Actually ,if you read the Full ATAGI 2023 Booster advice above, it States;' The Risk of Myocarditis appears to be lower after CONVID-19 Booster doses in Comparison with 'DOSE 2 of the Primary Course, & is lower ----" So THIS refers to the 'Primary Doses'.

'Overview' Section; ATAGI Recommends a 2023 CONVID -19 Jab Booster for ---- Adults aged 18 > 64 who have Medical Comorbidities that increase --- " = That IS against the ORIGINAL Pfizer COMIRNITY Material Safety Data Sheet sent out to Health professionals, Stating that Aboriginal/Torres St Islanders/Pregnant or Breast feeding Females/ OR People with Pre existing Health issues SHOULD NOT take this Vaxx! Along with other 'Warnings' per NOT preventing CONtraction of CONVID-19, Nor Stop Transmitting of Same, & May cause Severe Reactions or DEATH! Had NOT been tested medium or Long Term, Had NOT been tested for Changes to Personal DNA!


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Why did parents even allow kids to get the vax? Considering that no kid has died from covid(or am I wrong?)

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All I see here from ATAGI is backside covering, the evidence has been mounting for a long time and people are walking away from the narrative. They also know what is happening in the US and other countries that have been hitting the kids. They know Australians will not take it lightly if things go pear shaped. I was reading somewhere recently that Israel hit the kids hard and things are not looking good there but Netanyahu has distracted the population with his attack on the courts.. While some may view this as them "doing the right thing" in some small way, I am not convinced. They have a lot to answer for.

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I was with a group this morning and one lady wasn’t feeling well since she had her 5th shot yesterday. I was horrified. I didn’t realise Drs we’re still giving them.

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Oh they are more than happy, I watched someone dance into the surgery the other week, poor thing. "Hi can I have my fifth covid shot please, I want to do the right thing:" I could not help but face palm myself quite loudly while looking at him. But they whizzed him out back to the "quackcination nurse" and that was the last I saw of him. So many people still masked up in my area. Young girl in the local news agent, "my doctor said I should never come to work without it", no major health problems, that is just what this prat of a doctor advised. Idiocy.

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Looks like they still want to kill off those of us 'at risk' and those of us 'over 65'. That still fits well with the Agenda 21 plan.

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You will get no argument from me on that, I have been thinking the exact same thing. Got doubles into the majority of arms. The demographics that have co morbidities and over sixties will become the biggest health and aged care burden by 2030, that is a lot of carbon and expensive. Consider this, every state now has assisted death programs and as vile as it sounds because these are vile people. Convince those demographics they need to take lots of shots, degrade their immune systems to encourage serious illness and when they do get seriously ill they will beg to be put on an "Assisted death" program. We saw what happened with Covid, the only treatments for hospitalised patients were experimental drugs that only have provisional approval. They gave them nothing that actually worked. I see this as stepping it up a notch, not ATAGI doing the right thing.

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I guess this means my sister won't be getting her second booster after all (but her hubby has already had 4 covid shots...), and her kids won't be getting more than the stipulated 2 doses of covid.

If ATAGI says so, you know...

But given how hard it is to find this information, all she'll need is her employer (Victorian DoE) to strongly suggest more boosters and she'll be lining up...

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I have unpleasant reactions to antibiotics so I’ve watched my meat sources for years. It’s getting more and more crucial that we’re aware of what we are putting in our mouths, isn’t it?

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My 85 year old mum just finished a course in antibiotics for a cough, was weak and tired the whole time, and now one day out from not taking anymore is up and out of the house shopping and driving to visit me today! What really is in those antibiotics? I prefer garlic thanks.

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I don’t know if there are things added into the antibiotics but the antibiotic kills all bacteria , good and bad in the GI tract which really makes you feel like rubbish. I am always amazed when people tell me they have no reaction to them.

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When will the USA figure this out? Hint: when pigs fly

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Well, if hell can freeze over, pigs flying must be right around the corner.

Don't lose heart!

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People are s l o w l y getting the picture here. One thing that stuck out to me in your article, are they still after people to get their initial shots?? Anybody who has t got it by now isn’t likely to. Easier to get the previously jabbed to get yet another booster. Sigh.

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If you look at the Department of Health [sic] website, you will see that they are still pushing the primary jabs there. Every opportunity. But don't forget, they will soon be jabbing (if they aren't already) cow, chickens etc with mRNA jabs so it will be getting harder and harder to refuse the shot even if it's not injected.

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So I guess hubby & I may have to slaughter our own goats and chickens in the near future...because 'organic' certification doesn't always preclude animals from having 'vaccines':

"[Vaccines] may be used only for a specific disease, which is known to exist on the organic farm or neighbouring farms and which threatens livestock health and which cannot be effectively controlled by other management practices. Vaccines must not contain genetically modified ingredients or by‐products"


"Use of vaccines is permitted only where the operator can demonstrate that management practices are insufficient to guard against disease and illness"


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Buy from small farms or give up meat?

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Prefer to buy from small farms ;-)

There are always 'dissenters' around. There always have been. If you look hard enough you can find a way to make it all work :-)

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Don't worry, they will come and slaughter your chickens for you - as part of their mass culling campaign to wipe out 'bird flu'. Remember the song "cows with guns"? One of my favourite songs - "We will fight for bovine freedom and hold our large heads high, we will run free through the battlefields or die eeee; cows with guns". Time to arm your goats and chickens.

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But our goats are already armed - with horns! :-D

And we have not told the govt we own chickens, and our neighbours used to be organic chicken farmers, so they're good with us having chickens!

No govt person is coming to slaughter our animals. No way.

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Either that or be *very* careful about reading labels and checking the source of your meat. I am lucky to live in an area with several small organic meat producers.

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Indeed I will have to be very careful. There are places in the Northern Rivers where I can find better meat, from farms, so we'll be having to do that. Probably might end up having to buy another deep freeze and buy half a cow or something! :-D

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The poor animals can’t refuse. Have you seen the video of Fauci and the mayor of Washington DC visiting residents and trying to get them to take the jabs? One man lets them have it, in a very calm and polite way. Fauci and Bowser finally give up and wander off to plague another innocent resident.

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Yes, I saw that video! Awesome!!

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About time!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Bloody oath!

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