Thanks so much I have a blog can I share you content on the wicked vax rollout out and it’s criminal outcomes to humanity

It’s so sad how blind some people are my sister and brother treat me like a nutter for querying the efficacy and safety on the jab and the criminal nature of mandating the shot

I was poisoned by DOW chemicals from the Chemical plant in New Plymouth NZ when they manufacture 245t 24d aka agent orange

Chemical poisoning is insidious by nature I really feel for all the people who will face a silent slow killer that will debilitate and eventually steal life from them

Regards Gary

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What is going on on this planet earth

What happened to all planet earth Harming innocent Human beings These evil idiots belong to Hell

Morality is zero human dignity is zero

What happened to Australian politics to do what the Laws and human morality is turn into Nazis LAW

I see this is new Hitler politics

I am very very sorry to see what I can see

Please lord stop this mess on this planet earth

Gave as FRIDOM so we all can have better life


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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

They won't be satisfied until they destroy tge life's of tge children who have the best immune system, which tells me they have an agenda and Brendan Murphy is gutless and part of tge tyranny agenda

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There are several agendas, I believe. And in my mind, Brendan Murphy and the entire government and opposition (with only a couple of exceptions) are completely owned by pharma and will do whatever they are told, regardless of the cost to innocent Australians.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

Thank you Meryl for your continuous effort in sharing the real vaccine injury stories and adverse reaction statistics. We need to continue to fight and protect our loved ones and children.

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Amen, Emily!

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

Wow. SO many injuries - and deaths! It is indeed a travesty :-( :-( :-(

But to play devil's advocate, in many cases, these kids will grow up to be as stupid and uninformed as their parents who are unknowingly and/or unwittingly signing them up for their death jabs - so who are we really saving by stopping these jabs? This is absolutely NOT a nice concept, but one I feel I should nevertheless raise. Their parents are not thinking for themselves here, and if that's genetic, not environmental, then genetics tends to have a funny way of turning up in the next generation...

I'm not saying it's OK to jab/kill/maim the uninformed ones, 'coz it's not. A civilised society has a DUTY to care for even silly parents - and if the only reason most of these uninformed parents are taking their kids for their jabs is because the mainstream view being pushed is 'vaccinations = good', then we need to CHANGE that mainstream view - from 'vaccinations = good' to 'vaccinations = bad'. There is a place for everyone in this world, and governments have a duty of care to herd people in the right direction, not push them over the edge...

There ARE ways to make it all work - but TPTB don't want to go there. They just want to do in those who are sheep, so they can have MORE land/power/money etc for themselves!

The larger problem, however, is that the kids who might turn out differently from their parents now don't stand a chance :-( :-( :-( And that's EVERYONE'S future going down the toilet...

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So true, Robyn. And this is why we need to be sharing as much as we possibly can. Many will not take it on board, but even those, when they see a reaction, might have their memory tweaked to something that was said to them. We can only hope!

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THANKS FOR YOUR EDITORIAL: do you have a rate for disability pensioners I would love to upgrade if affordable gary.4cm@gmail.com

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Thanks for asking, Gary. I have contacted you with a special discounted rate for pensioners.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Meryl Dorey

Why are there so many vaccination errors?!

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It could be because doctors and nurses are told that vaccines are simply sugar water solutions without any real side effects and therefore, it's not really important to take a lot of care?

Or it could be because they are not properly trained on how to deal with vaccines when so many are given out.

Or it could be that there is a lot of negligence in the medical profession.

Or it could be all of the above?

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