A good place to start but not finish is get rid of the ALP. Another point is get rid of Apathy and Ignorance in modern society and we might at least have a fighting chance.

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The one great flaw in all of our thinking is so simple to explain that most of "us" will not get it.

Here it is in one short sentence: "Those who currently have the power DO NOT CARE."

"We" are behaving as if they are willing to hear and listen to reason, sense and truth.


They REFUSE to.

What part of "evil, insane dictators" do people not understand?.

All and any WORDS we direct at them are absolutely, utterly totally pointless.

I will not encourage the only solution. If I did, they will seek me out and destroy me in whatever way they can.

So I am merely stating the ONLY solution, neither encouraging nor inciting it.

My attitude might be very different were there a few million people standing with me.

In this world of ignorant self-aggrandization over the internet, that's never going to happen.

To stop the forces of humanity-destroying evil, the people people against totalitarian dictatorships would have to literally declare war on them.

It need not be a violent "physical' war. It could start out as a 'soft' - but concentrated, focussed and firm - psychological and digital war.

If it is a mirror image of the war they have been waging on us for a long time it will be at least as effective.

Here are the core characteristics of the war they have been waging on us for decades:

1. They are united in purpose. To use their word, coined in one of the planning meetings, they are, across the world, "in lockstep,"

This is the first and most absolutely fundamental requirement. Without unity, meaning one-mindedness of intent, belief, words and action, they would never have had the power to overwhelm us.

In contrast, we e are very effectively helping them by being exactly the opposite - determinedly disunited. Too many 'independent' opinions and viewpoints, too many clearly incompetent wanna-be leaders - such as Monica Smit and Riccardo Bosi who are merely the tip of that ego-driven, arrogant, self-serving mountain. Based on this fact alone, the forces of evil who have total power - aided by our ignorant compliance - are, barring a miracle, well on the way to defeating us, destroying us and enslaving those of us who remain alive.

That they will destroy themselves in the process is also a certainty, but that's another matter.

2. Their unity of insane purpose has given them the strength and power to conduct both covert and overt battle campaigns against us.

They have for decades been secretly meeting in places like Davos and within government buildings and mainstream media corporate offices. There they have discussed and carefully prepared every step they will take in their relentless attack.

In the meanwhile we have been like chickens with foxes in the coop., creating an endless, pointless, distracting, confusingly divisive cacophony of noise over the internet.

We do not have a 'good' equivalent of Klaus Schwab on our side, specifically because so many want to have their say and voice their opinions, yet ignorantly not realising that they are facilitating the mass distraction and division that is the very essence of why we will not - cannot - defeat them.

We have embraced and encouraged that evil monster warned against in Greek mythology: Hydra, the dangerous "many headed" beast.

Every one of the countless, incompetent wanna-be leaders - whether nationally or of a small, local "community" - that saturate our side and persistently divide our attention is just another self-destructing "Hydra Head" of our utterly divided "body."

3 They have long been using powerful psychological weapons against us, interlaced and integrated into the mindlessly distracting mass-entertainment upon which most of us are so brainlessly focussed..

.......hmmm, upon reflection, this needs a book written. But, like the Bible, it will never be read by those who most need to read it. In fact, it strikes me that I have wasted my time even writing this., so why should I bother continuing....

I won't. But maybe a stray seed might happen to find a speck of fertile soil.

Given the deadly combination of ignorance and arrogance that, in mirror image of the other side, saturates our side of this divide, don't hold your breath.

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Keep exposing the shit!

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Your use of obscenity proves that you are part of the problem. Worse, the same arrogance you have displayed in using that word publicly will cause you to vehemently - no doubt with even more obscenity - attack this stated truth.

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Good on you

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It is already happening. Well sourced information eg: Club Grubbery episode with Graham Hood and John Larter could not be shared via personal message under a heading of "Content Unavailable". That is just one of many examples.

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Keep going never stop educating the flock,great work one in all in.

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So with such vague terminology in this shockingly scripted Bill, any half decent lawyer should be able to take these bastards down. Of course, it would probably require a court case, and you'd have to hope that in the meantime they don't decide to toss you in a holding cell...and throw away the key.

As an example, though, it's called 'misinformation' on the digital service if there is "false, misleading or deceptive information" AND "it is likely to cause or contribute to serious harm" - so, you have to fight them on definitions here. WHOSE harm? WHOSE truth? WHO would call it false? How do you define truth? So long as you can argue the case, they haven't got a leg to stand on. That's the best case scenario, though. The worst case scenario is that 'tossed in a holding cell thing and the key thrown away'...because, you know, Dictatorship...

And yes, I already put my submission in: last week!

By the way, I think it's a really telling sign when the govt deliberately exempts themselves from this 'misinformation'. The idea, then, is that THEY will become Big Brother, and only THEIR words are allowed, and all other words are considered lies! Bye-bye Aussie internet....unless we all say: NO WAY!!

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In the U.S., they want to blame interstellar comets bashing into satellites that will “potentially” obliterate our internet for months, maybe years, they aren’t sure. Then, I’m sure when it’s restored, they’ll be a plethora of new rules & restrictions involved. Which will probably rely on computer material placed under the skin of every user. Health records, money exchange, & internet usage, general surveillance, etc. will all be recorded on it. Push back hard now & don’t comply ever.

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I haven't heard that! It sounds like they're talking about an EMP which is a nuclear device exploded high up in the atmosphere. But that doesn't just knock out the internet - it knocks out all communications and power too. Disastrous for the modern world! Do they know something they aren't telling us, do you think?

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No, I think they’re lying about everything to gain control. Everything we see in the news is what they want is to see. It’s an excuse to flip the switch off & regroup. Google or whoever they choose will be the only choice, period. ( just my opinion). Power comes from controlling the masses with one source of approved narrative. It’s like the “ emergency broadcasting network”, that do tests here on tv, and radio all the time. I hope I’m wrong.

The only good thing is that we have a LOT of smart rebellious hackers that can usually figure these programs out & create new systems, etc. plus, I’m praying hard my God will shove every roadblock possible into their evil plans. Prayer is powerful. They know that. 🙏🏽

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Help me here. How is it possible, with all the evidence out there, that only 10% has been awakened to reality? subliminal brain-washing? ultrasound hypnosis?

If we don't succeed waking others, the future looks bad:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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I have to say that having been an activist on this issue for over 30 years now, that 10% figure is WAY low! I would say that we have at least 50% awake and it only is supposed to take 15% to bring about change. My question is how ANYONE with at least 2 working brain cells to rub together can still be asleep? I truly don't get it!

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That's because we're not actually at 50% Awake. Unfortunately. Many people might SEEM like they don't like the jabs, and don't really want to take them, and kind of like their freedom, but when push comes to shove, most will line up and take more jabs. So how can they be Awake when they just do what they're told?

If we only need 15% to make change (because we're a population full of sheeple), but that change isn't happening, then logically we're not at 15% Awake.

I'd love to think that we have 50% Awake, I'd love to think we even have 20% Awake, but the sad and sorry truth is probably much closer to that 10% figure.

Sorry to be a party pooper, Meryl, but Change doesn't happen without Action. And most people are too busy keeping a roof over their heads to bother with Action right now... :-(

When the sheeple have had a few generations of severe oppression from their supposed loving government, THEN they may consider taking action. Until then, it's just 10% of us fighting for our rights.

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Rowan Dean’s expose was brilliant! I have sent my thoughts/comments to ACMA. Also well presented was Amanda Stoker’s interview with Senator Claire Chandler on ‘Sundays with Stoker’ on Sky News.

Just last night I went to a presentation about Geo Engineering. Cloud seeding and weather manipulation has indeed been around for a long time. Go to the ‘Zero Geo Engineering.com’ website for all the information. The chemicals used are so dangerous!

I agree with all your 7 opinion points Meryl! We really have a corrupt agenda to fight don’t we?!!

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Thanks Janne! And thanks for the link as well. When I first heard of geoengineering, I thought it was just a silly conspiracy theory. But now, all the silly conspiracy theories are being proved to be accurate. What a world we live in!

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I have submitted my objection to ACMA as per - unable to copy screen shot

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Thank you so much, Peter! I would love to know how many submissions they've received. Hopefully we will find out by the deadline. My guess is many tens of thousands - we might need millions - but it's great to know that so many are writing in!

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I agree with you 100%. I think antibiotics can be useful only in dire and life threatening situations. Otherwise, the body takes care of itself. The routine use of antibiotics in humans as well as the animal and plant world (glyphosate) is ruining our health and environment.

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Absolutely, Deborah! If every mainstream medical doctor, pharmaceutical executive and scientist and 'public health' official on the planet were to be sucked up into outer space tomorrow, no doubt there would be issues with lack of trauma care for car accidents etc, but the human race on the whole would be far better off, I feel.

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Agree 💯 so is there a link or somewhere to fill in a form?

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Hi Sarah - yes, the link is at on this page and also on my other posts regarding ACMA. If you can't find it, let me know

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Sorry I can’t find it anywhere.

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Here it is pasted below:

3- Take 15 minutes to write your submission to ACMA letting them know you do not support censorship nor do you believe they are capable of or entitled to determine what is misinformation and disinformation. Be polite but be firm. And as always, if you are able to, send copies of your submissions to me and I will repost them on this SubStack without identifying the writer. I already have a backlog of letters to put on this page! 🙏❤️ - the highlighted words above have the link - I can't paste them in here with the live link so just look at the post again - number 3 at the top.

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Please may I have the link to the original Sky news broadcast...I can't find it.

Adding this to "Censorship" and "Climate Change"



Original link would be nice, thanks

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I downloaded this from Twitter so I don't have the original link. Have you searched for the Outsiders on YouTube?

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Yes I spent about 20 min searching, but not their Twitter page...thanks

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Can’t disagree

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ALL of our right are being taken away. We are being rapidly blindsided.

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