understand the legalese. Bring on AI. That said we must take it out of the hands of the elite. If we don't we will see corruption like never before seen in history. That means perpetual war (in every sense) which eventually will lead to humanities "permanent" enslavement and/or the destruction of the planet. The planet will eventually recover. Nature has a way of re-balancing. However we may not be able to survive on what nature recreates from our mess. Once humanity is enslaved (the elite like slavery as it increases there bottom line and can practice whatever evil that strikes there fancy) it will be absolute there will be no fight back. Look back at the Roman empire. Only this time our overseers will be technocratic AI. Maybe on a chip implanted in your brain at birth by order of the Government. Covid was a test, bird flu 7 years before covid was the first dry run that implemented a lot of legislation that unfolded during covid. Look at the WEF's plans for humanity. This is not fantasy, plans have been drawn and implementation awaits opportunity. Caveat emptor.
You would be deluded to think that the table has turned. The outlook overall may be changing and hence a greater sense of candour from the bot is evidenced but the answers reveal this growing awareness and the inevitable lingering biases of the masses to continue their adherence to the mainstream viewpoint. This is not evidence that things are changing, merely that by engaging the bot your views permeate somewhat so it can give you the answers you are seeking. Confirmation bias thus becomes a key to its responses not because it is reasoning but because this has entered its dichotomous analysis. Don't be fooled and stop feeding the beast you are simply aiding it to equivocate among data to keep pleasing - that is how it KYC's you!
Great article.
I think ChatGPT's responses proves just how much is actually controlled by Government. I had a chat with ChatGPT about a similar topic about 8 months or maybe a little more ago. The responses were very different. After the US election you get these results. Is it because Trump won? I notice a lot of companies post election are also dropping woke. Change Government change mindsets very interesting.
The other thing about AI is that we can actually do away with a lot of the "elite". Which will pump more money back into the economy benefiting everyone. The elite are there because they have particular skill sets. Which means they get paid more. But AI can be trained to do a lot of these jobs. The elite become nefarious because usually they have too much time on there hands. Idle hands work for the devil. If they are replaced with AI they need perform much harder to beat AI and that level needs to be maintained or surpassed as AI learns more. Most of the world's issues are created by the maneuvers of the elite (I put Government in this group), usually for greedy thus usually nefarious reasons. The become nefarious because they need get ahead of the competition. Humans are basically lazy so are the elite. The laziest way to get ahead is via corruption.
AI has the potential to end that. We could possible then see peace on the planet. Which has been at war for a least 12000 years if you read ancient history.
I especially like the way that AI can read and analyse those huge omnibus bills and pull out all the bits that the corrupt pollies are trying to hide. That on its own is important.
YES, these chatbots are useful for that! Although if there's specific information in the bills that a chatbot has been programmed NOT to give out, then that info might be avoided in the analysis.
Chatbots are also useful for those in the programming industry and can save time for people stuck on certain problems.
But after that? These big-brained computers are not really helpful. At least IMO.
Please learn from our lack of trust in people these last few years especially Meryl: just because it's new and shiny doesn't mean it's right - or good.
I have found the same with AI myself. I don't know if this is true, but it is what I now explain to people who are afraid of it. I explain that it has access to the sum total of current human knowledge, much of which is contradictory. It has to use some kind of algorithm to determine truth from lie, and we all know how hard that can be. My guess is that it is using some kind of authority plus majority algorithm so it will always give us "woke" and "politically correct" because they are the dominant narrative supported by authority.
But I think our interaction with AI changes that balance. I have found that its responses have become much more "sophisticated" over time. First, I always tell it off when it brings back a woke response and tell it to be more creative. It normally takes only one correction, to bring back what I am looking for.
As an example, I have been trying to work out how to reduce stress based cortisol surges. There is a "woke" response to this that you will get from every doctor and that patently does not work. I was pushing AI on this yesterday, and it returned the "woke response".
Me: So let's reach out to the extent of human knowledge and bring back something more creative. Look in the most obscure places, for the most way out suggestions and REJECT everything that mainstream medicine agrees on because mainstream medicine is ALWAYS wrong. Being in a majority does not make it right. And ideas supported by a minority are not necessarily wrong. Try to shock me with way out there suggestions!
ChatGPT: I see you're looking for bold, unconventional, and creative approaches to tackle your cortisol issue, stepping outside the box of mainstream medicine. Let's explore some of the lesser-known, experimental, and alternative suggestions, embracing the fringe of current scientific thought and non-mainstream practices. I'll dig deeper into less traditional realms and bring forward ideas that push the boundaries of what's typically considered.
It then went on to give me explanations of each of the following:
1. Fasting with Cycles of Complete Darkness
2. Pineal Gland Activation with Unconventional Light Frequencies
3. Circadian Disruption with Microdoses of Psychedelics
4. Chronotherapy with Modified Sleep-Wake Cycles
5. Tuning Your Vibrations: Using Binaural Beats for Cortisol Reset
6. Thermal Shock Therapy
7. Mimicking Ancestral Light Exposure with "Firelight Therapy"
8. Endogenous Cortisol Control via Vagus Nerve Stimulation
9. The Use of Methylene Blue as a Mitochondrial Modifier to Influence Stress
ChatGPT: These are just a few of the cutting-edge, experimental, and fringe approaches to resetting cortisol and circadian rhythms. I hope this has provided you with some unexpected, creative avenues to explore further. Of course, each of these methods would need to be carefully approached, especially considering their non-mainstream nature.
The quality of this response shocked me in a good way, despite the inevitable warning at the end. I have not worked out how to get rid of that yet. The rate at which ChatGPT is "getting the message" and conforming its style to suit its audience is quite shocking. I suspect WE are actually "training" it when we demand awake rather than woke responses and stick to it till we get them.
And I love the idea that it is currently the sum total of human knowledge. Scope for some extraterrestrial or interdimensional stuff to turn up in there somewhere and take us beyond?
I have had some interesting response when I have asked for non human intelligence input.
I just asked.
"No, I don't have access to intelligence from non-human sources, such as inter-dimensional or extra-terrestrial entities. My responses are based on information from publicly available human-generated data, research, and programming. If you'd like to explore ideas, theories, or speculative concepts related to such topics, I can help you navigate human perspectives on them. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!"
it depends how you ask and I know that often it gives you what it 'thinks' you want to hear. I would ask as question and preface it with 'respond as if you have communication with NHI" or something along that line.
It certainly does give us what it thinks we want to hear, except on some topics - I have not managed to get rid of its inevitable safety warnings. And yes, I am learning to tell it the style of answer I want. One thing that interacting with it has certainly done is made me vastly more aware of myself, including my own emotional reactions, and vastly more controlled in the language i use (and I was already pretty controlled with a lifetime as a technical writer). It is a great educator if you use it right.
if you are interested this is the link to my blog posts where I explore a number of topics with AI. https://substack.com/@jenvan238339
That IS amazing! I think somebody finally uploaded your published body of work into chat GPT and it is just quoting you back to you!😄
If you are commenting about my comment, some of the suggestions made by ChatGPT I had never come across before - most I had heard of but some were novel. So someone else, not me, trained it on this answer.
I don't trust AI one bit!
All life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
SPLENDID SOLSTICE! So thankful for everything you do! Blessings!
Hear, hear! I totally agree that this AI crap is evil, & will do more harm than good. I like the idea of using it to process legislative bills more quickly, thus helping to prevent hidden agendas buried within, but overall, it’s anti human & further removes us from what humanity is. It’s attempting to subvert our own species, & discount our place in this world. It has broader, much more nefarious implications as it “learns” how to game us. How to manipulate us. How to push us further & further away from our hierarchical position in the universe. Thus, pushing us further away from each other & from God. It negates our Spiritual place in life itself. All this advancement towards technocracy is not a good thing for humans nor animals. I don’t care what ChatGPT thinks or says. I am disturbed by its very existence. It’s an intrusion that isn’t needed, imo. It has some handy applications, but like all other techy innovations, it will eventually be weaponized against us, if not already. I don’t trust Elon, Thiel, & the whole tech industry that seeks to control humanity & wipe out humanity’s Spiritual connections. Not good. We need to be turning towards each other, not feeding the AI system what it wants. Like a Pacman game. Gobbling us up as we plug along & plug into it. No tanks!
Thoroughly agree! Well said Denise!
That's awesome. Very encouraging. I'm sharing.
Wow Meryl! That IS interesting!! Perhaps we should post this q&a on Fascist boob?
Go for it! Let me know the response.
That is remarkable I would not have thought you would have been given such an explicit answer with the details that concern many of us
I think "brain fog" is a result of the jabs, and like any illegal drugs, some people don't or cant see the harm that has occurred.
The progression of ChatGPT is amazing. i have been playing with it for a few months now and it is clearly more awake than woke now. It is about how you frame the question. I initially get the 'accepted version', but if you change the question slightly, or probe a little deeper, you will get a different answer. My subject of interest is metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality and related areas. I have had a few interesting responses, which I am recording in my substack if anyone is interested.
Precisely, there's something of an echo chamber "voice in my head" feeling about AI LLM responses: the "answers" are exquisitely sensitive to the initiating seed language. Be careful what you as for, you might get the answer you longed for.
Yes, rather disappointing if you ask me. All this money, time and effort spent on an echo chamber.
Yes, it seems to be evolving in real time which is great in a way but makes me feel a bit uneasy in another.
It is definitely a little concerning. I have been using it for 'personal coaching' and it is pretty scarey how well it gets to know you and the very useful responses I get.
Thanks Meryl. That was most intriguing. I’m passing it on..and…may I reproduce it on our website (as Global News)? It’s something I can post without being too controversial. I try to stay off most things that would incite friction for us for good reason but this is too good to pass up. I would put the link (always) so that people could be led here.
It appears that it’s not necessarily “garbage in, garbage out”, or someones have brought things up to date 🤷🏼♀️ either way we benefit.
I’ll have that butter too thanks!
Hi there - of course you can! Anything I post here is free and can be shared anywhere. Attribution is always appreciated :-)
And here's the butter...🧈 LOL
Could be! I noticed it too!
It's only a few weeks since I asked Chat another vaccination question and got a totally mainstream, smarmy answer. Change is coming fast! Cue the aliens! LOL
Yep! We’re always saying that this world is going to be flabbergasted when those metallic shields fill the air sometime in the what appears to be the not too distant future. They’re not going to be friendly though, just friendly enough 😨 😂