Thanks Meryl, though it be bad news. This is disappointing to say least. Many posts on other platforms that I’ve read of recent months have inferred ‘they know better to try and push any more Vaccines on us because so many people are walking up; they’ll be putting the poisons in food and water etc. ‘. Do you think there’s going to be a repeat of the mandates in Australia? I read maybe USA were revving it up just for the elections as fear is needed to accompany elections?

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I like that pledge! :-)

Actually, I DID have to go to our local hospital today...as an advocate for my hubby who fell whilst building our house...and sliced his upper leg open! Only superficial, really, but he still needed stitches. He's otherwise OK, don't worry. And he's going to be more careful from now on!

Neither of us sanitised our hands (I hate that stuff) or wore a mask on the way in. The staff were actually all really nice, and hubby was never asked to put on a mask. But the lady at the front desk later asked me to - and I said definitively "I don't wear a mask" - and she had nothing else to say at that point, which I was quite fine with! Then she initially wouldn't let me go through to where hubby was, but I had said that he wanted me there as his advocate, and she mentioned that they had their concerns about me being unmasked because there was some Aged Care at the hospital, and I said I was very well, not sick at all, and that hubby was in there with no mask on, so what was the problem?

In the end I went through to him, with not much wait time at all, and it was fine. One of the nurses in there even had her mask deliberately below her nose the entire time! So why make people wear them if that's how they're going to do it! It's honestly so dumb that they're trying to bring back this hopeless fad - because that all it is, a FAD. It serves no positive health purpose, merely negatives, and is designed to muzzle and control the population. Perhaps these mask wearers think "Ooh, look at me, I'm socially correct, I'm wearing a MASK. I'm so good. I'm saving people!" or some other such crap. Many just put it on to go into whatever store/hospital because it's EASIER for them than dealing with conflict and standing their ground! I guess they have so few morals left to stand up for, so who cares, right? :-(

You won't get me wearing these mandated masks! EVER! In fact, the ONLY time I wore masks was but 2 or 3 times during the 2019/2020 bushfires due to particulate matter in the air. And that was only to feed our animals. I hated wearing the masks so much I just stopped it and made sure I breathed only through my nose when feeding the animals. Not ideal, but I found the masks much worse.

You'd have to be a nitwit to keep wearing masks. In fact, I was watching the Dr sew up my husband's leg, and my mind wandered, and I wondered if, in the near future, these 'doctors' might turn into total crazies, and they might do their jobs entirely wrong, and you'd be better off using steri-strips or suturing it yourself! The Dr did do a neat and decent job on my hubby's leg, though, so I'm grateful for that, but I still couldn't help wondering what the dystopian future might be like...

Oh, and of course another Dr suggested a tetanus injection (ie the DTP) would be advisable, and asked hubby when his last one was, and I piped up with how that'd be the wrong injection, anyway, because if they're concerned about infection, it'd take too long for the vaccine to confer immunity, so if they were going to recommend any tetanus injection, it ought to be the immunoglobulins, and then they asked hubby if he wanted a tetanus injection, and he said no, and, unlike Canberra Hospital, the Dr just accepted the answer and that was the end of vaccine questions - except of course when they asked about his jab status etc during routine history taking.

But no, NEVER will I agree to the mask madness! Because that's exactly what it is. MADNESS. A FAD. MORONIC behaviour!

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I will not comply!

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My daughter was born profoundly deaf (due to a 24 hr tummy virus I had at 30 wks) & she has 2 cochlear implants (binaural implantee). I would chuckle every time I was with her when out & about during the Convid-19 crappola. She is definitely not backward in coming forward in demanding whomever she was speaking to, to remove their masks as she is deaf & cannot read their lips with a silly mask on!!

Nobody ever denied her request. She was very firm in her demand, basically taking a "no prisoners" attitude, as was her husband who is also a cochlear implantee (though he's only had one ear done).

In that regard, I was so very proud of both of them.

Who can remember all the stuff throughout the late 1990's & early 2000's about inclusion for those with disabilities? Interesting how that vanished immediately during the scamdemic!

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“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” Henry David Thoreau

“All the problems of the man who fears for his humanity come down to the same question: how to remain free?” Stefan Zweig

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Saw a sign that said 'if you come in here with a mask we will mock you incessantly'.....lines drawn.

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Oh, that is SO good!

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I take the pledge!!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

Masking , apart from being completely useless against viruses, has all sorts of negative health impacts. I have papers showing severe headaches, lack of concentration, lowered oxygen levels in the blood, reduced immune responses and significant psychological impacts.

During covid I showed these to a major client and they stopped masking on their site. The Safety manager there was very impressed but was totally disgusted in the company as when he attempted to get it done nationwide the brain dead at their head office just "wanted to follow the govt". He pointed out that the govt was wrong and asked them to produce science to actually support masking. Of course they could not (and neither can the govt).

Masking is disaster for health reasons alone. Any who support it are a danger to society.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Meryl Dorey

On a lighter note, it does give you a clue about who is an idiot. I won't talk to maskers, even if it means walking out of a store or finding the one employee who is unmasked. The idiocy will not stop, but we can choose to leave it in all possible ways.

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We all need to do the same thing. It was one thing to speak with them the first time around, now however, it's personal.

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