Interested in seeing what if anything comes of this.

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You know of Katherine Watt's work? Bailiwick News Substack. I suspect they can lie without comeback. Pfizzy were contracted by the USA government and told what to do, they did it. Brooke Jackson's case, not research fraud testing the jabs cos they followed the contract.

I suspect something similar with Julian Gillespie's case although that has the extra layers of the judge failing to declare her conflict of interest having worked at least 5 times in a major way for pfizzy. I guess she thought she'd get away with it? With luck she'll be struck off or whatever happens to judges. Dr Jessica Rose interviewed him recently on CHD TV. He being the OZ CHD head honcho.

Difficult times Meryl 🙏

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Pfizer clause in contracts - exempt from lawsuits: "Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Pfizer, BioNTech (and) their affiliates harmless from any and all actions, claims, suits, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses ..." - under 8.1 in the leaked Albania contract


and everyone should and must assume that this is generally the case for every country!!! In my opinion, this is all planned and deliberately brought about, because otherwise this clause would not exist!!!

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Dr Mark Trozzi website interview with Shabnan Polesi Mohamed, split into 2. Couple of months ago. She's done a lot of digging on country contracts, along with others via FOI requests. Horrifying what is revealed.

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Thank you!!! Yes, I admire her very much, because she is really a very intelligent woman with a great knowledge and experience!!!! I have already mentioned this here!


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The world is a stage... don't be deceived into believing anything will change for the better. We have one hope in this world. Yeshua Messiah maranatha.

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Go Kansas!

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The finger pointing phase is in full display. It will not last long.

Retribution cometh, and perhaps more importantly, confidence in Big P and

the Medical Cartel cannot be regained. No more puntin, no more get out of jail free passes.

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Note to the Attorney General in Kansas; check the background of the Judge BEFORE you take the brief to court, you know, just in case there's a bit of history. 😜

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Aka Julian Gillespie's CHD case in OZ and the judge failing to declare a conflict of interest. Took him a couple of days to track her details after he'd lost the case. 😕

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Homework doesn't stop at school. It's a tough but good lesson, these creatures use every tactic. All the best.

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No need to warn Paxton, he is a veteran. The gambit is more about demonstrating to the sheeple that they were donkeyed. It will be near impossible to create the hysteria again.

Hence the attacks world wide.

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Recent, on going case here in Oz 🇦🇺 against Pfizer; the Judge rules against the plaintiff by stating the Doctor has NO standing ( he's not aggrieved enough in her "learned"opinion). Case dismissed, oh wait a minute, they then find out that your "honour" worked as a Barrister, BEFORE she was recently appointed as a Judge, on at least 5 separate cases, for Pfizer, without letting anyone know about it. Hence my comment.

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That is what these mandarin judges do, world wide. No standing has to do with Maritime law. Its a huge discussion. I am not being critical about your comment.

Lawful remedy vs the legal quagmire.

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All good, all the best 👍🇦🇺

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