I wonder if that was a f-u before a journalist quit. I bet they’re tightening internal controls. Look at for ads for extra editors 😂

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Thank you for rescuing the "Fallen Forest" article. They were quick to remove it. A lot of truth bombs dropping at the moment. I imagine they can't keep up, bots and all. :)

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Meryl, you are a powerhouse. So many good articles. Hitting home runs every time! Thank you.

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Thanks so much, S! I have to say I have quite a few banked up after being on the road with the bus for 5 weeks. If I could add just 2-3 hours in a day, it would make a huge difference! LOL

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The metaphor carries the message long after the crash and burn of narrative. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ErS9HCh8GfE

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I hadn't heard that song before (or heard of the singer). I appreciate your sharing it!

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