The injectable must adversely affect the brain, a bit like a pilot of a twin engined jet passenger airliner who while in flight selected BOTH engines fuel switches to OFF, that immediately got the attention of the other pilot who selected them back to ON so the engines lit off/started again & the flight proceeded. All pilots must have the injectable shot so one had a neurological 'event', but had the other pilot had the same adverse event at the same time, it may have made the lame-stream media.

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Oops, i was told that by someone, so only hearsay.

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This lady has suffered a devastating injury and the media want us to believe she is still pro vax. Unless I hear it directly from the source I call BS on what main stream media report. If there is an element of truth, it would be because her family and friends didn’t advocate for her🥹😭

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Indeed, we are dealing with false beliefs and world views.

or... the lower level of stupid has yet to be discovered

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A good friend of ours, unjabbed, like my wife and I, insists that from the interactions she has had with jabbed friends and relatives, these shots seem to have the added side effect of removing all ability to think critically.

My uncle was hospitalised for weeks after his first shot (Astra Zeneca) but still insisted, as did his awful doctor, that he needed more. Sadly he died as a result of the booster.

Those who pushed the propaganda and lies about these terrible treatments need to be held accountable, but at the same time our education system and the complete inability of our society to recognise the value of critical thinking needs to be seriously challenged and overturned. In Romania they are different, and basically the govt had to give up on jabbing after 30% had been jabbed, and nobody else would come forward - obviously a society that has its priorities in this area far better sorted...

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there is absolutely no way to change or effect this outcome

We really must ask ourselves, it is the system or those willing to go along with it?

Clearly it is both...

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When immunity is shot there is no rational thinking. Think chemo. This is not her being stupid but frightened. All it takes at this point is the fear of catching covid explained convincingly by her GP or others to make her desperate to protect herself. When your immunity is low you innately don’t trust yourself and look to the advice of others to protect you (from experience running a wellness practice). I have to tell myself daily - they are not well, don’t take it personally.

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While we can’t explain why this poor woman took the vaccine repeatedly after such an injury, I can tell you that the ENTIRE film/TV industry has mandated the jab. You cannot give any excuse for not taking it. Literally no jab no job. You’re treated like a leper.

My daughter who has worked in the business for years and has much experience in a variety of positions (behind camera, though she started out in front of the camera) can’t get work now and her career is over at 34yo because she IS immuno compromised so she won’t/can’t have it (it’s actually the opposite to what the “health authorities” tell you, if you are immuno compromised you should never take the jab). Some movie companies are still demanding masks on set! Crazy! Most jobs in the industry Down Under are from companies which are American based, the jabs have always been mandated within their industry so this woman would’ve been forced to take it if she wanted to continue her career, even in the UK. No excuses are accepted, not for medical reasons, absolutely nothing will be accepted in this realm.

Of course, why she went back for more puzzles all of us but if she thought she could get better and go back to work, then that may explain it.

My son-in-law collapsed after his 1st shot, had heart issues, hospitalised, but went back for more. The marriage is no more due to our daughter’s refusal to jab herself or their young 5yo twins (at the time).

And yes, the detrimental effects of the poison seem to be truly mind numbing in people…from every angle. “Oh the horror!”

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there is another more plausible explanation

it has to do with the pineal gland, the seat of the soul

We know it has been targeted by toxins, the net effect is zombie like behavior.

We are witnessing this

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And here's the kicker: she would still have been infected by SARS Cov2. I remember Elon Musk telling Joe Rogan that he got vaccinated after having a bout of Covid and he said a worse reaction to the jab than he did to Covid.

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Frank Leahy quote; "Egotism is the anaesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity." You can't be more frank than what Frank said, frankly.

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I had an interesting conversation with a young shop assistant who serves me every weekend. I had a bug a couple of weeks back and then I got hit again thanks to co workers coming in sick, "I have a meeting", bloody martyrs. I digress. So I am talking to my shop friend and I mentioned I had covid and kept getting these bugs, when all of a sudden she tells me she had it as well. I asked if she had taken the vaccine and replies in the affirmative. I said to her "I hope you are not going to take anymore". I asked how many and she confirmed the first two, after which she got Covid not once but twice. I said it was the first two that are responsible for that. Have you had anymore? She confirmed she got a booster (3), not because she felt she needed it. Then she tells me, the family pressured her to get a third because "she'd had Covid twice and the immunity had worn off" and get this, they did not want to get Covid if she caught it again. Poor kid then informs me she has Myocarditis. Has been undergoing intensive therapy for several months on a weekly basis to try and get her health back. This young woman is only in her early twenties and now looking down the barrel of a significantly shortened life from that injury.

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It is so sad! This is one of probably tens of thousands of similar stories. On the VaxXed Bus, I spoke with dozens of young men and women who had all had myocarditis after the jab. :-(

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I hear you, they just keep coming, quite a few seem to just open up as soon as I ask how the jabs worked out for them and it all comes out, the anger, angst, disappointment. The young lady in my reply turned around and said, "They are hiding it". I will follow that up next time I see her. In case you did not see this today.


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It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled. 🤪

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Is that Mark Twain? Great quote either way and soooo true!

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I think that quote ws attributed to Mark Twain...

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Not sure where I heard that 😊

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As you say, Meryl....her mental acuity leaves a lot to be desired -- stupid is as stupid does!

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I'm guessing a judge would dismiss her damages claim as soon as she took subsequent jabs? Yet..... they've probably lost mental acuity too.

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I also wondered if that was a sign of vaccine-induced brain damage?

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Quite possibly.

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1P36 Gene Deletion Syndrome is the number one intended (not side) effect of the jab. Causes deterioration of the frontal lobes of the brain and biting behavior. Admitted by Pfizer in the first batch of their papers forced to be released by a judge. The more jabs they get the dumber they get. Sickening but true.

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I’m noticing that in general. I feel like I have to explain things over again to people. I even told my bank manager what he had to do to set me up correctly. I thought it was me, lack of patience, or I’m not clear enough, but maybe there is a general slowness to others. The injuries are terrible but this insidious cant put your finger on it itwilight zone stuff, feels like you’re going mad!

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I agree there is something in the vax that interferes with rational thought. Some of the people who would have been previously considered very smart have fallen for the con.

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It would certainly explain a lot of that were the case, Norma. Dreadfully sad.

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The perfect outcome as far as our ‘overlords’ are concerned. They want us all to be mindless drones.

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Thank you, Lucy. That’s the first I’ve heard of it. Do you have a link to the info, so I can share it, please?

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If it’s from the Pfizer releases, it can probably be found at the Daily Clout because they were the ones analyzing all the information?


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Not offhand but I’m sure you can find it online. Unless it’s already been memory holed!

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My understanding is that the spikey shite crosses the BBB and causes inflammation aka amyloidosis (?) similar to dementia, destruction of the frontal lobes which is part of the empathy, social awareness etc? Or something along those lines. Not good for the person or human interactions. Planned I'd suggest.

From a quick Google 1P36 is a genetic birth defect occurring from egg/sperm issues, possibly early cell division? That suggests, if Pfizer note this, that it's an effect of jabbing repro age men/women or pregnant women? Jeso!

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To be honest, just about every vaccine was created to intentionally cross the blood brain barrier. Way back to the DPT which has been used for many, many decades to induce what is referred to as acute allergic encephalomyelitis in mice and rats - but when the same thing happens in human babies and adults, we're told there's no connection. Vaccines have always been deadly and only get more and more so as time goes on and more jabs and jab technologies are added.

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There really is no helping some people.

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