Big pHarma: There is no conceivable way for mRNA to change the human genome.

Also Big pHarma: We are introducing a new drug for fat people that changes the human genome using mRNA.

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Contradictions and hypocrisy are pHarma's stock in trade. Along with lying and genocide.

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I was obese in early adulthood, and was so desperate to lose weight I considered weight loss drugs and surgery, after exercise and strict diets failed every time. Unless one has been there, they can't possibly understand. Yes, some people gorge themselves on junk, but those who look down their noses at them have no concept of the addictiveness of sugar, grain and "additives" - foods that they themselves eat. They also cannot understand the depths of despair when EVERYTHING one tries fails. I now see obese people as injured people, just like those who took the jab, because they have been lied to for the sake of profit.

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I know that Lynda. I myself struggle constantly. But these companies know that their drugs are causing harm and death and they don't care as long as they make a profit. They use the desperation they know we feel to cajole us into taking their poison. And the standard Western diet has a lot to answer for indeed!

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Diabetes and the jabs has been a topic of discussion on a couple of stacks this week. I am not a young person but go out of my way to take care of myself. Exercise several hours or more a week aerobic and weight training, among other things. I also bake. Not often but do love cheesecake.

I am a "Fattist", and get triggered by people who waddle into a cafe or KFC, sit down in a chair they do not fit onto and proceed to order the largest burger and chips (fries are for wimpy yanks) and a side of chips (yep saw that once) aaaaaaand........wait for it.........a Diet whatever. Really, I think as I face palm myself for the tenth time in an hour because where I live has the highest level of morbid obesity in my country.. These are the customers for those garbage drugs, let em have at it.

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I remember a few years ago when McDonalds proposed that a Statin be given out with every order in their so-called restaurant!

As someone who has struggled with their weight for my whole life virtually, I know how hard it is. But honestly, I'm one of those horrible people who looks in the shopping trolleys of others in the supermarket (guilty confession here...) and when I look at mine - stacked high with organic fruit and veg and other relatively healthy food (aside from the occasional chocolate bar - I'm only human!) and then look in theirs to see no food at all - just junk, sodas and other crap - I'm not surprised by the high rates of heart disease, cancer, chronic conditions, etc. I know it's not just the jabs and drugs - it's what passes for food too.

And our government that loves us so much they want us all jabbed 'for our health', allows this muck to be sold to be consumed by all and sundry.

We have to - at some point - be responsible for what we do. Some things we can't control - the poisons in the air, water and those around us if the spike transmission theory is correct - but there is a lot we can do and we should at least be trying.

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Yea I feel for anyone that puts in effort and that is what it is all about, if your having a crack your having a crack and nobody can ask anymore of someone who is. The "dont GAF brigade" I have no time for. What really disturbs me Meryl is when I see mum and dad, and then look at the kids who are mirrors of the parents, waddling, massive love handles, one young boy the other week had "moobs", sure enough so did the rest of the family, so sad and sure enough it was burgers, chips, thick shakes or cokes for the kids. I want to grab parents like that and do bad things to them. Why are we not surprised that maccas would try and hand out statins. I would not at all surprised if they did not have insulin pens and blood sugar testers in the first aid kit these days. When I was in cardiology, the garbage they fed me was sickening, I lost so much weight and the said, this is what you need to eat for the rest of your life. Margarine, heart tick yoghurt, heart tick this heart tick that. I laughed at em, for supposedly "healthy" food, it was loaded with man made garbage. I refused to follow their advice and they got the shits when I told me I was doing Ascorbic Acid therapy protocols to fix my blocked arteries, "You will ruin your kidneys blah, blah, blah" Still here, still taking it. Like I said I bake and occationally I get on a cake bender, I pay penance if I do with longer workouts and the like. End of the day, that forty five minutes at best speed daily makes a significant difference.

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You obviously survived medical training with something that is beaten out of most doctors - critical thinking skills. Good on you!

There was a woman who used to run one of the AVN local groups - I won't say which state it was in. Her mother gave her coke in her bottle (bottle!) from within days of birth. It boggles the mind! And she was brought up on absolute rubbish.

When she was a teen, she took her health into her own hands - became a naturopath because she had to treat all the gut and health issues she had from being raised like that. Poor thing. But there are so many who think this is the way things should be and they never find any different - just living their lives sick all the time and getting gradually weaker and weaker until they end up in a nursing home way too early.

The whole paradigm needs to shift before we finally start to see some positive changes to health.

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Medical training, not me, I am just well read. I get something wrong, I read everything I can get my hands on and start working on it. I also question my doctor in a very detailed manner and make her justify her recommended therapy, if I don't think she cuts it I just say we will leave that for now. It annoys the hell out of her, especially if I call her out on something, But she is open and points me to what I may have missed. She rabbits on about my cholesterol, "Let me give you something", I laugh at her and say a cup cake would be nice then promise to knock it down two points for the next round of bloods,, this Friday actually, I am sure it will be low enough to get her off my back for six months or more.

I can't imagine how that kid was for all those years. Yea I had this discussion with a friend last night, could not agree more about the shifting the paradigm, unfortunately, that is not going to happen anytime soon. There was a piece in the paper today about Qld'rs being morbidly obese and having the lowest fruit and veg consumption levels in the entire country and also spending the most on "faux foods", maccas and the like.

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Oh, I must have misread something you posted a few days ago about your days in orthopedics or cardiology - I don't remember now. Sorry about that!

And annoying mainstream doctors is something that makes my heart sing so...good on you!

So sad to hear that about Queenslanders. Coming from New York originally, I was shocked when I first got here by the amount of fresh fruit and veg available. An actual cornucopia! But when my mother in law would serve 'fruit salad', it was out of a can. With ice cream that didn't have even a gram of dairy in it. Sheesh!

We all have a lot to learn about health and nutrition.

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Yea I spent some time in cardiology as a patient. When I left, I had to learn pretty quick to sort myself out. I was "asked to leave" rehab LOL! All these bypassed and stented patients sitting their complaining they had these procedures implying the staff were at fault.. I heard them out, the rehab nurses were being all calm and supportive. After an hour of their whining, I fired up. "Tell ya what, how about, we accept the fact we are still sitting here and alive, point two, if you're here for a second time, you deserve to be here for doing what you were told not to do after the first time and that is your fault nobody else's (a stented dude who was only ballooned the first time, biggest moaner) Remember its our own choices that bought us here, smoking, diet etc, not theirs (nurses). The looks on their faces were priceless. They called a break and took me round to the physioligist and said, "Steve is ready for you".

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The approval authorities are just waiting for the cheque to be cleared.

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I hope all these pharmaceutical corporations crash and burn.

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I will dance on their graves. I'm waiting ...

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And is it also gonna shed on the rest of us?

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That’s my concern because I would never take a shot of Ozempic or anything else they are peddling.

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The answer is - we don't know. But if there is even a slim chance (no pun intended), why are they even doing this?

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I guess they think they’re better off dead or having a lifelong damaging side effect than carrying some extra weight or heaven forbid, ditching the junk food and exercising a bit.

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There is more than one way to commit suicide and this is one of them! My brother has turbo cancer after having the jab, Lung, Liver and Large intestine and was depressed but said he wouldn't choose suicide, and I thought "you already have!"


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That is so sad! It's really hard when those we love and care about don't listen to what we say and as a result, they suffer. I'm so sorry :-(

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I have followed you since the days of AVN . As a nurse I was giving the usual vac then realised there was so much more in the jabs and so many more of them. I helped my daughter manage the minimum to her children and used homeopathics to help with side effects. There was no way that I was going to have the C jab but admit I was least affected as I was no longer running my Kinesiology business and was retired.

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I thought I recognised your name, Maureen! And yes, those who had the least to lose were also probably the least likely to give into the jab. Though I do know many retired people who willingly took it because they are simply used to following orders without thinking and 'trusting their doctor'. I would put my trust in a used car salesman or organised crime boss than I would any mainstream doctor.

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Agree! Keep up the great work that you are doing and may Spirit support you.

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More Frankenscience. Watch the death and injury rate increase. I’m running out of sympathy for idiots.

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All injectable drugs are now contaminated with mRNA, even dental anesthesia and insulin. And this acronym is misleading; they are using MODIFIED RNA. They substituted pseudo uridine for uridine. This cannot be broken down by the human body so it is a permanent alteration of the DNA. Those who have been injected will produce toxins in their own cells until they die. Their immune systems have been damaged beyond repair.

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Most of the research has been done by Dr Ana Mihalcea. I didn’t keep the links but it’s easy to find!

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I am pretty sure I subscribe to her substack so I will check it out - thank you!

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i have heard this but haven't seen much published. If you have any links, would you mind sharing them please? Thanks!

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