'That NSW Health have tracked every move of this individual'! There is our answer to the reason why! Create a Crises to Bring in a Law. Can you recognise the human rights of this person has been violated? Again all in the name of keeping society safe!! Interesting that 'they' have the technology to 'track our every move. This is NOT about hellth peops its about and always has been about control.

I've also read that 'they' will inform us of their doings ie going against our human rights. 'They' just have!

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We're not ending this vicious circle of alleged deadly contagious particles, vaccination and plndmc any time soon as long as people still refer to unscientific papers as alleged proof of virus isolation. There is no proof. If pseudoscientific institutes of viroLiegy worldwide can admit that they have no records of proof, which over 230 of them already did, why can't anyone else? Stockholm syndrome again?

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We have to consider these mRNA shots opened Pandora's Box and diseases not seen for decades are going to start making a big comeback. This is worthy of ongoing monitoring to determine if there are any cases of "comeback" and where they occur. Highly vaccinated countries or opposite.

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Similar story here in Iceland, except the health authorities have not been able to tell us on which flight the "patient" came with, and first they said the flight was on the 31st of January, then they changed the story to 1st of February. No airline has been able to confirm that they are telling the truth.

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Wow - I'm actually in the middle of getting more stories worldwide that are similar. If you have a link to this one you wouldn't mind sharing, that would be great! Thanks :-)

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It clearly looks like a concerted campaign throughout the western world, the question is what the goal is, is it mandatory vaccinations, vaccination passports or just to increase Merck's income by several hundreds of millions of dollars? Maybe all three?


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We got the exact same story here in Ontario, Canada just a change in details and the scare is on.

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Same story here in Iceland!

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Same on the TV news in Austria this morning. Alert over "measels outbreaks" among teens. They are the most targeted now.

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I assumed that (a) the individual is real; (b) the individual does not have measles (or, if they do, that this is incidental to the fiction being promoted); and (c) they wanted to practise their CBDC-style tracking methods.

Scaring the pants of everyone was just a bonus... as long as those pantless individuals are over 18, naturally.

PS *anyone* on their 9th booster should be *very* afraid of *any* pathogen, so, in a roundabout way, this article is factual.

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How dare you expect people to think!!!!!

Why if that happened you would not have any need for most of the education system, or the media, or the government, or our armed forces, and then where would we be?

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Government officials took the next flight, there was a weasels outbreak.

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Top reply is my vote

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Love it.

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Back in the day, my mum popped all three youngest children in the bed together.

Would Children's Services get involved these days?

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As did mine. Didn't run to a doctor then, no vaccine to my knowledge.

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Yes, the most likely would.

There have been cases where The Department of Community Services were called because people were having chicken pox parties. Insanity!

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They still happen from time to time.

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My question is how was a random passenger "detected" as being infected with measles? Sounds to me possibly some airlines and/or airports are using trained dogs to identify specific illnesses. Obviously, there was no proof since the article doesn't say the target was detained, only that the person was tracked. Any ideas how else a disease may be detected surreptitiously?

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They may be a rat enthusiast

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Maybe they used the waste water on the plane 😏. Just like they found vaccine induced polio in London and New York- no actual person identified, but the fact was they were calling it vaccine induced!!!. It was in the early months of the pandemic, and New York govenor insisted pre- schoolers have a 4th vaccine instead of the usual 3

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That's the question (well, one of them anyway), isn't it? This is why I think the whole article is a lie. Government propaganda.

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And had the plague ridden individual used cash, the trackers would be stumped !😎

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Insane clown world & still way to many stupid and evil people

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When will the medical profession stand up🤦‍♀️

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They won't. Which is why they have lost all trust. Once trust is lost, they will never get it back.

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Same story in Canada today. It’s. a script.

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OMG - in that top story, they have a picture of two hands with a rash - that isn't measles - it's scarlet fever! They can't even get it straight themselves!

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Which goes to the point I just posted.

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Another lying story - this one out of Canada. Thank you for sharing that link! How stupid do they think we are?

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Reminds me of the stupid measles scares out of Disneyland in 2013. Most of the cases were vaccinated kids.

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