Submission sent: "I oppose any form of censorship in Australia so I don’t support this legislation" & copy emailed to you.

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My submission just now:

Powers to Destroy Free Speech

These powers are anathema to a free and democratic society and will have a demonstrably chilling effect on political and non-political discourse in this country. Further legislation is not even needed as defamation law already protects against reputational harm which is sufficient.

In a free and democratic society one is either for, or against free speech. If in favour, those in power must trust in the good judgment of the public to discern so-called 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' by themselves (it’s called DYOR: “do your own research”). It is apparent that the Government/ACMA [GA] are either against having such a society, do not trust the public, or both.

Further, what supernatural power(s) does GA claim to possess in discerning truth over and above the average citizen? None. In fact, government and its apparatus have often been purveyors of misinformation and disinformation during the past, particularly in relation to COVID-19 (e.g., lockdowns, masks and injections as inviolable 'solutions').

The final tragedy is this legislation exempts GA and ‘approved’ news media from the very standards imposed on everyone else, an act of sublime hypocrisy.

I end my submission with the number one trait of a sociopath, which would apply to GA seeking to control others’ speech:

“1. A Hunger for Power & Dominance

Both sociopaths and psychopaths are commonly found at the head of corporations, governments, and in positions of great power. This may be no coincidence. Sociopaths have a tendency to be power-hungry and may spend a lot of time and effort attaining positions where they can control, dominate, and have authority over others. Once they obtain power, they commonly misuse and abuse it in ways that are irresponsible, destructive, and harmful to others.”*

*https://www.choosingtherapy.com/signs-of-a-sociopath/, accessed 18 August 2023

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Thanks didn’t know about this. Is there a link for the bill, or a detailed summary of it’s provisions? I’m not in AU but I oppose this completely.

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If you follow the Substack post it should take you to the information. Is that an option for you? I’m a bit hampered with all this technology. Only got the phone .

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As it’s late in the process and my phones about to go flat I’ve sent a simple objection to this law stating that I have no idea who’s version of the “ truth “ is being used. Not a very inspiring letter but short and to the point. Democracy is at stake.

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