Meryl – I applaud the work of the AVN. However, there are some issues that it would be advisable for you to address. Firstly, there should be no impediments to operating a website providing information only, however once donations are solicited from the general public, a whole new set of laws come into play about how the funds are to be managed and used. The AVN website does not address the issue. I suggest that you get advice about this.
Secondly, the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ website does not have any supporting information that relates to its legal standing as an organisation in Australian law that is operating within Australian jurisdictions. The name is not registered with ASIC. The ‘fine print’ information that is provided on the website all relates to U.S. law – which has no applicability here. This is despite the fact that the photos/map etc all clearly relate to Australian activities. Once again, I suggest that whoever is running ‘Forest of the Fallen’ in Australia should obtain legal advice – at the very least to ensure that volunteers are properly protected. There needs to be a statement to this effect on their website.
Lastly – I note that the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ website cites a quote from the Dalai Lama in support of its activities. If nothing else, the catastrophe wrought by forcing the mRNA genetic agent injectables onto an unsuspecting population over the last three years have ripped away the green curtains on many false media constructs that were not previously visible to most people. I suggest that whoever is managing the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ organisation should familiarise themselves with Mathew Crawford’s ‘Rounding the Earth’ Substack newsletter that was published today. Its title is: “The Dalai Lama Glitch in the Matrix”. I don’t know if what it says is true or not – but I have noted in the past how much the talking heads of the corporate media and Hollywood ‘celebs’ etc all fawn over ‘His Holiness the Dalai Lama’, and how his appearances and utterances seem to be treated with such exaggerated respect – to such an extent that one can only be suspicious that they are carefully stage managed media events. For this reason, I suggest that it is worth ‘Forest of the Fallen’ taking the information on this topic in the ‘Rounding the Earth’ Substack article into consideration…
Yes, the falling all over the lama has always seemed highly suspect to me. If the world bows to something or someone, better be careful. What the world hates is more likely to be where the truth resides.
Meryl – I applaud the work of the AVN. However, there are some issues that it would be advisable for you to address. Firstly, there should be no impediments to operating a website providing information only, however once donations are solicited from the general public, a whole new set of laws come into play about how the funds are to be managed and used. The AVN website does not address the issue. I suggest that you get advice about this.
Secondly, the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ website does not have any supporting information that relates to its legal standing as an organisation in Australian law that is operating within Australian jurisdictions. The name is not registered with ASIC. The ‘fine print’ information that is provided on the website all relates to U.S. law – which has no applicability here. This is despite the fact that the photos/map etc all clearly relate to Australian activities. Once again, I suggest that whoever is running ‘Forest of the Fallen’ in Australia should obtain legal advice – at the very least to ensure that volunteers are properly protected. There needs to be a statement to this effect on their website.
Lastly – I note that the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ website cites a quote from the Dalai Lama in support of its activities. If nothing else, the catastrophe wrought by forcing the mRNA genetic agent injectables onto an unsuspecting population over the last three years have ripped away the green curtains on many false media constructs that were not previously visible to most people. I suggest that whoever is managing the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ organisation should familiarise themselves with Mathew Crawford’s ‘Rounding the Earth’ Substack newsletter that was published today. Its title is: “The Dalai Lama Glitch in the Matrix”. I don’t know if what it says is true or not – but I have noted in the past how much the talking heads of the corporate media and Hollywood ‘celebs’ etc all fawn over ‘His Holiness the Dalai Lama’, and how his appearances and utterances seem to be treated with such exaggerated respect – to such an extent that one can only be suspicious that they are carefully stage managed media events. For this reason, I suggest that it is worth ‘Forest of the Fallen’ taking the information on this topic in the ‘Rounding the Earth’ Substack article into consideration…
Yes, the falling all over the lama has always seemed highly suspect to me. If the world bows to something or someone, better be careful. What the world hates is more likely to be where the truth resides.