What could be more profound than losing one's child, especially when they are meant to be living their lives with energy, vibrancy and absolute JOY. Heads need to roll for the murderous actions of these 'so named doctors'. I bluntly refused to have either of my children injected with a metal needle containing pharmaceutical substances. The thought of this 'shatters my nervous system'. How COULD any parent/caregiver ever consider such abuse ! So many actually BELIEVE that a gp 'knows what's best' .....NO NO NO .... NOT SO !!

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How do we get this message through to young parents, the moment their pregnancy is confirmed the medical profession and government fill them with fear😢😭

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

So very sad . These mongrels need to pay for what they have done to Humanity .😥😥

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Yes, and it is only by holding them accountable for this crime that we will stop other criminals from doing the same thing.

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How bloody gut wrenching

I have tears in my eyes writing this message 🙏

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It's horrendous, isn't it? How do these doctors sleep at night?

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Simply heart wrenching.

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Absolutely! And how many more stories like this are out there that we've never heard. 😭

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