Thanks Meryl. The smiling assassins, especially the ignorant mother. How could you track such adverse events like complex pain syndrome and a host of other MRNA jabs reactions that adults complained about with a baby. The whole concept is so shameful. It is beyond my comprehension that a mother would hand her precious baby over to be experimented upon. Remember Maddie de Gary, a victim of Pfizer, after her mother signed her up for Covid jab trial.

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Just like alcohol consumption, the effects of the jabs tend to have a gradual detrimental effect. If they maimed or killed in a more immediate way, the danger would be more obvious. DUI fatalities are looked at as one-offs and don’t seem to prevent anyone else from continuing to drink alcohol.

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Thank you for this excellent round up Meryl.

I'm so grateful to have been red-pilled without having had to incur much personal damage in the process. The baby experiment... I just can't even.... and those smiling medical professionals standing right there....!?!?!?!?!?!?

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