Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year! A special offer for the next 8 days
50% off of all annual subscriptions to Informed Choice
I always loved this time of year growing up in the US. The snow, the cold, the Christmas carols and the feeling of unity it always brought. Being raised as a Jew in New York, it was especially lovely when Channukah fell close to or at the same time as Christmas - not common but it’s what has happened this year.
Channukah, the festival of the miracle of light, starts at sunset on December 25th and runs until Sunset on January 2nd. This is only the fifth time since 1900 that these holidays have come together so closely and in my cockeyed-optimist way, I am thinking this is a good sign for the years to come. May it be so.
So I would like to wish you all the very happiest, healthiest and most love-filled of holidays - however you celebrate them. May your joy be beyond measure, your families be with you and give you nachas (loosely translated from the Yiddish as pleasure, pride and joy) and may peace, sanity and kindness flourish in our world from this day on. Amen.
And, for those who feel so inclined, if you’d like to support my efforts here on Substack, I am putting annual subscriptions on sale for 50% off for the next 8 days - the number of days which Channukah lasts for. If your subscription has not yet expired, your membership today will renew it for 12 months. The same applies to gift subscriptions should you want to give someone the gift of Informed Choice.
This substack will always remain free - but your support is appreciated should you be able to provide it.
Thank you all for reading this and for all your amazing support and input over the last 12 months.
Have a wonderful Christmas😊
I also am a Jew who was raised in New York City. I will have to check out your posts.
Your newsletter seem to have a lot of sweetness. I must concede that my posts often have a decidedly sour twinge..
However, I do offer a lot of laughs, and in this post I offer a comic take on the Holidays, holiday foods and how they have changed in the past few decades.